

mysqlhotcopy database [path]

Use this to make backup copies of databases while the server is active. It only works on MyISAM and ISAM tables, though. It makes a simple copy of each database directory and each table file. This results in a separate directory for each database and usually three files for each table: one for the schema, another for the data, and a third for the index. It places a read lock on all of the tables in the database while copying them. Here is an example of how you can copy a database with mysqlhotcopy:

mysqlhotcopy -u russell -p password db1 /tmp/backup

Note that unlike other MySQL utilities, there is a space between the -p and the password. Next the database (db1) is specified. Finally, the path to write the backup directories is given. To restore databases or tables that were copied by mysqlhotcopy, just copy the table files to be restored to their original data directories. Here are the following options:


Instructs the utility not to abort the session or to rename the backup directory, but to add new files to the directory.


Instructs the utility to rename an existing backup directory to *_old so that the copying may be completed. If the new copy is successful, the old directory is deleted. If it's unsuccessful, the old directory is restored.

--checkpoint= database.table

Instructs the utility to save logging information to the named database and table.


Used to enable debugging information.

--dryrun, -n

This option has the utility test the backup process without actually making a copy.


Instructs the utility to flush logs after all tables are locked.

--help, -?

Displays basic help information.


Instructs the utility when using the --allowold option not to delete the old directory if the copying is successful.

--method= method

Sets the method used by the utility for copying files. The choices are cp or scp.


Instructs the utility to copy only the headers of index files. Indexes may be rebuilt when restoring copies.

--password= password, -p password

Provides the password to pass to the server. A space is permitted after the -p option, before the password.

--port= port, -P port

Specifies the port number to use for connecting to the server.

--quiet, -q

Suppresses all messages except for error messages.

--regexp= expression

Provides a regular expression for determining which databases to copy based on the name.


Instructs the utility to execute a RESET MASTER statement after tables are locked.


Instructs the utility to execute a RESET SLAVE statement after tables are locked.

--socket= filename, -S filename

Provides the path and name of the server's socket file.

--sufix= string

Specifies the suffix for the copies of databases. The default is _copy.

--tmpdir= path

Specifies the temporary directory to use. The default is /tmp.

--user= user, -u user

Specifies the username for connecting to the server.

MySQL in a Nutshell
MYSQL in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596514336
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 134
Authors: Russell Dyer © 2008-2017.
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