

"An outstanding primer for folks in a hurry. Fowler and Scott cram a lot of useful information and practical advice into a small space."

”Dave W. Smith, Aurigin Systems

"This entertaining guide to the UML should be the first source any software developer consults before tackling the monolithic specification."

”Barbara Hanscome, Editor-in-Chief, Software Development Magazine

" UML Distilled is much more than a simple introduction to UML: it provides a number of insights into how some of the main object-oriented techniques are used in real life."

”Alan Brown, Director of Research, Sterling Software, and writer for SIGPC (

"I own dozens of books on OO and UML, but always recommend this as the first to read. As a teacher and leader of programmers, I've found this book very valuable ."

”Paul Duncanson, No Magic, Inc.

"By the end of the book, you will have gotten an excellent feel for all the major types of diagrams and notation. You'll be ready to get started to use UML and know what you need to know to use it efficiently in most cases."

”Billy Barron, Senior Consultant, Delphi Consultants and Vice President, Java Metroplex Users Group

" UML Distilled provides a quick, useful take on one of the field's most important recent developments: the emergence of the Unified Modeling Language (UML)."

”Richard Dragan, Computer Programming Editor,

"Without question, this book is both a harbinger and a milestone."

”Charles Ashbacher, President and CEO, Charles Ashbacher Technologies and Columnist, Journal of Object-Oriented Programming

"While it is written for those already well-versed in OO analysis and design, UML Distilled is quite understandable for the novice as well."

”Chip Bullock, President, ObjectIntelligence

"This is quite simply an excellent book on OO development."

”Kevlin Henney, Principal Technologist, QA Training

UML Distilled[c] A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language
The Unified Modeling Language User Guide (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)
ISBN: 0201571684
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 119 © 2008-2017.
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