
Collections java.util

Java 1.2

This class defines static methods and constants that are useful for working with collections and maps. One of the most commonly used methods is sort ( ) , which sorts a List in place (the list cannot be immutable, of course). The sorting algorithm is stable, which means that equal elements retain the same relative order. One version of sort( ) uses a specified Comparator to perform the sort; the other relies on the natural ordering of the list elements and requires all the elements to implement java.lang.Comparable . reverseOrder( ) returns a Comparator object that reverses the order of another Comparator or that reverse the natural ordering of Comparable objects.

A related method is binarySearch( ) . It efficiently (in logarithmic time) searches a sorted List for a specified object and returns the index at which a matching object is found. If no match is found, it returns a negative number. For a negative return value r , the value -(r+1) specifies the index at which the specified object can be inserted into the list to maintain the sorted order of the list. As with sort( ) , binarySearch( ) can be passed a Comparator that defines the order of the sorted list. If no Comparator is specified, the list elements must all implement Comparable , and the list is assumed to be sorted according to the natural ordering defined by this interface.

See Arrays for methods that perform sorting and searching operations on arrays instead of collections.

The various methods whose names begin with synchronized return a threadsafe collection object wrapped around the specified collection. Vector and Hashtable are the only two collection objects threadsafe by default. Use these methods to obtain a synchronized wrapper object if you are using any other type of Collection or Map in a multithreaded environment where more than one thread can modify it.

The various methods whose names begin with unmodifiable function like synchronized methods. They return a Collection or Map object wrapped around the specified collection. The returned object is unmodifiable, however, so its add( ) , remove( ) , set( ) , put( ) , etc. methods all throw java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException . In Java 5.0, the "checked" methods return wrapped collections that enforce a specified element type for the collection, so that it is not possible to add an element of the wrong type.

In addition to the "synchronized", "unmodifiable", and "checked" methods, Collections defines a number of other methods that return special-purpose collections or maps: singleton( ) returns an unmodifiable set that contains only the specified object. singletonList( ) and singletonMap( ) return an immutable list and an immutable map, respectively, each of which contains only a single entry. The Collections class also defines related constants, EMPTY_LIST , EMPTY_SET , and EMPTY_MAP , which are immutable List , Set , and Map objects that contain no elements or mappings. In Java 5.0, the emptySet( ) , emptyList( ) , and emptyMap( ) methods are preferred alternatives to these constants, because they are generic methods and return correctly parameterized empty collections. nCopies( ) creates a new immutable List that contains a specified number of copies of a specified object. list( ) returns a List object that represents the elements of the specified Enumeration object. enumeration( ) does the reverse: it returns an Enumeration for a Collection , which is useful when working with code that uses the old Enumeration interface instead of the newer Iterator interface.

The Collections class also defines methods that mutate a collection. These methods throw an UnsupportedOperationException if the target collection is does not allow mutation. copy( ) copies elements of a source list into a destination list. fill( ) replaces all elements of the specified list with the specified object. swap( ) swaps the elements at two specified indexes of a List . replaceAll( ) replaces all elements in a List that are equal to (using the equals( ) method) with another object, and returns true if any replacements were done. reverse( ) reverses the order of the elements in a list. rotate( ) "rotates" a list, adding the specified number to the index of each element, and wrapping elements from the end of the list back to the front of the list. (Specifying a negative rotation rotates the list in the other direction.) shuffle( ) randomizes the order of elements in a list, using either an internal source of randomness or the Random pseudorandom number generator you provide. In Java 5.0, the addAll( ) method adds the specified elements to the specified collection. This method is a varargs method and allows elements to be specified in an array or listed individually in the argument list.

Finally, Collections defines methods (in addition to the binarySearch( ) methods described above) that search the elements of a collection: min( ) and max( ) methods search an unordered Collection for the minimum and maximum elements, according either to a specified Comparator or to the natural order defined by the Comparable elements themselves . indexOfSubList( ) and lastIndexOfSubList( ) search a specified list forward or backward for a subsequence of elements that match (using equals( ) ) the elements the a second specified list. They return the start index of any such matching sublist, or return -1 if no match was found. These methods are like the indexOf( ) and lastIndexOf( ) methods of String , and do not require the List to be sorted, as the binarySearch( ) methods do. In Java 5.0, frequency( ) returns the number of occurences of a specified element in a specified collection, and disjoint ( ) determines whether two collections are entirely disjointwhether they have no elements in common.

 public class  Collections  {  // No Constructor   // Public Constants  public static final List  EMPTY_LIST  ;  1.3  public static final Map  EMPTY_MAP  ;        public static final Set  EMPTY_SET  ;  // Public Class Methods   5.0  public static <T> boolean  addAll  (Collection<? super T>  c  , T ...  a  );        public static <T> int  binarySearch  (List<? extends Comparable<? super T>>  list  , T  key  );        public static <T> int  binarySearch  (List<? extends T>  list  , T  key  , Comparator<? super T>  c  );  5.0  public static <E> Collection<E>  checkedCollection  (Collection<E>  c  , Class<E>  type  );  5.0  public static <E> List<E>  checkedList  (List<E>  list  , Class<E>  type  );  5.0  public static <K,V> Map<K,V>  checkedMap  (Map<K,V>  m  , Class<K>  keyType  , Class<V>  valueType  );  5.0  public static <E> Set<E>  checkedSet  (Set<E>  s  , Class<E>  type  );  5.0  public static <K,V> SortedMap<K,V>  checkedSortedMap  (SortedMap<K,V>  m  , Class<K>  keyType  , Class<V>  valueType  );  5.0  public static <E> SortedSet<E>  checkedSortedSet  (SortedSet<E>  s  , Class<E>  type  );        public static <T> void  copy  (List<? super T>  dest  , List<? extends T>  src  );  5.0  public static boolean  disjoint  (Collection<?>  c1  , Collection<?>  c2  );  5.0  public static final <T> List<T>  emptyList  ( );  5.0  public static final <K,V> Map<K,V>  emptyMap  ( );  5.0  public static final <T> Set<T>  emptySet  ( );        public static <T> Enumeration<T>  enumeration  (Collection<T>  c  );        public static <T> void  fill  (List<? super T>  list  , T  obj  );  5.0  public static int  frequency  (Collection<?>  c  , Object  o  );  1.4  public static int  indexOfSubList  (List<?>  source  , List<?>  target  );  1.4  public static int  lastIndexOfSubList  (List<?>  source  , List<?>  target  );  1.4  public static <T> ArrayList<T>  list  (Enumeration<T>  e  );        public static <T extends Object&Comparable<? super T>> T  max  (Collection<? extends T>  coll  );        public static <T> T  max  (Collection<? extends T>  coll  , Comparator<? super T>  comp  );        public static <T extends Object&Comparable<? super T>> T  min  (Collection<? extends T>  coll  );        public static <T> T  min  (Collection<? extends T>  coll  , Comparator<? super T>  comp  );        public static <T> List<T>  nCopies  (int  n  , T  o  );  1.4  public static <T> boolean  replaceAll  (List<T>  list  , T  oldVal  , T  newVal  );        public static void  reverse  (List<?>  list  );        public static <T> Comparator<T>  reverseOrder  ( );  5.0  public static <T> Comparator<T>  reverseOrder  (Comparator<T>  cmp  );  1.4  public static void  rotate  (List<?>  list  , int  distance  );        public static void  shuffle  (List<?>  list  );        public static void  shuffle  (List<?>  list  , Random  rnd  );        public static <T> Set<T>  singleton  (T  o  );  1.3  public static <T> List<T>  singletonList  (T  o  );  1.3  public static <K,V> Map<K,V>  singletonMap  (K  key  , V  value  );        public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void  sort  (List<T>  list  );        public static <T> void  sort  (List<T>  list  , Comparator<? super T>  c  );  1.4  public static void  swap  (List<?>  list  , int  i  , int  j  );        public static <T> Collection<T>  synchronizedCollection  (Collection<T>  c  );        public static <T> List<T>  synchronizedList  (List<T>  list  );        public static <K,V> Map<K,V>  synchronizedMap  (Map<K,V>  m  );        public static <T> Set<T>  synchronizedSet  (Set<T>  s  );        public static <K,V> SortedMap<K,V>  synchronizedSortedMap  (SortedMap<K,V>  m  );        public static <T> SortedSet<T>  synchronizedSortedSet  (SortedSet<T>  s  );        public static <T> Collection<T>  unmodifiableCollection  (Collection<? extends T>  c  );        public static <T> List<T>  unmodifiableList  (List<? extends T>  list  );        public static <K,V> Map<K,V>  unmodifiableMap  (Map<? extends K,? extends V>  m  );        public static <T> Set<T>  unmodifiableSet  (Set<? extends T>  s  );        public static <K,V> SortedMap<K,V>  unmodifiableSortedMap  (SortedMap<K,? extends V>  m  );        public static <T> SortedSet<T>  unmodifiableSortedSet  (SortedSet<T>  s  );   } 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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