DAO (Data Access Objects), 129


deleting using SQL statements, 165–166

exporting from Access to other formats, 248

exporting to a spreadsheet, 205, 206

exporting using OutputTo, 211

importing from a text file, 206–208

importing from the Northwind database, 202–203

retrieving using SQL Select statements, 160–164

updating using SQL statements, 165

using from SharePoint lists, 222–232

using from web services, 214–220

data access

improving, 324–325

introduction to, 129–130

data access layer, 17, 104, 105

Data Access Objects (DAO), 129

data elements, determining, 11

data entry controls, emptying, 146–147, 154

data error, correcting up front, 196

data objects, manipulating, 177–178

data sources

linking to and importing from, 200

retrieving a set of records from, 132

specifying for a connection, 132

data tables, 318

data types

Access compared to SharePoint, 221

available in VBA, 49–50

changing from Access to equivalent SQL Server, 278, 282

user-defined, 52–53

data validation, adding, 196–197


building for the Customer Service application, 465–475

building for the Project Tracker application, 340–343

compacting and repairing, 331

connecting to, 132

creating, 29–31

default format for, 29

encrypting, 329

making backup copies of, 331

updating from a disconnected recordset, 147, 155

database access code, isolating, 18

database calls, layer for, 16–17

database connections.

See also connections, opening

closing and releasing from memory, 143, 151

maintaining open, 139–140

minimizing open, 324

database element, 12

database layer

in n-tier architecture, 17

in three-tier architecture, 15, 16

database location, making configurable, 340

database objects

attaching to an e-mail, 210

for the Customer Service application, 465–475

Database parameter for the TransferSQLDatabase method, 204

database password, 327–328

database server, 14

Database Splitter, 319

Database Splitter Wizard, 319–322

database tables

retrieving data from, 163

separating from the user interface, 319–322

Database Tools ribbon, 18, 19

database transfers, 201

database updates, 517

database window, replaced by the navigation pane, 2

DatabaseName parameter, 201

DatabaseType parameter, 201

DataSource parameter, 209

DataSource property, 236

DataTarget parameter, 209

Date data type, 50

Date of Birth text box, 87, 89

Date or Time data type, 221

dates, checking, 277

dbl (Double) prefix, 55

Deactivate event, 247

Debug object, 82


code, 66–71

errors, 64–71

Debug.Print method, 82

Debug.Print statement, 68

decision making in code, 56–61

Decision Points in Activity Diagrams, 8

Declarations/Procedure navigation box, 27, 28

default error messages, 72

Default File Format option, 29

default record locking, 317

Delete command, 167, 173

Delete Comment button, 337

Delete method

adding to the clsCar class, 112–113

of the Recordset object, 142

delete operation, prompting the user to proceed, 388, 403

Delete procedure, 365–366, 370–371, 378, 382–383

Delete Selected Contact button, 338

Delete statements, 165–166

DeleteRecord procedure, 144, 152, 166–167, 172

delimited files, 208

demo CDs, creating, 256

descending order, 162

Description property of the Err object, 74

design guidelines, 322–323

design phase of SDLC, 4–18

Design ribbon

adding controls to a form, 187, 188

selecting and drawing controls, 115, 117

SQL View, 468, 469

ToolBox displayed on, 86

design specifications

for the Customer Service application, 461–465

for the Project Tracker application, 334–340

Design tab, enabling icons, 272

design time settings, 81

Design View

accessing in hidden mode, 236

retrieving data from multiple tables, 271, 272

switching to from Layout View, 29

designer window for a stored procedure, 267, 268

Desktop Edition. See SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Destination parameter, 201

detail section of a report, 245

developer extensions, 330

development methodology, 3

development phase of SDLC, 18–23

diagramming techniques, 5

Dim statement

declaring a class, 115

declaring variables, 51

disconnected recordsets

building unbound forms, 142–156

described, 132

navigation procedures for, 145, 153

as recommended, 156

saving control values in, 147, 154–155

updating databases from, 147, 155

working with, 142

DisplayMessage procedure, 291

DisplaySystemInfo procedure, 292, 293, 294

DISTINCT predicate, 160

distribution options for applications, 329

divide by 0 error, 74

Dividing Lines property, 142, 149

DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries)

referencing external, 291–294

standard, 287–291

using, 287–294

Do...Loop statement, 62–63

Do...Until loop, 62, 63

Do...While loop, 62

Do...While statement, 63

docmd command, 21, 23

DoCmd object

performing macro commands or menu options, 97–98

programatically linking a list, 227–229

TransferDatabase method, 200–203

documenting code, 63–64

Double data type, 50

DSN, 230

dt (Date) prefix, 55

dynamic arrays, 51, 52

Dynamic Link Libraries. See DLLs

Beginning Access 2007 VBA
Beginning Access 2007 VBA
ISBN: 0470046848
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 143

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