By now, you should have a good idea of how design affects the security of a software system. A system has defined functionality that's provided to its users but is bound by the security policy and trust model. The next step is to turn your attention to developing a process for applying this knowledge to an application you've been tasked to review. Ideally, you need to be able to identify flaws in the design of a system and prioritize the implementation review based on the most security-critical modules. Fortunately, a formalized methodology called threat modeling exists for just this purpose. In this chapter, you use a specific type of threat modeling that consists of a five-phase process:
This process is most effectively applied during the design (or a refactoring) phase of development and is updated as modifications are made in later development phases. It can, however, be integrated entirely at later phases of the SDLC. It can also be applied after development to evaluate an application's potential exposure. The phase you choose depends on your own requirements, but keep in mind that the design review is just a component of a complete application review. So make sure you account for the requirements of performing the implementation and operational review of the final system. This approach to threat modeling should help establish a framework for relating many of the concepts you've already learned. This process can also serve as a roadmap for applying many concepts in the remainder of this book. However, you should maintain a willingness to adapt your approach and alter these techniques as required to suit different situations. Keep in mind that processes and methodologies can make good servants but are poor masters. Note This threat-modeling process was originally introduced in Writing Secure Code, 2nd Edition (Microsoft Press, 2002) by Michael Howard and David Le Blanc. It was later expanded and refined in Threat Modeling (Microsoft Press, 2004) by Frank Swiderski and Window Snyder. Information CollectionThe first step in building a threat model is to compile all the information you can about the application. You shouldn't put too much effort into isolating security-related information yet because at this phase you aren't certain what's relevant to security. Instead, you want to develop an understanding of the application and get as much information as possible for the eventual implementation review. These are the key areas you need to identify by the end of this phase:
Developer InterviewsIn many situations, you can save yourself a lot of time by going straight to the horse's mouth, as it were. So if you have access to the developers, be sure to use this access to your advantage. Of course, this option might not be available. For instance, an independent vulnerability researcher rarely has access to the application's developers. When you approach a system's developers, you should keep a few points in mind. First, you're in a position to criticize work they have put a lot of time and effort into. Make it clear that your goal is to help improve the security of their application, and avoid any judgmental or condescending overtones in your approach. After you have a decent dialogue going, you still need to verify any information you get against the application's implementation. After all, the developers might have their own misconceptions that could be a contributing factor to some vulnerabilities. Developer DocumentationA well-documented application can make the review process faster and more thorough; however, there's one major catch to this convenience. You should always be cautious of any design documentation for an existing implementation. The reason for this caution isn't usually deceitful or incompetent developers; it's just that too many things change during the implementation process for the result to ever match the specifications perfectly. A number of factors contribute to these inconsistencies between specifications and the implementation. Extremely large applications can often drift drastically from their specifications because of developer turnover and minor oversights compounded over time. Implementations can also differ simply because two people rarely have exactly the same interpretation of a specification. The bottom line is that you should expect to validate everything you determine from the design against the actual implementation. Keeping this caveat in mind, you still need to know how to wring everything you can out of the documentation you get. Generally, you want anything you can get your hands on, including design (diagrams, protocol specifications, API documentation, and so on), deployment (installation guides, release notes, supplemental configuration information, and so forth), and end-user documentation. In binary (and some source code) reviews, end-user documentation is all you can get, but don't underestimate its value. This documentation is "customer-facing" literature, so it tends to be fairly accurate and can offer a process-focused view that makes the system easier to understand. Standards DocumentationIf you're asked to examine an application that uses standardized network protocols or file formats, a good understanding of how those protocols and file formats are structured is necessary to know how the application should function and what deficiencies might exist. Therefore, acquiring any published standards and related documentation created by researchers and authors is a good idea. Typically, Internet-related standards documents are available as requests for comments (RFCs, available at Open-source implementations of the same standards can be particularly useful in clarifying ambiguities you might encounter when researching the technology a target application uses. Source ProfilingAccess to source code can be extremely helpful when you're trying to gather information on an application. You don't want to go too deep at this phase, but having the source code can speed up a lot of the initial modeling process. Source code can be used to initially verify documentation, and you can determine the application's general structure from class and module hierarchies in the code. When the source does not appear to be laid out hierarchically, you can look at the application startup to identify how major components are differentiated at initialization. You can also identify entry points by skimming the code to find common functions and objects, such as listen() or ADODB. System ProfilingSystem profiling requires access to a functional installation of the application, which gives you an opportunity to validate the documentation review and identify elements the documentation missed. Threat models performed strictly from documentation need to skip this step and validate the model entirely during the implementation review. You can use a variety of methods for profiling an application. Here are a few common techniques:
Application Architecture ModelingAfter you have some background information, you need to begin examining the application architecture. This phase involves familiarizing yourself with how the software is structured and what components can affect its overall security. These steps help identify design concerns and let you know where to focus your energies during the implementation review. You build this knowledge by reviewing existing documentation of the application model and developing new models as required. Every piece of software is modeled to some extent during its development; the only difference is whether the models are ever formally recorded. So you need to understand the types of modeling in common use and how you can develop your own. Unified Markup LanguageUnified Markup Language (UML) is a specification developed by the Object Management Group (OMG; to describe many different aspects of how an application operates from a fairly high level. It includes diagrams to describe information flow, interaction between components, different states the application can be in, and more. Of particular interest in this phase are class diagrams, component diagrams, and use cases. The following list briefly describes these types of diagrams so that you get a feel for what they're trying to convey. If you're unfamiliar with UML, picking up one of the myriad books available on the subject is strongly recommended. Because of UML's complexity, explaining it in depth is far beyond the scope of this chapter. Note UML has gone through several revisions. The currently accepted standard is UML 2.0.
Data Flow DiagramsA number of diagramming tools can aid in understanding a system, but the data flow diagram (DFD) is one of the most effective for security purposes. These diagrams are used to map how data moves through a system and identify any affected elements. If done properly, the DFD modeling process accounts not only for the application functionality exposed directly to external sources, but also the functionality that's exposed indirectly. This modeling process also accounts for mitigating factors in a system's design, such as additional security measures enforcing trust boundaries. Figure 2-2 shows the five main elements of a DFD, which are summarized in the following list: Figure 2-2. DFD elements![]()
Figure 2-3 shows how you can use DFD elements to model a system. It represents a simplified model of a basic Web application that allows users to log in and access resources stored in a database. Of course, DFDs look different at various levels of an application. A simple, high-level DFD that encapsulates a large system is referred to as a context diagram. The Web site example is a context diagram because it represents a high-level abstraction that encapsulates a complex system. Figure 2-3. A DFD context diagram![]() However, your analysis generally requires you to decompose the system further. Each successive level of decomposition is labeled numerically, starting from zero. A level-0 diagram identifies the major application subsystems. The major subsystems in this Web application are distinguished by the user's authentication state. This distinction is represented in the level-0 diagram in Figure 2-4. Figure 2-4. A DFD level-0 diagram of the login process![]() Depending on the complexity of a system, you may need to continue decomposing. Figure 2-5 is a level-1 diagram of the Web application's login process. Normally, you would only progress beyond level-0 diagrams when modeling complex subsystems. However, this level-1 diagram provides a useful starting point for using DFDs to isolate design vulnerabilities. Figure 2-5. A DFD level-0 diagram of the login process![]() When preparing for an implementation review, you can use these diagrams to model application behavior and isolate components. For instance, Figure 2-6 shows the login process altered just a bit. Can you see where the vulnerability is? The way the login process handles an invalid login has been changed so that it now returns the result of each phase directly back to the client. This altered process is vulnerable because attackers can identify valid usernames without logging in successfully, which can be extremely useful in attempting a brute-force attack against the authentication system. Figure 2-6. A DFD showing a login vulnerability![]() By diagramming this system, you can more easily identify its security components. In this example, it helped you isolate a vulnerability in the way the system authenticates. Of course, the login example is still fairly simple; a more complex system might have several layers of complexity that must be encapsulated in multiple DFDs. You probably don't want model all these layers, but you should decompose different components until you've reached a point that isolates the security-relevant considerations. Fortunately, there are tools to assist in this process. Diagramming applications such as Microsoft Visio are useful, and the Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool is especially helpful in this process. Threat IdentificationThreat identification is the process of determining an application's security exposure based on your knowledge of the system. This phase builds on the work you did in previous phases by applying your models and understanding of the system to determine how vulnerable it is to external entities. For this phase, you use a new modeling tool called attack trees (or threat trees), which provide a standardized approach for identifying and documenting potential attack vectors in a system. Drawing an Attack TreeThe structure of an attack tree is quite simple. It consists of a root node, which describes the attacker's objective, and a series of subnodes that indicate ways of achieving that objective. Each level of the tree breaks the steps into more detail until you have a realistic map of how an attacker can exploit a system. Using the simple Web application example from the previous section, assume it's used to store personal information. Figure 2-7 shows a high-level attack tree for this application. Figure 2-7. Attack tree example![]() As you can see, the root node is at the top with several subnodes underneath. Each subnode states an attack methodology that could be used to achieve the goal stated in the root node. This process is further decomposed, as necessary, into subnodes that eventually define an attack. Looking at this diagram, you should start to notice the similarities between attack trees and DFDs. After all, an attack tree isn't developed in a vacuum. It's best created by walking through a DFD and using the attack tree to note specific concerns. As an example, notice how the branch leading to subnode 1.2.1 follows the same reasoning pattern used previously in analyzing the DFD of the flawed login process. As with DFDs, you want to continue decomposing attack trees only along security-relevant paths. You need to use your judgment and determine what paths constitute reasonable attack vectors and what vectors are unlikely. Before getting into that topic, however, continue to the next section for a more detailed description of the attack tree structure. Node TypesYou might have noticed some strange markings in the lines connecting each node to its children (such as nodes and The arc between these node connectors indicates that the child nodes are AND nodes, meaning both conditions of the child node must be met to continue evaluating the vector. A node without an arc is simply an OR node, meaning either branch can be traversed without any additional condition. Referring to Figure 2-7, look at the brute-force login vector in node 1.2.1. To traverse past this node, you must meet the following conditions in the two subnodes:
Neither step can be left out. A username with no password is useless, and a password without the associated username is equally useless. Therefore, node 1.2.1 is an AND node. Conversely, OR nodes describe cases in which an objective can be reached by achieving any one of the subnodes. So the condition of just a single node must be met to continue evaluating the child nodes. Referring to Figure 2-7 again, look at the objective "Log in as target user" in node 1.2. This objective can be achieved with either of the following approaches:
To log in as the user, you don't have to achieve both goals; you need to achieve only one. Therefore, they are OR nodes. Textual RepresentationYou can represent attack trees with text as well as graphics. Text versions convey identical information as the graphical versions but sometimes aren't as easy to visualize (although they're more compact). The following example shows how you would represent the attack tree from Figure 2-7 in a text format: 1. Adversary gains access to a user's personal information OR 1.1 Gain direct access to the database 1.1.1 Exploit a hole in system application or kernel 1.2 Log in as target user OR 1.2.1 Brute-force login AND Identify username Identify user password 1.2.2 Steal user credentials 1.3 Hijack user session 1.3.1 Steal user session cookie 1.4 Passively intercept personal data AND 1.4.1 Identify user connection initiation 1.4.2 Sniff network traffic for personal data As you can see, all the same information is present. First, the root node objective is stated as the heading of the attack tree, and its immediate descendants are numbered and indented below the heading. Each new level is indented again and numbered below its parent node in the same fashion. The AND and OR keywords are used to indicate whether nodes are AND or OR nodes. Threat MitigationPart of the value of an attack tree is that it allows you to track potential threats. However, tracking threats isn't particularly useful if you have no way of identifying how they are mitigated. Fortunately, attack trees include a special type of node for addressing that concern: a circular node. Figure 2-8 shows a sample attack tree with mitigating factors in place. Figure 2-8. An attack tree with mitigation nodes![]() Three mitigation nodes have been added to this attack tree to help you realize that these vectors are less likely avenues of attack than the unmitigated branches. The dashed lines used in one mitigation node are a shorthand way to identify a branch as an unlikely attack vector. It doesn't remove the branch, but it does encourage you to direct your focus elsewhere. One final note on mitigation: You don't want to look for it too early. Identifying mitigating factors is useful because it can prevent you from pursuing an unlikely attack vector. However, you don't want to get lulled into a false sense of security and miss a likely branch. So consider mitigation carefully, and make sure you perform some validation before you add it to your attack tree. Documentation of FindingsNow that the investigative work is done, you need to document what you discovered. In the documentation phase, you will review the threats you uncovered in the previous phase and present them in a formal manner. For each threat you uncovered, you need to provide a brief summary along with any recommendations for eliminating the threat. To see how this process works, use the "Brute-force login" threat (node 1.2.1) from your sample attack tree. This threat could allow an attacker to log in with another user's credentials. The documentation of your threat summary would look similar to Table 2-1.
All the information for the brute-force login threat is neatly summarized in a table. In the next part of this phase, you extend this table to include some additional information on the risk of the threat. DREAD Risk RatingsReal-world applications are generally much larger and more complex in both design and implementation than the examples used in this chapter. Increased size and complexity creates a broad spectrum of attack vectors in a variety of user classes. As a result, you can usually come up with a long list of potential threats and possible recommendations to help mitigate those threats. In a perfect world, designers could systematically go about addressing each threat and fixing potential issues, closing each attack vector as necessary. However, certain business realities might not allow mitigating every identified vector, and almost certainly not all at once. Clearly, some sort of prioritization is needed to help address the more serious vectors before worrying about the less important ones. By assigning a threat severity rating, you can rank each uncovered threat based on the risk it poses to the security of the application and associated systems. This rating can then be used as a guideline for developers to help decide which issues take precedence. You can choose to rate threats in a number of different ways. What's most important is that you incorporate the exposure of the threat (how easy is it to exploit and who the vector is available to) and the amount of damage incurred during a successful exploit. Beyond that, you might want to add components that are more pertinent to your environment and business processes. For this chapter's threat-modeling purposes, the DREAD rating system developed by Microsoft is used. No model is perfect, but this one provides a fairly good balance of commonly accepted threat characteristics. These characteristics are briefly summarized as follows:
Each category can be given a score between 1 and 10 (1 being the lowest, 10 the highest). Category scores are then totaled and divided by 5 for an overall threat rating. A rating of 3 or below can be considered a low-priority threat, 4 to 7 as a medium-priority threat, and 8 or greater as a high-priority threat. Note The DREAD model is also useful in rating implementation and operational vulnerabilities. In fact, you can use DREAD as your general-purpose rating system over the entire course of an application review. One of the benefits of the DREAD rating system is that it provides a range of detail you can use when presenting results to business decision makers. You can give them a concise threat assessment, with just the total threat rating and the category it falls into. You could also present more detailed information, such as individual scores for the five threat categories. You might even want to give them a full report, including the model documentation and an explanation of how you arrived at the scores for each category. Regardless of your choice, it's a good idea to have information available at each level of detail when making a presentation to clients or senior management. Table 2-2 is an example of applying a DREAD rating to the brute-force login threat.
Automatic Threat-Modeling DocumentationAs you can see, quite a lot of documentation is involved in the threat-modeling process (both text and diagrams). Thankfully, Frank Swiderski (co-author of the previously mentioned Threat Modeling) has developed a tool to help with creating various threat-modeling documents. It's available as a free download at The tool makes it easy to create DFDs, use cases, threat summaries, resource summaries, implementation assumptions, and many other documents you're going to need. Furthermore, the documentation is organized into a tree structure that's easy to navigate and maintain. The tool can output all your documentation as HTML or another output form of your choosing, using Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) processing. Familiarizing yourself with this tool for threat-modeling documentation is strongly recommended. Prioritizing the Implementation ReviewNow that you've completed and scored your threat summaries, you can finally turn your attention to structuring the implementation review. When developing your threat model, you should have decomposed the application according to a variety of factors, including modules, objects, and functionality. These divisions should be reflected in the Affected Components entry in each individual threat summary. The next step is to make a list of components at the appropriate level of decomposition; exactly what level is determined by the size of the application, number of reviewers, time available for review, and similar factors. However, it's usually best to start at a high level of abstraction, so you only need to consider a handful of components. In addition to the component names, you need another column on your list for risk scores associated with each component. After you have this component list, you simply identify which component a threat summary belongs to and add the risk score for that summary to the associated component. After you've totaled your list of summaries, you'll have a score for the risk associated with each component. Generally, you want to start your assessment with the highest scoring component and continue proceeding from highest to lowest. You might also need to eliminate some components due to time, budget, or other constraints. So it's best to start eliminating from the lowest scoring components. You can apply this scoring process to the next level of decomposition for a large application; although that starts to get into the implementation review process, which is covered in detail in Chapter 4, "Application Review Process." Using a scoring list can make it a lot easier to prioritize a review, especially for a beginner. However, it isn't necessarily the best way to get the job done. An experienced auditor will often be able to prioritize the review based on their understanding of similar applications. Ideally, this should line up with the threat summary scores, but sometimes that isn't the case. So it's important to take the threat summaries into account, but don't cling to them when you have a reason to follow a better plan. |