
TimeZone java.util

Java 1.1 cloneable serializable

The TimeZone class represents a time zone; it is used with the Calendar and DateFormat classes. As an abstract class, TimeZone cannot be directly instantiated . Instead, you should call the static getdefault( ) method to obtain a TimeZone object that represents the time zone inherited from the host operating system. Or you can call the static getTimeZone( ) method with the name of the desired zone. You can obtain a list of the supported time-zone names by calling the static getAvailableIDs( ) method.

Once you have a TimeZone object, you can call inDaylightTime( ) to determine whether, for a given Date , daylight -savings time is in effect for that time zone. Call getID( ) to obtain the name of the time zone. Call getOffset( ) for a given date to determine the number of milliseconds to add to GMT to convert to the time zone.

Figure 16-61. java.util.TimeZone

 public abstract class  TimeZone  implements Cloneable, Serializable {  // Public Constructors  public  TimeZone  ( );  // Public Constants   1.2  public static final int  LONG  ;  =1   1.2  public static final int  SHORT  ;  =0   // Public Class Methods  public static String[ ]  getAvailableIDs  ( );  synchronized  public static String[ ]  getAvailableIDs  (int  rawOffset  );  synchronized  public static TimeZone  getDefault  ( );  synchronized  public static TimeZone  getTimeZone  (String  ID  );  synchronized  public static void  setDefault  (TimeZone  zone  );  synchronized   // Public Instance Methods   1.2  public final String  getDisplayName  ( );  1.2  public final String  getDisplayName  (Locale  locale  );  1.2  public final String  getDisplayName  (boolean  daylight  , int  style  );  1.2  public String  getDisplayName  (boolean  daylight  , int  style  , Locale  locale  );  1.4  public int  getDSTSavings  ( );        public String  getID  ( );  1.4  public int  getOffset  (long  date  );        public abstract int  getOffset  (int  era  , int  year  , int  month  , int  day  ,          int  dayOfWeek  , int  milliseconds  );        public abstract int  getRawOffset  ( );  1.2  public boolean  hasSameRules  (TimeZone  other  );        public abstract boolean  inDaylightTime  (Date  date  );        public void  setID  (String  ID  );        public abstract void  setRawOffset  (int  offsetMillis  );        public abstract boolean  useDaylightTime  ( );  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public Object  clone  ( );   } 



Passed To

java.text.DateFormat.setTimeZone( ) , Calendar.{Calendar( ) , getInstance( ) , setTimeZone( )} , GregorianCalendar.{GregorianCalendar( ) , setTimeZone( )} , SimpleTimeZone.hasSameRules( ) , javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar.toGregorianCalendar( )

Returned By

java.text.DateFormat.getTimeZone( ) , Calendar.getTimeZone( ) , GregorianCalendar.getTimeZone( ) , javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar.getTimeZone( )

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220

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