Theme B: Take Care of Your Needs

Section List:

Section 11: Invest in Understanding Yourself
Section 12: Look for Jobs That Align With the Organization’s and Your Personal Goals
Section 13: Stay With Organizations Which Have a Philosophy Compatible With Your Own
Section 14: Understand Others’ Points of View
Section 15: Look at Every Activity as an Opportunity
Section 16: Limit the Encroachment of Work on Your Personal Life
Section 17: Keep Your Lifestyle Within What You are Currently Paid

While you are creating a supportive environment, you need to ensure you do not forget to nourish yourself: devote time to your goals, your values, and your life direction. If you neglect your needs, you will quickly run out of energy, and you will become an unfulfilled, unproductive contributor to your employer.

Caring for yourself is not as easy as it sounds! You face two challenges. The first is to become clear about your personal values and direction. At times, this may be difficult to separate from your role in the company, but it is crucial to know who you are and what brings you energy and happiness.

The second challenge is to find the right balance. Self-absorbed employees are not really what companies need: companies need people who can become committed to their jobs and corporate goals.

It is not really the true goal of an organization to give its employees satisfaction. Corporations primary goals are to deliver value, make money, and achieve strategic objectives. Inspired and happy employees are only a means to those ends, and only some companies truly understand this connection.

It is your job to look after your personal goals. If you do not do it, who will?

Mondays Stink. 23 Secrets To Rediscover Delight and Fulfillment in Your Work
Mondays Stink!
ISBN: 1591099080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 43 © 2008-2017.
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