
Scanner java.util

Java 5.0

This class is a text scanner or tokenizer. It can read input from any Readable object, and convenience constructors can read text from a specified string, file, byte stream, or byte channel. The constructors for files, byte streams, and byte channels optionally allow you to specify the name of the charset to use for byte-to-character conversions.

After creating a Scanner , you can configure it. useDelimiter( ) specifies a regular expression (as a java.util.regex.Pattern or a String ) that represents the token delimiter. The default delimiter is any run of whitespace. useLocale( ) specifies the Locale to use for scanning numbers : this may affect things like the character expected for decimal points and the thousands separator. useRadix( ) specifies the radix, or base, in which numbers should be parsed. Any value between 2 and 36 is allowed. These configuration methods may be called at any time and are not required to be called before scanning begins.

Scanner implements the Iterable<String> interface, and you can use the hasNext( ) and next ( ) methods of this interface to break the input into a series of String tokens separated by whitespace or by the delimiter specified with useDelimiter( ) . In addition to these Iterable methods, however, Scanner defines a number of next X and hasNext X methods for various numeric types X . nextLine( ) returns the next line of input. Two variants of the next( ) method accept a regular expression as an argument and return the next chunk of text matching a specified regular expression. The corresponding hasNext( ) methods accept a regular expression and return TRue if the input matches it.

The skip( ) method ignores delimiters and skips text matching the specified regular expression. findInLine( ) looks ahead for text matching the specified regular expression in the current line. If a match is found, the Scanner advances past that text and returns it. Otherwise, the Scanner returns null without advancing. findWithinHorizon( ) is similar but looks for a match within the specified number of characters (a horizon of 0 specifies an unlimited number).

The next( ) methods and its next X variants throw a NoSuchElementException if there is no more input text. They throw an InputMismatchException (a subclass of NoSuchElementException ) if the next token cannot be parsed as the specified type or does not match the specified pattern. The Readable object that the Scanner reads text from may throw a , but, for ease of use, the Scanner never propagates this exception. If an IOException occurs, the Scanner assumes that no more input is available from the Readable . Call ioException( ) to obtain the most recent IOException , if any, thrown by the Readable .

The close( ) method checks whether the Readable object implements the Closeable interface and, if so, calls the close( ) method on that object. Once close( ) has been called, any attempt to read tokens from the Scanner results in an IllegalStateException .

See also StringTokenizer and .

Figure 16-53. java.util.Scanner

 public final class  Scanner  implements Iterator<String> {  // Public Constructors  public  Scanner  (Readable  source  );        public  Scanner  (java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel  source  );        public  Scanner  (  source  );        public  Scanner  (  source  ) throws;        public  Scanner  (String  source  );        public  Scanner  (java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel  source  , String  charsetName  );        public  Scanner  (  source  , String  charsetName  );        public  Scanner  (  source  , String  charsetName  )          throws;  // Public Instance Methods  public void  close  ( );        public java.util.regex.Pattern  delimiter  ( );        public String  findInLine  (String  pattern  );        public String  findInLine  (java.util.regex.Pattern  pattern  );        public String  findWithinHorizon  (java.util.regex.Pattern  pattern  , int  horizon  );        public String  findWithinHorizon  (String  pattern  , int  horizon  );        public boolean  hasNext  (java.util.regex.Pattern  pattern  );        public boolean  hasNext  (String  pattern  );        public boolean  hasNextBigDecimal  ( );        public boolean  hasNextBigInteger  ( );        public boolean  hasNextBigInteger  (int  radix  );        public boolean  hasNextBoolean  ( );        public boolean  hasNextByte  ( );        public boolean  hasNextByte  (int  radix  );        public boolean  hasNextDouble  ( );        public boolean  hasNextFloat  ( );        public boolean  hasNextInt  ( );        public boolean  hasNextInt  (int  radix  );        public boolean  hasNextLine  ( );        public boolean  hasNextLong  ( );        public boolean  hasNextLong  (int  radix  );        public boolean  hasNextShort  ( );        public boolean  hasNextShort  (int  radix  );        public  ioException  ( );        public Locale  locale  ( );        public java.util.regex.MatchResult  match  ( );        public String  next  (String  pattern  );        public String  next  (java.util.regex.Pattern  pattern  );        public java.math.BigDecimal  nextBigDecimal  ( );        public java.math.BigInteger  nextBigInteger  ( );        public java.math.BigInteger  nextBigInteger  (int  radix  );        public boolean  nextBoolean  ( );        public byte  nextByte  ( );        public byte  nextByte  (int  radix  );        public double  nextDouble  ( );        public float  nextFloat  ( );        public int  nextInt  ( );        public int  nextInt  (int  radix  );        public String  nextLine  ( );        public long  nextLong  ( );        public long  nextLong  (int  radix  );        public short  nextShort  ( );        public short  nextShort  (int  radix  );        public int  radix  ( );        public Scanner  skip  (java.util.regex.Pattern  pattern  );        public Scanner  skip  (String  pattern  );        public Scanner  useDelimiter  (java.util.regex.Pattern  pattern  );        public Scanner  useDelimiter  (String  pattern  );        public Scanner  useLocale  (Locale  locale  );        public Scanner  useRadix  (int  radix  );  // Methods Implementing Iterator  public boolean  hasNext  ( );        public String  next  ( );        public void  remove  ( );  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public String  toString  ( );   } 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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