



ECMAScript and, 240-241

stylesheets and, 36-37

CD-ROM contents

described, 489-499

experimentation with code on, 401-402

supplemental patterns described, 399-419

viewing files, 400-401

Charts and line graphs

bar charts, drawing, 214-218

bar charts, 3d effect, 218-220

bar sets for, 208-211, 214-220, 224-225, 379-386

labeled grids for, 211-214

line graphs, drawing, 221-224

multiple line graphs, drawing, 222-224

Perl to generate bar sets for, 379-382

tips for preparing, 34, 116

UNIX scripts for bar set generation, 382-386

XSLT for data separation, 207

XSLT to generate bar charts, 393-396

see also pie charts

Checkerboard patterns, 76-84

in BeizerCBPattern folder, 404

feGaussianBlur filter triangles and, 159-161

gradient checkerboards, 80-84

quadratic Bezier clip paths and, 98-100

rotate function and, 116-118

3D checkerboard grids, 78-80

Venetian checkerboards, 98-100

Venetian gradient patterns, 89-91

CircleFrostedEffect folder, contents described, 406-407

CircleFrostedEffectShadow folder, contents described, 407


circle element to render, 48-49

circular pie charts, drawing, 334-340

ECMAScript to update circle element, 257-260

ellipse element to render, 49-50

mouse-aware animations for HTML, 242-244

3D effects, 67-68

CircularArcCoil Pattern folder, contents described, 408

CircularSpinArcCoilPattern folder, contents described, 408

Classes, external stylesheets and, 38-39

ClipPath element

defining, 84-85

feTurbulence filter primitive combined with, 156

grid patterns and, 85-87

rect element and, 87-89

Clip paths

animation and, 186

Bezier clip paths, code snippet for, 110

clipPath element and, 84-85

described, 74

multi-quadratic Bezier clip paths, 96-98

quadratic Bezier clip paths and, 98-100


on CD-ROM, commented out lines and modification of, 400

reusing and leveraging elements in, 311-312, 402-403

security and protection of, 228

source code on CD-ROM, 489-490

SVG code templates, 285-286, 310-313, 360-361

CoilLinks folder, contents described, 409


elliptical arcs, coloring, 61-62

gradient color and mouse-click events, 237-238

hexadecimal specification, 20

linear color gradients, 24-26

opacity and composite colors, 16

radial color gradients, 24

resolution and, 284-285

RGB color specifications, 20-21

standard colors, 20-21

text with colored borders, 167-168


linear gradient shading and, 68-69

rotating cone effects, 69

Coordinate system, 7-8

y-axis, positive orientation of, 7

C3DEffectCoilPattern folder, contents described, 406

Curves. See Bezier curves


linear gradient shading, 70-71

scale function and, 130-132


Fundamentals of SVG Programming. Concepts to Source Code
Fundamentals of SVG Programming: Concepts to Source Code (Graphics Series)
ISBN: 1584502983
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 362 © 2008-2017.
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