
[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

SalariedEmployee class derived from class Employee
SalariedEmployee class that implements interface IPayable methods GetPaymentAmount and GetDetail
Save Project dialog
SaveFileDialog class
SByte structure 2nd
scaling factor
schema invalid document
schema repository
schema valid XML document
schema XML Schema element
schema-valid XML document describing a list of books
schema-validation example
Schemas property of class XmlReaderSettings
scope of a class
scope of a declaration
scope of a type parameter
Scoping rules in a class
Screen class (ATM case study) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
screen-manager program
script (Unicode)
script element in ASP.NET
ScrollBars property of class TextBox 2nd
SDI (Single Document Interface)
Search command of Help
search engine 2nd
Searching for characters and substrings in Strings
searching technique
secondary storage device
Secure property of HttpCookie class
secure protocol
seed value to generate pseudo-random numbers
SeekOrigin enumeration
select attribute (XPath)
select attribute of xsl:for-each element
Select Case keywords
Select keyword
Select Resource dialog
SELECT SQL keyword 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Select...Case multiple-selection statement 2nd 3rd
     activity diagram
SelectCommand property of a SqlDataSource ASP.NET control
selected attribute
selected state
SelectedImageIndex property of class TreeNode
SelectedIndex property
     of class ComboBox
     of class ListBox 2nd
     of class TabControl
SelectedIndexChanged event
     of class ComboBox
     of class ListBox
     of class TabControl
SelectedIndices property
     of class ListBox 2nd
SelectedItem property
     of class ComboBox
     of class ListBox 2nd
SelectedItems property
     of class ListBox 2nd
     of class ListView
SelectedNode property of class TreeView
SelectedTab property of class TabControl
selecting an item from a menu
selecting an item with the mouse
selecting data from a table
selection criteria
selection statement
Selection statements
selection structure
SelectionEnd property of class MonthCalendar
SelectionMode enumeration
     MultiExtended value
     MultiSimple value
     None value
     One value
SelectionMode property
     of class CheckedListBox
     of class ListBox 2nd
SelectionRange property of class MonthCalendar
SelectionStart property of class MonthCalendar
self-referential class 2nd
Self-referential Node class declaration skeleton
self-referential object
send a message to an object
send data to a server
Send method of class UdpClient 2nd
sentinel value 2nd
sentinel-controlled repetition 2nd 3rd
separator bar
     dot (.) 2nd
sequence (linear data structure)
sequence diagram in the UML 2nd
sequence of items
sequence of messages in the UML
sequence statement
sequence structure
sequence-statement activity diagram
sequential file
Sequential file created using serialization
Sequential file read using deserialzation
sequential-access file
Serializable attribute 2nd 3rd
Serialize method of class BinaryFormatter 2nd
serialized object 2nd
server Internet address
server port number
Server side of client/server Tic-Tac-Toe program
service description for a Web service 2nd
session item
Session property of Page class
session tracking
     in Web services
session tracking in Web services
SessionID property of HttpSessionState class 2nd
Set accessor of a property 2nd
Set keyword
SET SQL clause
setAttribute method of interface HttpSession
shadowed instance variable
shadowing a variable
shadowing an instance variable
shallow copy
Shape class hierarchy 2nd
Shapes drawn on a form
shared buffer 2nd 3rd
Shared class member demonstration
Shared class members have class scope
Shared class variable
Shared class variables save storage
Shared constructor
Shared keyword
shared memory
Shared method
Shared method cannot access non-Shared class members
Shared method Concat
Shift key
Shift property of class KeyEventArgs 2nd
shifted random integers
Short value of enumeration DateTimePickerFormat
short-circuit evaluation
shortcut key
ShortcutKeyDisplayString property of class ToolStripMenuItem 2nd
ShortcutKeys property of class ToolStripMenuItem 2nd
shortcuts with the & symbol
Show All Files icon
Show method
     of class Control
     of class Form 2nd 3rd
     of class MessageBox 2nd
     of interface IAgentCtlCharacter
ShowCheckBox property of class DateTimePicker
ShowDialog method
     of class OpenFileDialog 2nd
     of class SaveFileDialog
ShowShortcutKeys property of class ToolStripMenuItem 2nd
ShowUpDown property of class DateTimePicker
shuffling a deck of cards
Shutdown method of class Socket
sibling node 2nd
side effect
sign operations
signal value
signature of a method 2nd
simple condition
simple content in XML Schema
simple name
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Simple student-poll analysis program
simple type
simple types
     table of
Simple value of enumeration ComboBoxStyle
simpleContent XML Schema element
simpleType XML Schema element
Sin method of class Math
Single Document Interface (SDI)
single inheritance
Single primitive type
Single structure 2nd
single-clicking the mouse
single-entry/single-exit control statement 2nd
single-line comment
single-precision floating-point number
single-quote character (') 2nd 3rd
single-selection statement
single-subscripted array
singly linked list
size attribute (input)
size of an array
Size property
     of class Control
     of class Font
     of structure Color
Size structure
     Height property
     Width property
SizeInPoints property of class Font
SizeInPoints property of structure Color
SizeMode property of class PictureBox 2nd
SizeMode property of PictureBox
sizing handle
sizing handle, enabled
Sleep method of class Thread 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
sleeping thread
small circle symbol in the UML
SmallImageList property of class ListView
smart tag menu in Visual Web Developer
snap line
snap lines in Visual Studio 2005
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
     parsing a SOAP message
     SOAP request for the HugeInteger Web service
Socket class 2nd
     Bind method
     Close method 2nd
     GetStream method
     Shutdown method
software asset
software component
software engineering
software life cycle
software reuse 2nd 3rd
solid arc
solid circle (for representing an initial state in a UML diagram)
solid circle (for representing an initial state in a UML diagram) in the UML
solid circle enclosed in an open circle (for representing the end of a UML activity diagram)
solid circle symbol in the UML
solid diamonds (representing composition) in the UML
solid polygon
solid rectangle
SolidBrush class 2nd 3rd 4th
Solution Explorer after adding a Web reference to a project
Solution Explorer window 2nd
Some methods of class ArrayList
Sort method of class Array
Sort method of class ArrayList 2nd
sorted array
Sorted property of class ComboBox
Sorted property of class ListBox
SortedDictionary generic class 2nd
SortedList class
SortedList generic class
sorting in XSL
sorting technique
Source mode in Visual Web Developer
Source property of Exception
source tree (XSLT)
source-code form
space character
space/time trade-off
spacing convention
span XHTML element 2nd 3rd
special character 2nd
Special characters in XHTML
special symbol
specialization in the UML
speech device
speech synthesizer
speech-recognition engine
Split method of class Regex 2nd 3rd
SQL 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
     AS keyword
     DELETE statement 2nd
     FROM clause
     INNER JOIN operator 2nd
     INSERT statement 2nd
     LIKE clause
     ON clause
     ORDER BY clause 2nd 3rd
     SELECT query 2nd 3rd 4th
     SET clause
     UPDATE statement
     VALUES clause
     WHERE clause
SQL keyword
SQL Server 2005 Express
SqlCommand class 2nd
SqlConnection class 2nd
SqlDataAdapter class 2nd 3rd
SqlDataSource ASP.NET data control
Sqrt method of class Math 2nd 3rd
square root
SquareRootForm class throws an exception if an error occurs when calculating the square root
src attribute (XHTML) 2nd
Stack class 2nd
stack data structure 2nd 3rd
stack frame
Stack generic class 2nd
     Stack(Of Double)
     Stack(Of Integer)
stack overflow
stack trace
stack unwinding
StackComposition class encapsulates functionality of class List
stacked control statements
StackInheritance extends class List
StackOverflowException class
StackTrace property of Exception 2nd 3rd
standard error stream object
standard input stream object
standard output stream object
standard reusable component
standard time format
standardized, interchangeable parts
Start method of class Process
Start method of class TcpListener
Start method of class Thread 2nd
Start Page
start tag 2nd 3rd
starting angle
StartsWith and EndsWith methods
StartsWith method of class String
startup object
startup project
state button
state in the UML 2nd
state machine diagram for some of the states of the ATM object
state machine diagram in the UML 2nd
state of an object 2nd
stateless protocol
     Exit Property
     Exit Select
static entities
StatusText property of class WebBrowser
StatusTextChanged event of class WebBrowser
Step Into command (debugger)
Step keyword
Step Out command (debugger)
Step Over command (debugger)
stereotype in the UML
Stop method of class WebBrowser
Stopped thread state 2nd
straight line
     standard error
     standard input
     standard output
Stream class 2nd
stream of bytes
stream socket
StreamReader class 2nd
streams-based transmission
StreamWriter class
StretchImage value
Strikeout member of enumeration FontStyle
Strikeout property of class Font
string 2nd
String class 2nd 3rd
     Concat method
     CopyTo method
     EndsWith method
     Equals method
     Format method
     IndexOf method 2nd
     IndexOfAny method
     IndexOfAy method
     LastIndexOf method 2nd
     LastIndexOfAny method 2nd
     Length property 2nd 3rd
     method ToLower
     method ToUpper
     Replace property
     StartsWith property
     Substring method
     Substring property
     ToLower property 2nd
     ToUpper property 2nd
     Trim method
     Trim property 2nd
String Collection Editor in Visual Studio .NET
string concatenation assignment operator (&=)
string concatenation operator (&)
string constant
String indexer, Length property and CopyTo method
string literal 2nd
String methods Replace, ToLower, ToUpper, Trim and ToString
string of characters
String primitive type
String XML Schema data type
StringBuilder class 2nd
     Append method
     AppendFormat method
     Capacity property
     EnsureCapacity method
     Length property
     Remove method
     Replace method
     ToString method
StringBuilder size manipulation
StringBuilder text replacement
strong element (XHTML)
strong typing
strongly typed DataSet 2nd
Stroustrup, Bjarne
Structure keyword 2nd 3rd
structure of a system 2nd
structured programming
Structured Query Language (SQL) 2nd 3rd
     Boolean 2nd
     Byte 2nd
     Char 2nd
     DateTime 2nd
     Decimal 2nd
     Double 2nd
     Int16 2nd
     Int32 2nd
     Int64 2nd
     Single 2nd
     UInt16 2nd
     UInt32 2nd
     UInt64 2nd
Style property of class Font
style sheet 2nd
stylesheet start tag
sub element (XHTML)
Sub keyword 2nd
Sub procedure 2nd
sub-initializer list
"submit" input
Subroutine for printing payment information
Substring method of class String 2nd
substrings generated from Strings
subtraction assignment operator (-=)
subtraction operator (-)
Success property of Match
sum function (XSL)
summarizing responses to a survey
summary attribute
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
sup element (XHTML)
surrogates (Unicode)
suspend a program
suspend a thread 2nd
Suspend method of class Thread
Suspended thread state
SuspendRequested thread state
Sybase, Inc.
SyncBlock 2nd
synchronization 2nd 3rd 4th
synchronization wrapper (collections)
Synchronized method of collections classes
synchronous call
SyncLock keyword 2nd 3rd
SyncLock statement
syntax error
syntax error underlining
syntax-color highlighting
system behavior 2nd
SYSTEM keyword in XML
System namespace 2nd
system requirements
system service
system structure 2nd
System.Collections namespace 2nd 3rd 4th
System.Collections.Generic namespace 2nd
System.Collections.Specialized namespace
System.Data namespace 2nd
System.Data.OleDb namespace
System.Data.SqlClient namespace
System.Diagnostics namespace
System.Drawing namespace 2nd 3rd 4th
System.Drawing.Drawing2D namespace 2nd
System.IO namespace 2nd
System.Net namespace 2nd 3rd 4th
System.Net.Sockets namespace
System.Net.Sockets.Socket namespace
System.Runtime.Remoting namespace
System.Runtime.Remoting reference 2nd
System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels namespace
System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http namespace
System.Runtime.Serialization namespace
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary namespace
System.Text namespace 2nd
System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace 2nd 3rd
System.Threading namespace 2nd
System.Web namespace
System.Web.UI namespace
System.Web.UI.WebControls namespace
System.Windows.Forms namespace 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
System.Windows.Forms.dll assembly 2nd 3rd
System.Xml namespace 2nd
System.Xml.XPath namespace
System.Xml.Xsl namespace
SystemException class 2nd

Visual BasicR 2005 for Programmers. DeitelR Developer Series
Visual Basic 2005 for Programmers (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 013225140X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 435

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