

Waddleton, David, 115

WAN (wide area network), 371

Warehouse inventory and SAP accounting integration, 121

Warning icon (Event Viewer), 343

WCAG 1.0, web sites conforming with, 115

WCAG 1.0 checkpoints, 115

Web access methods (Visual Studio), 433-434

Web accessibility design, 114-125

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) standards, 372

Web application environments, 13

Web application security, 303

Web applications


defined, 306

development models, 434-436

presentation layer, 356-357

with two-tier architecture, 268

user interface standards, 390

Web browser versions and Internet standards, 357

Web browsers, delivering e-mail to, 13

Web classes, .NET and, 12

Web Comments Code Report, 408

Web Control Library, explained, 22

Web farms, 157

Web Forms applications (.NET), 20

Web Forms classes, 306

Web project files, location to save, 433

Web project working method categories, 432

Web Reports, 407

Web server farm, 362

Web server logs, 298

Web servers on the Internet, 8

Web services, 5-6, 8-9, 20, 266, 271-272

accepting SOAP messages, 14

advantages of, 272

as almost always remote, 309


ASP.NET testing interface for, 15

available on the Internet today, 14

consumed, 309

consumers of, 31, 271

consuming of, 14

explained, 13-14, 308, 357

industry standards associated with, 15

interface document, 393-394

introduction to, 12-15

logical design for, 308-309

planning for, 85

presentation layer, 356

providers of, 31

turning COM components into, 10

user interface for, 306

vs. Windows services, 308-309

Web site content

copyright statement, 421

footers with contact links, 421

links, 420-421

navigation, 420

standards for, 420-421

style guides or templates, 420

visual consistency across pages, 420

What’s New section, 421

Web standards, 420-421

Web tier, Windows 2000 Server for, 86

Web-based applications, ASP.NET for, 18

Web-based authentication system, 304

Web-based e-mail system, 310

Web-based solution, 266

Well-defined requirement, 148

What requirements, functional requirements as, 100

Why requirements, business requirements as, 99

Win32 API programming model, 6

Windows, event logs in, 341

Windows ACLs (access control lists), 190

Windows applications, 266

explained, 21

presentation layer, 356-357

user interface standards, 390

Windows Cabinet (.CAB) deployment, 173, 362

Windows computers, managing remotely, 362-363

Windows Control Library, 22

Windows CryptoAPI security functions, 355

Windows DNA, 6-9

Windows DNA architecture vs. .NET, 8-9

Windows event log, 341

Windows Event Logger, 299

Windows Event Viewer, 341-342

Windows Forms HelpProvider component, 392

Windows Forms applications, 20

classes, 306

deployment, 173

state management, 170

Windows Forms control, deployment as, 173

Windows Installer, 172-184

deployment with, 362

upgrading with, 193

Windows Installer component, 174

Windows Installer package, 173

Windows Installer 2.0 package, 173

Windows NT MTS, 269-271

Windows Registry, as hierarchical database, 169

Windows security, integrating applications with, 352

Windows Server 2003, 10

Windows servers, IIS web server as a service on, 309

Windows services

application presentation layer, 356

explained, 21, 309, 357

vs. web services, 308-309

Windows 2000 Advanced Server, 86

Windows 2000 Component Services, 269-271

Windows 2000 event log, viewing, 341

Windows 2000 Server web servers, 85-86

Windows 2003, planning for, 85

Windows XP event log, viewing, 341-342

WindowsIdentity object, 187

WindowsPrincipal object, 187-188, 303, 352

Windows.Security.Principal namespace, 351

Word processing application, 266

Workflow diagrams, 252

Workflow process model, 112

Workspace (Visio application), 107

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 14, 98

guidelines for disability requirements, 114-115

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) standards, 372

web site, 274

Worms, protecting from infection by, 119

Worst-case scenario, severity of, 302

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 14-15

MCSD Analyzing Requirements and Defining. NET Solutions Architectures Study Guide (Exam 70-300)
MCSD Analyzing Requirements and Defining .NET Solutions Architectures Study Guide (Exam 70-300 (Certification Press)
ISBN: 0072125861
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 94 © 2008-2017.
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