labelit command, 185, 193
LAN (local area network), 298, 558
LANG variable, 107
last command, 103
lastchg field, in /etc/shadow file, 100
layering archives, 540
layout_constraint keyword for profile, 527
ldapclient utility, 496
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), 5, 471, 472, 495-496, 557
client configuration, 496-497
client profile, 557
Line Printer (LP) print service, 214, 216-219, 558
commands, 217-218
log files, 218-219
printer interface program, 219
scheduling print requests, 219
links, 127-129
hard links, 128-129
soft links, 129
listen username, 86
Live Upgrade, 25, 558
to install Web Start Flash archive, 538-539
ln command, 128
loadable kernel modules, 150, 558
local area network (LAN), 298, 558
local disk set, 558
local files, 558
local files mode for network configuration, 304, 305-306
local printer, 216
local.cshrc file, 106
locale keyword for profile, 527
local.login file, 106
local.profile file, 106
lockd daemon, 345
LOFS (Loopback File System), 188, 326, 328-329
log files
for cache statistics, 335
for incoming IP connections, 314
managing, 456-457
for Network File System (NFS), 349
for print service, 218-219
for UFS transactions, 189
logadm command, 457
logger command, 457-458
logical block size, 191
logical device files, 156
logical disk naming, 157
logical network, 300-303
OSI model, 301-302
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 302-303
login name, 84
Login Shell field, in Admintool: Add User, 89
historical listing, 103
listing current, 70, 102-103
logout from remote system, 310
loopback address, 306
Loopback File System (LOFS), 326, 328-329, 558
lost+found directory, 193
lp command, 218
to change print priorities, 234
LP print service. See Line Printer (LP) print service
lp username, 86
lpadmin command, 218, 225, 227-229
to change print priorities, 234
to limit user access to printers, 231-232
for printer fault alerts, 230-231
troubleshooting, 237
LPDEST environment variable, 107, 229
lpfilter command, 218, 234
lpforms command, 234
lpmove command, 218, 233
lpr.debug variable, 236
lpsched command, 214, 218, 219
lpsched log, 236
lpshut command, 218
lpstat command, 218, 225, 226
for print job request ID, 233
lpusers command, 218
ls command, 121, 125, 195, 277
to display permissions, 130-131
for ftp, 311
luupgrade command, 538-539