36.4. RMI vs. Socket-Level Programming

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Review Questions

Section 32.2 Relational Database Systems

32.1 What are superkeys, candidate keys, and primary keys? How do you create a table with a primary key?
32.2 What is a foreign key? How do you create a table with a foreign key?
32.3 Can a relation have more than one primary key or foreign key?
32.4 Does a foreign key need to be a primary key in the same relation?
32.5 Does a foreign key need to have the same name as its referenced primary key?
32.6 Can a foreign key value be null?

Section 32.3 SQL

32.7 Create the tables Course , Student , and Enrollment using the create table statements in Section 32.3.1, "Creating and Dropping Tables." Insert rows into Course , Student , and Enrollment using the data in Figures 32.3, 32.4, and 32.5.
32.8 List all CSCI courses with at least four credit hours.
32.9 List all students whose last names contain the letter e two times.
32.10 List all students whose birthdays are null.
32.11 List all students who take Math courses.
32.12 List the number of courses in each subject.
32.13 Assume that each credit hour is fifty minutes of lectures. Get the total minutes for the courses that each student takes.

Section 32.4 JDBC

32.14 What are the advantages of developing database applications using Java?
32.15 Describe the following JDBC interfaces: Driver , Connection , Statement , and ResultSet .
32.16 How do you load a JDBC driver? What are the driver classes for MySQL, Access, and Oracle?
32.17 How do you create a database connection? What are the URLs for MySQL, Access, and Oracle?

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32.18 How do you create a Statement and execute an SQL statement?
32.19 How do you retrieve values in a ResultSet ?
32.20 Does JDBC automatically commit a transaction? How do you set auto-commit to false ?

Section 32.5 PreparedStatement

32.21 Describe prepared statements. How do you create instances of Prepared-Statement ? How do you execute a PreparedStatement ? How do you set parameter values in a PreparedStatement ?
32.22 What are the benefits of using prepared statements?

Section 32.6 Retrieving Metadata

32.23 What is DatabaseMetaData for? Describe the methods in DatabaseMetaData . How do you get an instance of DatabaseMetaData ?
32.24 What is ResultSetMetaData for? Describe the methods in ResultSetMetaData . How do you get an instance of ResultSetMetaData ?
32.25 How do you find the number of columns in a result set? How do you find the column names in a result set?

Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version
Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version (6th Edition)
Year: 2004
Pages: 503

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