Recipe 9.13. Formatting Text


You want to format the text in a text field.


Use HTML tags, pass a TextFormat object to the TextField.setTextFormat( ) method, or use a StyleSheet object, and apply it to the text field's styleSheet property.


Although you can set the color of the entire contents of the text field using the textColor property, for example, the TextField class doesn't offer precise control over character formatting. However, there are several ways in which you can apply more exacting formatting to text fields:

  • Use HTML tags to apply formatting. For example, you can use <font>, <b>, and <u> tags.

  • Use a TextFormat object.

  • Use CSS.

Each of the three ways in which you can apply formatting to a text field has its own advantages and disadvantages. Applying HTML formatting is relatively simple, but it is the most difficult to manage of the different techniques. Using a TextFormat object is the more complex than applying formatting via HTML. However, when you want to apply complex formatting, it is a better option than HTML formatting. Using CSS with a StyleSheet object allows the greatest flexibility, and it allows you to load a CSS document, which makes it simple to maintain because you can edit the CSS document without having to re-export the .swf file.

For fast and simple formatting, HTML tags are simplest. For example, the following code displays bolded and underlined text:

field.html = true; field.htmlText = "<b>Bold text</b> <u>Underlined text</u>";

You can use TextFormat objects to apply more complex formatting to the text displayed in text fields. The first step in formatting text with a TextFormat object is to instantiate the object by using the constructor method:

var formatter:TextFormat = new TextFormat(  );

Next, assign values to the TextFormat object's properties as you want:

formatter.bold = true;       // Bold the text formatter.color = 0xFFFF00;  // Make the text yellow formatter.blockIndent = 5;   // Adjust the margin by 5 points

You can apply text formatting to the existing text for an entire text field by passing a TextFormat object to the text field's setTextFormat( ) method:


When you invoke the setTextFormat( ) method this way, the formatting from the TextFormat object is applied to the text already assigned to the text field. The formatting does not apply to any text assigned to the text field after the setTextFormat( ) method is invoked. If additional text is entered by the user, the original text retains its applied formatting, but the inserted text does not have any special formatting applied to it. All formatting is removed if the text value is modified by appending a value by way of ActionScript:

field.text = "this is sample text"; field.setTextFormat(formatter);    // Formatting applied field.text = "this is new text";   // No formatting applied field.setTextFormat(formatter);    // Formatting reapplied field.text += "appended text";     // Formatting removed

If you make changes to the TextFormat object, you should reapply the formatting to the text field by passing the modified object to the setTextFormat( ) method. Otherwise, the changes are not automatically displayed.

CSS support is available using the flash.text.StyleSheet class. The StyleSheet constructor does not require any parameters, as shown here:

var css:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(  );

Table 9-1 lists the supported CSS properties and the equivalent ActionScript properties. Use the CSS property names when defining a CSS document or a string to parse as CSS, and use the ActionScript properties when defining style objects (as discussed next).

Table 9-1. CSS properties supported by Flash Player
CSS propertyActionScript propertyDescription


The hexadecimal value as a string in the format of #RRGGBB.


The way in which the text is displayed in the text field. The possible options are inline (no line breaks before or after the text), block (default style with line breaks before and after), or none (hidden).


A comma-delimited list of font names. In addition to embedded fonts or named device fonts, Flash Player supports the following device font groups: _sans, _serif, _typewriter. You can also use sans-serif, serif, and mono, and they will be interpreted as _sans, _serif, and _typewriter, respectively.


The numeric font size.


normal or italic.


normal or bold.


TRue or false. Kerning only works with embedded fonts that support kerning. Additionally, the .swf must be compiled on Windows for kerning to work.


The number of pixels to add between letters.


Number of pixels to apply to the left margin.


Number of pixels to apply to the right margin.


left, center, right, or justify.


none or underline.


Number of pixels to apply as the indent.

You can construct a new StyleSheet object and then populate it in several ways. One way to populate a StyleSheet object is to define style objects and assign them by using the setStyle( ) method. A style object is an associative array with properties from the ActionScript properties list of Table 9-1. The following is an example of a style object:

var sampleStyle:Object = new Object(  ); sampleStyle.color = "#FFFFFF"; sampleStyle.textAlign = "center";

Note that you can define a style object with object literal notation as well, as shown here:

var sampleStyle:Object = {color: "#FFFFFF", textAlign: "center"};

Once you've defined one or more style objects, you can add them to the StyleSheet object with the setStyle( ) method. The setStyle( ) method requires two parameters: the name of the style and the style object. You can define styles for tags as well as for classes. The following defines a CSS class called sample:

css.setStyle(".sample", sampleStyle);

Although you can define a stylesheet with style objects and the setStyle( ) method, the most common and practical use of the class is to load and parse an external CSS document. Loading CSS at runtime has the advantage that you can change the styles by editing the CSS document, and you don't have to recompile the .swf.

To load a CSS document, use the class. Once data from the document has loaded, you can use that data to populate a StyleSheet object by passing the data to the parseCSS( ) method of the object. The next example uses styles.css, a CSS document defined as follows and saved in the same directory as the .swf:

p {   font-family: _sans;   color: #FFFFFF; } .emphasis {   font-weight: bold;   font-style: italic; }

The following example illustrates how to load a CSS document and use that data to populate a StyleSheet object:

package {   import flash.display.Sprite;   import flash.text.TextField;   import;   import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;   import flash.text.StyleSheet;   import;   import;   public class CSSText extends Sprite {            public function CSSText(  ) {          var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(  );          loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadCSS);          var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("styles.css");          loader.load(request);     }          private function onLoadCSS(event:Event):void {       var css:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(  );       css.parseCSS(URLLoader(;          var field:TextField = new TextField(  );          field.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;          field.wordWrap = true;          field.width = 200;          addChild(field);          field.styleSheet = css;          field.htmlText = "<p><span class='emphasis'>Lorem ipsum</span> dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi tortor purus, aliquet a, ornare ac, suscipit a, est. Nullam hendrerit molestie erat. Nunc nulla tortor, ullamcorper et, elementum vel, fringilla sed, dui. Praesent fermentum interdum orci.</p>";     }   } }

There are a few things to watch for when working with CSS in Flash:

  • CSS can be applied only to text fields rendering HTML.

  • The HTML and CSS must correspond. For example, if the CSS defines a class called someCSSClass, then it has an effect only if the HTML applies that class to some portion of the text (as in the preceding example).

  • The HTML text must be applied after the CSS is applied.

If you want to allow the user to select from different CSS documents, it may be helpful to store the HTML text in a variable or an associative array. Then you can re-apply the HTML each time the new CSS is loaded, as in the following example:

package {   import flash.display.Sprite;   import flash.text.TextField;   import;   import;   import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;   import flash.text.StyleSheet;   import;   import;   public class CSSText extends Sprite {     private var _field:TextField;     private var _html:String;            public function CSSText(  ) {       var css1:TextField = new TextField(  );       css1.text = "stylesheet 1";       css1.selectable = false;       var css1Container:Sprite = new Sprite(  );       css1Container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCSS1);       css1Container.addChild(css1);       addChild(css1Container);       var css2:TextField = new TextField(  );       css2.text = "stylesheet 2";       css2.selectable = false;       var css2Container:Sprite = new Sprite(  );       css2Container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCSS2);       css2Container.addChild(css2);       addChild(css2Container);       css2Container.y = 25;          _field = new TextField(  );          _field.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;          _field.wordWrap = true;          _field.width = 200;          addChild(_field);          _html = "<p><span class='emphasis'>Lorem ipsum</span> dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi tortor purus, aliquet a, ornare ac, suscipit a, est. Nullam hendrerit molestie erat. Nunc nulla tortor, ullamcorper et, elementum vel, fringilla sed, dui. Praesent fermentum interdum orci.</p>";       _field.y = 50;     }          private function loadCSS(url:String):void {          var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(  );          loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadCSS);          var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);          loader.load(request);               }          private function onCSS1(event:MouseEvent):void {       loadCSS("styles.css");     }          private function onCSS2(event:MouseEvent):void {       loadCSS("styles2.css");             }          private function onLoadCSS(event:Event):void {       var css:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(  );       css.parseCSS(URLLoader(;          _field.styleSheet = css;          _field.htmlText = _html;     }   } } 

See Also

Recipe 9.8 explains how to use HTML-formatted text, Recipe 9.14 explains how to apply formatting to new text rather than existing text, and Recipe 9.15 applies formatting to individual characters rather than an entire field.

ActionScript 3. 0 Cookbook
ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook: Solutions for Flash Platform and Flex Application Developers
ISBN: 0596526954
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 351 © 2008-2017.
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