Processing the Exceptions

Processing the Exceptions

The execution engine of the runtime processes an exception in two passes. The first pass determines which, if any, of the managed handlers will process the exception. Starting at the top of the EH table for the current method frame, the execution engine compares the address where the exception occurred to the TryOffset and TryLength entries of each EH clause. If it finds that the exception happened in a guarded block, the execution engine checks to see whether the handler specified in this clause will process the exception. (The “rules of engagement” for catch and filter handlers were discussed in previous sections.) If this particular handler can’t be engaged—for example, the wrong type of exception has been thrown—the execution engine continues traversing the EH table in search of other clauses that have guarded blocks covering the exception locus. The finally and fault handlers are ignored during the first pass.

If none of the clauses in the EH table for the current method are suited to handle the exception, the execution engine steps up the call stack and starts checking the exception against EH tables of the method that called the method where the exception occurred. In these checks, the call site address serves as the exception locus. This process continues from method frame to method frame up the call stack, until the execution engine finds a handler to be engaged or until it exhausts the call stack. The latter case is the end of the story: the execution engine cannot continue with an unhandled exception on its conscience, and the runtime either aborts the application execution or offers the user a choice between aborting the execution and invoking the debugger, depending on the runtime configuration.

If a suitable handler is found, the execution engine swings into the second pass. The execution engine again walks the EH tables it worked with during the first pass and invokes all relevant finally and fault handlers. Each of these handlers ends with the endfinally instruction (or endfault, its synonym), signaling the execution engine that the handler has finished and that it can proceed browsing the EH tables. Once the execution engine reaches the catch or filter handler it found on its first pass, it engages the actual handler.

What happens to the method’s evaluation stack? When a guarded block is exited in any way, the evaluation stack is discarded. If the guarded block is exited peacefully, without raising an exception, the leave instruction discards the stack; otherwise, the evaluation stack is discarded the moment the exception is thrown.

During the first pass, the execution engine puts the exception object on the evaluation stack every time it invokes a filter block. The filter block pops the exception object from the stack and analyzes it, deciding whether this is a job for its actual handler block. The decision, in the form of int32 having the value 1 or 0, is the only thing that must be on the evaluation stack when the endfilter instruction is reached; otherwise, the IL verification will fail. The endfilter instruction takes this value from the stack and passes it to the execution engine.

During the second pass, the finally and fault handlers are invoked with an empty evaluation stack. Because these handlers do nothing about the exception itself and work only with method arguments and local variables, the execution engine doesn’t bother providing the exception object. If anything is left on the evaluation stack by the time the endfinally (or endfault) instruction is reached, it is discarded by endfinally (or endfault).

When the actual handler is invoked, the execution engine puts the exception object on the evaluation stack. The handler pops this object from the stack and handles it to the best of its abilities. When the handler is exited by using the leave instruction, the evaluation stack is discarded.

Table 11-2 summarizes the stack evolutions.

Table 11-2  Changes in the Evaluation Stack 

When the block

is entered, the stack

is exited, the stack


must be empty

is discarded


holds the exception object

must hold a single int32 value, equal to 1 or 0, consumed by endfilter


holds the exception object

is discarded

finally, fault

is empty

is discarded

Two IL instructions are used for raising an exception explicitly: throw and rethrow. The throw instruction takes the exception object (ObjectRef) from the stack and raises the exception. This instruction can be used anywhere, within or outside any EH block.

The rethrow instruction can be used within actual handlers only (not within the filter block), and it does not work with the evaluation stack. This instruction signals the execution engine that the handler that was supposed to take care of the caught exception has for some reason changed its mind and that the exception should therefore be offered to the higher-level EH clauses. The only blocks where the words “caught exception” mean something are the actual handler block and the filter block, but invoking rethrow within a filter block, though theoretically possible, is illegal. It is legal to throw the caught exception from the filter block, but it doesn’t make much sense to do so: the effect is the same as if the filter simply refused to handle the exception, by loading 0 on the stack and invoking endfilter.

Rethrowing an exception is not the same as throwing the caught exception, which we have on the evaluation stack upon entering an actual handler. The rethrow instruction preserves the call stack trace of the original exception so that the exception can be tracked down to its point of origin. The throw instruction starts the call stack trace anew, giving us no way to determine where the original exception came from.

Inside Microsoft. NET IL Assembler
Inside Microsoft .NET IL Assembler
ISBN: 0735615470
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 147
Authors: SERGE LIDIN © 2008-2017.
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