Alternate Virtual Hosting Modules

The mod_vhost_alias module is probably one of the most popular mass virtual host modules, due to the fact that is bundled with Apache. There are, however, a number of alternatives such as the following:

  • mod_vhost_ldap: An Apache 2 module that allows you to store virtual host information inside an LDAP directory. It can be downloaded from

  • mod_vhost_dbi: This module allows you to store virtual host configuration inside a SQL database and provides a great amount of flexibility. It runs on Apache 2 and can be obtained from

Chapter 11 covers a number of Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs), such as mod_perchild, that allow you to run different virtual hosts under different user ids.

Apache(c) Phrase Book(c) Essential Code and Commands
Apache Phrasebook
ISBN: 0672328364
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 254 © 2008-2017.
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