Photoshop and ImageReady enable you to create impressive animation sequences using progressive applications of various texture filters or distortion filters. By creating duplicate layers of the same file and then applying a filter with increasing intensity, you can easily animate the filter application. In this task, we take a close-up image of a flower and apply the Motion Blur filter in successive layers to create a nifty animation. Although you can start with any type of file, animations must be saved in the GIF format. 1. Open the FileIn Photoshop, select File, Open and select the file you want to animate with a filter. 2. Duplicate LayersSelect Window, Layers to open the Layers palette. Select Duplicate Layer from the palette menu multiple times to create several individual states for the animation. In this example, I created three more layers. 3. Filter the LayersSelect the first layer in the Layers palette and open the desired filter (for this example, I selected Filter, Blur, Motion Blur). Apply a modest filter amount and click OK. Select the other layers in sequence, applying the filter to each layer with increasing intensity. 4. Open the Animation PaletteSelect Window, Animation to open the Animation palette. 5. Create FramesSelect New Frame from the Animation palette menu to create a new animation frame. Repeat this step to create a corresponding frame for each filtered layer you created in step 3. For example, if you have the original layer and created three filtered copies in step 3, create four animation frames now. 6. Assign Layers to FramesWith both the Layers and Animation palettes visible, click the first animation frame and select the corresponding first layer of the filter progression. Click the visibility icons (the eye icons) for all the other layers so that only the selected layer is visible. Then click the next animation frame and select the next filtered layer in the Layers palette, making sure that only the selected layer is visible. Continue until each frame is assigned to a layer.
7. Play BackClick the Play button at the bottom of the Animation palette to play the animation. Check for smoothness, alignment, and timing between frames. The animation will replay continuously; click the Stop button to stop the playback. 8. Set the Loop CountThe Loop Count option controls whether an animation plays once, forever, or a specific number of times. Select Once or Forever from the pop-up menu; alternatively, select Other and enter the number of repetitions in the dialog box that appears. 9. Set the Frame TimingTo add a timing delay for a single frame, click the timing pop-up menu underneath the frame you want to modify and select the desired time delay. For example, you might want to add a longer delay to the first frame to emphasize the original state of the image. 10. Launch Save for WebSelect File, Save for Web to open the Save for Web dialog box. Optimize the animation as a GIF file as explained in Task 2, "How to Build GIF Files for the Web." 11. Preview in a BrowserClick the Preview in Browser button. The animation file opens in the specified browser with information about the file size, file type, and compression type displayed at the bottom of the window. 12. Save As GIFConfigure the GIF format settings in the Optimize palette and select Save to save the GIF file. For details on how to save GIF files, refer to Task 2, "How to Build GIF Files for the Web."