
Locale java.util

Java 1.1 cloneable serializable

The Locale class represents a locale: a political, geographical, or cultural region that typically has a distinct language and distinct customs and conventions for such things as formatting dates, times, and numbers . The Locale class defines a number of constants that represent commonly used locales. Locale also defines a static getdefault( ) method that returns the default Locale object, which represents a locale value inherited from the host system. getAvailableLocales( ) returns the list of all locales supported by the underlying system. If none of these methods for obtaining a Locale object are suitable, you can explicitly create your own Locale object. To do this, you must specify a language code and optionally a country code and variant string. getISOCountries( ) and getISOLanguages( ) return the list of supported country codes and language codes.

The Locale class does not implement any internationalization behavior itself; it merely serves as a locale identifier for those classes that can localize their behavior. Given a Locale object, you can invoke the various getdisplay methods to obtain a description of the locale suitable for display to a user . These methods may themselves take a Locale argument, so the names of languages and countries can be localized as appropriate.

Figure 16-42. java.util.Locale

 public final class  Locale  implements Cloneable, Serializable {  // Public Constructors   1.4  public  Locale  (String  language  );        public  Locale  (String  language  , String  country  );        public  Locale  (String  language  , String  country  , String  variant  );  // Public Constants  public static final Locale  CANADA  ;        public static final Locale  CANADA_FRENCH  ;        public static final Locale  CHINA  ;        public static final Locale  CHINESE  ;        public static final Locale  ENGLISH  ;        public static final Locale  FRANCE  ;        public static final Locale  FRENCH  ;        public static final Locale  GERMAN  ;        public static final Locale  GERMANY  ;        public static final Locale  ITALIAN  ;        public static final Locale  ITALY  ;        public static final Locale  JAPAN  ;        public static final Locale  JAPANESE  ;        public static final Locale  KOREA  ;        public static final Locale  KOREAN  ;        public static final Locale  PRC  ;        public static final Locale  SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE  ;        public static final Locale  TAIWAN  ;        public static final Locale  TRADITIONAL_CHINESE  ;        public static final Locale  UK  ;        public static final Locale  US  ;  // Public Class Methods   1.2  public static Locale[ ]  getAvailableLocales  ( );        public static Locale  getDefault  ( );  1.2  public static String[ ]  getISOCountries  ( );  1.2  public static String[ ]  getISOLanguages  ( );        public static void  setDefault  (Locale  newLocale  );  synchronized   // Public Instance Methods  public String  getCountry  ( );        public final String  getDisplayCountry  ( );        public String  getDisplayCountry  (Locale  inLocale  );        public final String  getDisplayLanguage  ( );        public String  getDisplayLanguage  (Locale  inLocale  );        public final String  getDisplayName  ( );        public String  getDisplayName  (Locale  inLocale  );        public final String  getDisplayVariant  ( );        public String  getDisplayVariant  (Locale  inLocale  );        public String  getISO3Country  ( ) throws MissingResourceException;        public String  getISO3Language  ( ) throws MissingResourceException;        public String  getLanguage  ( );        public String  getVariant  ( );  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public Object  clone  ( );        public boolean  equals  (Object  obj  );        public int  hashCode  ( );        public final String  toString  ( );   } 

Passed To

Too many methods to list.

Returned By

java.text.BreakIterator.getAvailableLocales( ) , java.text.Collator.getAvailableLocales( ) , java.text.DateFormat.getAvailableLocales( ) , java.text.MessageFormat.getLocale( ) , java.text.NumberFormat.getAvailableLocales( ) , Calendar.getAvailableLocales( ) , java.util.Formatter.locale( ) , ResourceBundle.getLocale( ) , Scanner.locale( ) , javax.security.auth.callback.LanguageCallback.getLocale( )

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220

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