

icons, 500

IEnumerable interface, 301–306

IEnumerator interface, 301–306

if directive, 172–174

if statement, 85–87

ILDASM snapshots

of delegate class, 214

of generated event member methods, 221

Image class members, 580–581

Image control, 742–747

properties for, 742–743

ImageList control

configuring properties for, 480

creating in Visual Studio .NET, 479–480


adding to .resources files, 896

avoiding flickering, 601

drawing own, 583–584

rendering prebuilt, 580–583

stretching, 581–582


events, 223–226

PictureBox control, 486

RTF editor, 420–424

include directive

dynamic help for, 264

Managed C++, 175

indeterminate state, 397–398

Index window, 254–256

indexed properties, 153–156

IndexProps.exe file, 156

indirection operator, 83–84

Inherit.exe file, 118


of classes, 116–118

defined, 107

illustrated, 109

menus and, 501

in .NET Framework class library, 228

InitializeComponent() method, 380, 407–408

initializer list, 130

input and output, 335–364

file system, 335–346

Directory and DirectoryInfo, 337–342

File and FileInfo, 342–346

FileSystemInfo, 336–337

I/O manipulation, 350–364

class hierarchy for, 350

FileStream, 352–355

MemoryStreams, 355–358

overview, 350

streams for, 351–352

using BinaryReader and BinaryWriter classes, 361–364

using StreamReaders and StreamWriter classes, 358–361

Open methods, 347–350

opening files, 346–347

overview, 335

insert command for connected ADO.NET, 634–636

inserting dataset rows, 805–806

instantiating Timer component, 444

integer built-in value type, 41–43

IntegerLiteral.exe file, 70

IntegerTypes.exe file, 43

interface types, 24

InterfaceEx.exe file, 168

interfaces, 165–168. See also GDI+

defined, 61

IEnumerable, IEnumerator, and ForEach, 301–306

.NET collection, 301

Interlocked class and thread synchronization, 841–843

InterlockedVars.exe file, 843

Internet, 3

InterOrUnion.exe file, 555

Interrupt() method, 831

interrupting threads, 831–834

intranet, 3

Invalidate() method, 544

invoking delegates, 216–219

Invoking.exe file, 869

ISRingThreads.exe file, 834

Managed C++ and. NET Development
Managed C++ and .NET Development: Visual Studio .NET 2003 Edition
ISBN: 1590590333
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 169 © 2008-2017.
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