Appendix C. Run Chart of FTEs Required by Project Portfolio

This appendix provides tables and queries in support of the "Managing the Pipeline" section in Chapter 8, "Leveraging Your Investment in Use Case CM in Project Portfolio Management."

A good way to sanity check a project portfolio is to build a run chart of the number of FTEs required to do the work in the project portfolio through time. Microsoft Project has the capability to generate such run charts, called resource graphs. The run chart of Figure 8.2 (lower window) was produced by importing combined data from both the project portfolio database and from the use case CM database into MS Project.

Following are sample queries showing how to combine data from the project portfolio database and the use case CM database for importing into a scheduling tool, such as MS Project.

Succeeding with Use Cases. Working Smart to Deliver Quality
Succeeding with Use Cases: Working Smart to Deliver Quality
ISBN: 0321316436
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 109 © 2008-2017.
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