Building an ASP.NET Client to Consume the Address Book Web Service

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In this section, you examine the part of the code in a client of the Address Book web service that you saw in the previous section "Building a Public Address Book Web Service."

Listing 11.11 shows a part of the code for signing into the application. Here, you call the LogonUser() method exposed by the web service.

Listing 11.11 Sign In ( logon.aspx.cs )
 private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)  { localhost.AddressBookService service = new localhost.AddressBookService();  try  {      //call the LogonUser method       Session["token"] = service.LogonUser(  TextBox1.Text.Trim(),TextBox2.Text.Trim() graphics/ccc.gif );       Session["userName"]= TextBox1.Text.Trim();       Session["password"]= TextBox2.Text.Trim();      Response.Redirect( "AddressBook.aspx" , true ) ;  }  catch(SoapException soapEx )  {      if( soapEx.Detail.SelectSingleNode("// graphics/ccc.gif message").InnerText.Equals(AddressBookExceptions.INVALID_USER ) )       {           Label3.Text = AddressBookExceptions.INVALID_USER ;       }  }  catch(Exception ex )  {      Label3.Text = ex.Message;  }  } 

Using the GetAddressList() and DeleteAddressEntry() Methods

Figure 11.17 shows an Address Book Manager in an ASP.NET client of the Address Book web service.

Figure 11.17. The Address Book Manager in an ASP.NET client of the Address Book web service.

Listing 11.12 shows the part of the code that's used to fetch the summary details of all the addresses in a user 's Address Book and display them in a table.

Listing 11.12 Get All Addresses and Display in a Table ( AddressBook.aspx.cs )
 private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)  { localhost.AddressBookService service = new localhost.AddressBookService();  //Delete Address Entry  if( Request.QueryString["delete"]=="true" )  { int entryID =  Int32.Parse( Request.QueryString["entryid"]) ;  try  {      service.DeleteAddressEntry( Session["token"].ToString(),entryID );  }  catch(SoapException soapEx )  { //retry  if( soapEx.Detail.SelectSingleNode("// graphics/ccc.gif message").InnerText.Equals(AddressBookExceptions.INVALID_USER) )  {      Session["token"] = service.LogonUser( Session["userName"].ToString(), graphics/ccc.gif Session["password"].ToString() );       try       {                service.DeleteAddressEntry( Session["token"].ToString(),entryID );       }       catch( Exception innerEx  )       {                Label2.Text = innerEx.Message;       }  }  }  catch(Exception ex )  {      Label2.Text =  ex.Message;  }  }  //Get AddressList and display  try  {      addrList = service.GetAddressList(  Session["token"].ToString()  );       DisplayAddressList();    }  catch(SoapException soapEx )  { //retry  if(soapEx.Detail.SelectSingleNode("// graphics/ccc.gif message").InnerText.Equals(AddressBookExceptions.INVALID_USER ) )  {      Session["token"] =     service.LogonUser(Session["userName"].ToString(), graphics/ccc.gif Session["password"].ToString() );       try       {           addrList = service.GetAddressList( Session["token"].ToString() );            DisplayAddressList();       }       catch( Exception innerEx  )       {      Label2.Text = innerEx.Message;       }  }  }  catch(Exception ex )  {      Label2.Text =  ex.Message;  }  }  //Display addresses in a table  private void DisplayAddressList()  {      HyperLink link ;       for( int i=0 ;i <addrList.Length ;i++)       {           link = new HyperLink();            link.Text = addrList[i].NickName;            link.NavigateUrl = "AddressEntry.aspx?edit=true&entryid=" + graphics/ccc.gif addrList[i].EntryID;            TableRow row = new TableRow();            row.Font.Name = "Verdana";            row.Font.Size = 10;            TableCell cell = new TableCell();            cell.Controls.Add(link);            row.Cells.Add(cell);            cell = new TableCell();            cell.Text = addrList[i].FirstName + " " + addrList[i].LastName;            row.Cells.Add(cell);            cell = new TableCell();            cell.Text = addrList[i].EmailID;            row.Cells.Add(cell);            cell = new TableCell();            link = new HyperLink();            link.Text = "delete";            link.NavigateUrl = "AddressBook.aspx?delete=true&entryid=" + graphics/ccc.gif addrList[i].EntryID;            cell.Controls.Add(link);            row.Cells.Add(cell);            Table1.Rows.Add(row);       }  } 

Using the AddAddressEntry() and UpdateAddressEntry() Methods

The AddAddressEntry() method adds new address entries to your Address Book, and the UpdateAddressEntry() method updates your existing address entries. In screen shown in Figure 11.17, if the user clicks on the "New Address" link, the Create/Edit screen appears in the create mode with all the fields empty. If the user clicks on an existing nickname, the Create/Edit screen appears in the edit mode.

Figure 11.18 shows an example of the Create/Edit screen of the Address Book in the Edit mode, when the user clicks on the nickname 'AshwinK' as seen in the Figure 11.17.

Figure 11.18. The Create/Edit Address screen in an Address Book.

Listing 11.13 shows the code to display the Create/Edit screen and adding or updating address information.

In the edit mode, the address entry details for the specified nickname are retrieved into the addrEntry object using the GetAddressEntry () method. The InitAddressEntryForm() method, that is not shown here, initializes all the address fields in the form using the addrEntry object .

After updating the address information in the case of edit mode or entering new address information in the case of create mode, when the user clicks the Save button the Button1_Click event is fired . The event handler calls the UpdateAddressEntry() or the AddAddressEntry() method to update or add new address information respectively.

Listing 11.13 Displaying the Create/Edit screen and adding/updating address information. ( AddressEntry.aspx.cs )
 private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)  { Response.Cache.SetExpires( DateTime.Now );  if( Request.QueryString["edit"]== "true"  &&  !Page.IsPostBack )  {      localhost.AddressBookService service = new localhost.AddressBookService();       int entryID =  Int32.Parse( Request.QueryString["entryid"]) ;       try       {           addrEntry = service.GetAddressEntry( Session["token"].ToString() , entryID );            InitAddressEntryForm();       }       catch(SoapException soapEx )       {      //retry       if( soapEx.Detail.SelectSingleNode("// graphics/ccc.gif message").InnerText.Equals(AddressBookExceptions.INVALID_USER  ) )       {           Session["token"] =     service.LogonUser(Session["userName"].ToString(), graphics/ccc.gif Session["password"].ToString());            try            {                addrEntry = service.GetAddressEntry(Session["token"].ToString() , entryID graphics/ccc.gif );                 InitAddressEntryForm();            }            catch( Exception innerEx  )            {                Label_Message.Text = innerEx.Message;            }       }       }       catch(Exception ex )       {           Label_Message.Text =  ex.Message;       }  }  }  //Save button click  private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)  { bool saved = false;  localhost.AddressBookService service = new localhost.AddressBookService();  InitAddressEntry();  try  {//Create       if( addrEntry.EntryID == 0)       {           saved = service.AddAddressEntry( Session["token"].ToString(),addrEntry );       }       else //update       {           saved = service.UpdateAddressEntry(Session["token"].ToString(),addrEntry );       }  }  catch(SoapException soapEx )  { //retry  if( soapEx.Detail.SelectSingleNode("// graphics/ccc.gif message").InnerText.Equals(AddressBookExceptions.INVALID_USER  ) )  {      Session["token"] =     service.LogonUser(Session["userName"].ToString(), graphics/ccc.gif Session["password"].ToString() );       try       {           Label_Message.Text += "-" + addrEntry.EntryID;            if( addrEntry.EntryID == 0)//Create                 saved = service.AddAddressEntry(Session["token"].ToString(),addrEntry );            else //update                 saved = service.UpdateAddressEntry(Session["token"].ToString(),addrEntry graphics/ccc.gif );       }       catch( Exception innerEx  )       {           Label_Message.Text = innerEx.Message;       }  }  }  catch(Exception ex )  {      Label_Message.Text =  ex.Message;  }  if( saved )       Response.Redirect("AddressBook.aspx");  }  } 
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