These acknowledgments must begin with, and I cannot thank enough, distinguished scientist Dr. Hans Coufal of IBM and the Nanoelectronics Research Initiative for the inspiration and encouragement to undertake this project. Innumerable thanks go to the many authors who contributed to this volume. The responsiveness and generosity of such a distinguished group of researchers and business professionals transformed the arduous task of bringing this book together into a particularly gratifying one. Special thanks are also due to Bernard Goodwin of Prentice Hall for his continuing guidance. Behind my efforts is one person whose day-to-day patience and encouragement were essential: my wife, Miriam, who has shared the highs and lows of a consuming project. These few words are only a small fraction of my enormous sense of love, appreciation, and thanks. Four people worked "above and beyond" on this book, and without their special behind-the-scenes efforts it would not have been completed: Michael Krieger of Williken Wilson Loh & Stris LLP, Geoff Holdridge, National Nanotechnology Coordination Office and WTEC, Inc., Matt Laudon of the Nano Science & Technology Institute, and Brent Segal of Nantero. Thanks are due also to several people who contributed greatly to this book but were not listed as authors because of editorial constraints, in particular the following: Art Riggs, City of Hope's Beckman Research Institute; Howard Schmidt, Rice University; Amit Kenjale, Caltech; Robert Giasoli, XCOM Wireless and the Micro and Nanotechnology Commercialization Education Foundation; Jim Gimzewski, University of California, Los Angeles, and the California NanoSystems Institute; Michael Holton, Smart Technology Ventures; Jim Spohrer, IBM; Daniel Choi, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab; Marc Madou, University of California, Irvine; Peggy Arps, University of California, Irvine; Susan Zhou, University of California, Irvine; Tony Cheetham, University of California, Santa Barbara. Numerous colleagues at Greenberg Traurig, LLP, were a source of information, ongoing support, and encouragement, as was the firm itself. My nanotechnology universe was broadened by the opportunity to do programs for the Caltech Enterprise Forum, and by the wisdom and camaraderie of many of its board members. Thanks for the foundation of this book are due to Dr. Joe Lichtenhan of Hybrid Plastics, who started me on the nanotechnology road, and to Jerry Gallwas, Hans Coufal, Malcolm Green, and Sergeant Major (Retired) Peter Van Borkulo for being mentors to me for so many years. Special appreciation goes to Cheryl Albus of the National Science Foundation for her constructive skepticism that helped me separate substance from fad in nanotechnology. Many others contributed greatly and are due wholehearted thanks for helping bring this book to completion: Kevin Ausman, Rice University; John Belk, The Boeing Company; Keith Boswell, Virginia Economic Development Partnership; Peter Burke, University of California, Irvine; Altaf Carim, U.S. Department of Energy; Scott Carter, Caltech; Gerard Diebner, Greenberg Traurig; Andre Dehon, Caltech; Alex Dickenson, Luxtera; Sverre Eng, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (retired); David Forman, Small Times Media; Wayne Jones, Greenberg Traurig; Sam Gambhir, Stanford; Guanglu Ge, Caltech; Maurice Gell, University of Connecticut; Peter Gluck, Greenberg Traurig; Peter Grubstein, NGEN Partners; Joe Helble, Office of Senator Joseph Lieberman and Dartmouth College; Jamie Hjort, Office of Senator George Allen; Julie Holland, NASA Commercialization Center, California Polytechnic University; Robert Hwang, U.S. DOE Brookhaven National Laboratory; Srinivas Iyer, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Barbara Karn, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; David Knight, Terbine, Inc.; David Lackner, NASA Ames; Tony Laviano, Loyola Marymount University; Tom Loo, Greenberg Traurig; Goran Matijasevic, University of California, Irvine; Paul McQuade, Greenberg Traurig; John Miller, Arrowhead Research; Brian Pierce, Rockwell Scientific; Andy Quintero, The Aerospace Corporation; Phil Reilly, Macusight, Inc.; Tony Ricco, Stanford; Bart Romanowicz, The Nano Science & Technology Institute; Ari Requicha, USC; Michael Roukes, Caltech; James Rudd, The National Science Foundation; Frank Sadler, Office of Senator George Allen; Carlos Sanchez, U.S. Army; John Sargent, U.S. Department of Commerce; Jeff Schloss, National Institutes of Health; Clayton Teague, National Nanotechnology Coordination Office; Jim Von Ehr, Zyvex; Kumar Wickramasinghe, IBM; Stan Williams, HP; Hiroshi Yokoyama, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan; CJ Yu, Glyport, Inc.