caching mechanism 489
Cancel button
ChooseRole Web form 620
Web Forms 610, 624, 637, 641
CancelButton property
ProjectEdit form (Windows Forms) 537, 545
ProjectSelect form (Windows Forms) 534
ResourceEdit form (Windows Forms) 559, 562
ResourceSelect form (Windows Forms) 555
CancelEdit method
BusinessBase class 208, 219
BusinessCollectionBase class 238, 246
IEditableObject 83, 216-219
UndoableBase class 79
caption text, in Windows Forms 540, 560
channel objects 117
channels 117, 133
ChannelServices class 134
CheckBox control (Windows Forms) 538
child collections 80, 233, 447-451
child objects 46, 210
cascading calls to 195
creating 409-412
without defaults 441
deleting/undeleting 237-242
editing 418
MarkAsChild method for 73
n-Level undo capability and 50
retrieving 414
structure of 437-441
switchable objects and 441-443
tracking edit levels for 214, 234, 236
Windows Forms UI for 546-549, 562
chkIsDirty control (Windows Forms) 537, 543
ChooseRole form (Web Forms) 583, 615, 638
class in charge model 53
static methods for 405, 426
Class Library projects 459
classes 45
code structures for 424-457
implementing 460-515
key classes used by developers 72
in this book, downloading sample code for xxii, 460
UML 70
clear operation, BusinessCollectionBase class and 235
client models 16
remoting 129-135
state management and 575
client-side DataPortal class. See DataPortal class, client-side
Clone method 141
BusinessCollectionBase class 232
ReadOnlyCollectionBase class 249
Close button (Windows Forms) 545, 562
Close method (SqlConnection class) 165
state data stored in 576
sample, downloading xxii, 460
code groups, permissions and 784
collection classes 179
CollectionBase class 179, 224, 226
BindableCollectionBase class for 83
BusinessCollectionBase class for 231-248
of child objects 80, 447-451
code structures for 443, 447-451, 453-455
creating 74
enabling for data binding 56
IBindingList for 57
read-only 248, 275, 453-455
of root objects 443-447
strongly typed 50, 223, 237
COM (Component Object Model) 19
security and 7
COM+ contexts 144, 149
COM+. See Enterprise Services
combo box controls, NameValueList class for 75, 350-358
CommandText property (SqlCommand class, ADO.NET) 168
CommandType property (SqlCommand class, ADO.NET) 168
Commit method (SqlTransaction class, ADO.NET) 175, 484, 486
CompareTo method (SmartDate class) 259
complex relationships, simplifying 370-376
Component Object Model (COM) 19
security and 7
Component-based Scalable, Logical Architecture (CSLA) namespace 109, 181, 189
components . See assemblies
.config file extension 772
configuration file
adding connection strings to 318-320
no-touch deployment and 770-772, 779, 790
reading, for server-side DataPortal 283
retrieving security setting from 296
configuration scenarios 16-20
ConfigurationSettings class 271, 295
ConfigurationSettingsList class 272
connection pooling 17
in ADO.NET 165
security options and 319
connection strings 165, 267
adding to configuration file 318-320
DB method for 270
console application 720
creating 739-741
constructor methods 354
Constructors region 425
Assignment class 492
child collections 449
child objects 439
Project class 469
ProjectList class 512
ProjectResource class 496
ProjectResources class 506
root collections 446
root objects 434
consumer (web services application) 647, 652, 660
implementing 679-686
security for 683-685
web-services interface and 655
consumer-side proxies 648-650, 682-684
Contains method
BusinessCollectionBase class 233, 449
overloading 445, 505, 512
ProjectResources class 677
RulesCollection class 224
ContainsDeleted method (BusinessCollectionBase class) 236, 505
ContextMenu property (.NET) 548
cookies 590
CopyState method
BusinessCollectionBase class 242
UndoableBase class 191-196
Create method (DataPortal class) 88, 97
client-side 281, 289
nontransactional server-side 294, 302
transactional server-side 306
create operation 97-99
CreateBusinessObject method (DataPortal class), nontransactional server-side 300
CreateInstance method (Activator class) 300
Criteria class 93-95, 97-101, 104
nested 335, 412, 428-430
Criteria region 425
child collections 450
child objects 439
Project class 469
root collections 446
root objects 434
Crystal Reports 691, 764-767
VS .NET and 688
CSLA .NET Framework
classes for, creating 177-261
configuring for security 318
summary of features (table) 380
using 380-383
CSLA namespace 109, 181, 189
CSLA.Core.BindableBase assembly 179-186
CSLA.dll file 112
CSLACredentials class 666, 682-685
CurrentPrincipal property (Thread class) 287, 296-298, 343
Web Forms and 589
Customer objects 54

Expert C# Business Objects
Expert C# 2008 Business Objects
ISBN: 1430210192
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 111

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