Tasks are helpful reminders for to-do items you have to complete, but are not appointments that you set up in your calendar. Examples of tasks include the following:
Design new process workflow
Buy milk on the way home
Call Tracy in Marketing re: Sales Flyers
Pick up kids at wrestling practice
To create a new task, right-click inside the Tasks area in the Navigation Pane. A submenu appears. Click New Task. A New Task item appears. Type the task item and press ENTER. The new task item appears in the Tasks area, as shown in Figure 7-6. In the Details pane, you can add more information about the task, including the following:
Description Enables you to add a lengthy description of the task. Only part of this description can be seen in the Tasks area, but you can add several lines of text here.
Calendar Enables you to choose which calendar the task belongs to if you have multiple calendars.
URL Enables you to enter a web site address if the task involves additional information that you can obtain from a site.
Completed Shows if a task is completed.
Priority Enables you to select the importance of a task. You can choose Low, Medium, High, or None.
Start Enables you to specify the starting date of your task. This is handy if you have a task that must be measured in terms of days to complete or a similar matrix.
Due Date Enables you to specify when a task is due to be completed. If you have reminders set up for tasks, the reminder will display based on the Due Date you specify.
Reminder Enables you to set Windows Calendar to alert you when a task is due. You can set either None or On Date.
Notes Provides an area to type additional information about the task. This is a good place to add supporting documentation, helpful tips on completing the task, phone numbers , and so on.
To specify that a task is completed, click inside the task's check box. Also, if you need to delete a task, click it and press DELETE. Again, Windows Calendar does not ask if you are sure you want to delete a task. It just deletes it and you cannot undelete it.