

W95MBX01.ICO resource, 232

Web farms, 20

Web forms, developing enterprise applications using, 15–17

Web forms interface, creating, 485–540

accessing database, 497–503

building Logon Page, 503–508

creating Employee Details Page, 513–517

creating Employee List Page, 508–510

implementing editing capabilities, 523–539

See also Regular Expression Validator

overview, 523

using Required field Validator, 524–526

overview, 485

referencing objects directly, 517–522

setting up application, 487–497

overview, 487

setting up registry, 494–495

setting up SQL server, 487–493

setting up Web site, 496–497

targeting corporate extranets, 485–486

targeting corporate intranets, 485

updating Employee List Web Page, 510–513

Web reference, in Solution Explorer, 519

Web service project, setting up, 441–443

Web Services Description Language (WSDL) utility, 465–467

Web services, implementing, 439–484

accessing UDDI programmatically, 474–484

building UDDI Explorer, 476–484

overview, 474–475

UDDI object model, 476

building consumer application, 453–465

creating Details form, 461–465

creating List form, 453–461

creating GetAllEmployees Web service, 444–446

creating GetEmployeeDetails Web service, 448–452

developing enterprise applications, 19–20

Discovery URLs tab, 474

invoking Web service with Internet Explorer, 446–448

overview, 439–441

security, 459–460

setting up Web service project, 441–443

Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI), 452–453

using .NET Server 2003 UDDI, 467–474

installing UDDI server, 468–470

overview, 467

publishing Web service, 470–474

using Web Services Description Language (WSDL) utility, 465–467

Web services, with Internet Explorer, 446–448

web.config file, 490–491

appSettings section, 31–32

appSettings section of, 460

creating, 27–29

reading to retrieve database connection string, 64

setting globalization in, 559–560

WebForm1.aspx, 496

<WebMethod()> attribute tag, 19, 445

Webservice1virtual folder, 489

webservice1.sln file, 443

Webservice1.vbproj.webinfo file, 443

WebUserDC class, 500, 517, 518

Win32API functions, 227, 228

Win32API Viewer, 228

Win32APIcalls class, 227

Windows Application Event Log properties page, 139

Windows Application template, 287

Windows authentication, 30

Windows Event Log, 128, 233, 234

Windows Forms Designer-generated code region, 93, 94

Windows forms, developing enterprise applications using, 17–18

Windows Integrated Authentication, 24, 460, 485, 490

Windows Registry Editor, 494–495

Windows Token, 459

Windows user interface, creating, 195–235

adding Toolbar, 222–225

building Dynamic Menu Structure, 196–211

creating menu objects, 201–211

overview, 196–197

setting up database, 197–200

implementing cut, copy, and paste functionality, 212–217

implementing Find functionality, 218–221

implementing Select All functionality, 217–218

implementing StatusBar, 225–230

creating owner-drawn panels, 227–231

dynamically adding and removing icons, 231–235

overview, 225–226

overview, 195–196

WindowState property, 86

WinRes editor, 547

WithEvents variable, 267


in component/deployment model, 45

in n-tier architecture, 6, 7, 10

Writing Secure Code (Howard and Leblanc), 58

Wsdl dialog box, 467

Wsdl External Tools properties, 466

Wsdl.exe file, 465

Building Client/Server Applications with VB. NET(c) An Example-Driven Approach
Building Client/Server Applications Under VB .NET: An Example-Driven Approach
ISBN: 1590590708
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 148
Authors: Jeff Levinson © 2008-2017.
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