Back to the Pizza Panic Game

Now that you've gotten a taste of what the livewires multimedia package can do, it's time to create the Pizza Panic game introduced at the beginning of the chapter. Much of the program for the game can be taken directly from the example programs. However, I'll also introduce a few new concepts as I put the game together.

Setting Up the Program

As in all of the programs in this chapter, I begin by importing the modules and setting some global constants:

 # Pizza Panic # Player must catch falling pizzas before they hit the ground # Michael Dawson 5/12/03 import random from livewires import games, color SCREEN_WIDTH = 640 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480 THE_SCREEN = games.Screen(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) 

To do any graphics work, I need to import games, while color gives me access to the set of predefined colors to use in creating screen text. I import random so that the crazy chef seems more life-like when he makes his choices. Next, I create global constants for the width and height of the graphics screen. Then I do something new. I create the graphics screen and assign it to the global constant THE_SCREEN. I do this because I need the screen object in existence before I can load an image object, which I do in several class definitions in this program, as you'll soon see.

The Pan Class

The Pan class is a blueprint for the pan sprite that the player controls through the mouse. However, the pan will only move left and right. I'll go through the class, one section at a time.

Loading the Pan Image

I do something a little different in the beginning of this class; I load a sprite image and assign it to a class variable, image. I do this because Pizza Panic has several classes, and loading an image in its corresponding class definition is clearer than loading all of the images in the program's main() function.

 class Pan(games.Sprite):     """     A pan controlled by player to catch falling pizzas.     """     image = games.load_image("pan.bmp") 

The __init__() Method

Next, I write the constructor, which creates a new Pan object with the given coordinates. I define an attribute, score_value, for the player's score, which I set to 0. I also define another attribute, score_text, for a Text object that displays the score on the graphics screen.

     def __init__ (self, screen, x, y):         """ Initialize pan object. Create a Text object for player's score. """         self.init_sprite(screen = screen, x = x, y = y, image = Pan.image)         self.score_value = 0         self.score_text = games.Text(screen = self.screen, x = 550, y = 20,                                         text = "Score: 0", size = 25, color = 

The moved() Method

This method moves the player's pan:

    def moved(self):        """ Move pan to mouse x position. """        x, y = self.screen.mouse_pos()        self.move_to(x, self.get_ypos())        if self.get_left() < 0:            self.set_left(0)        if self.get_right() > SCREEN_WIDTH:            self.set_right(SCREEN_WIDTH)        self.check_for_catch() 

The method gets the coordinates of the mouse, then moves the player's pan to the mouse's x-coordinate and the pan's current y-coordinate. By using the pan's current y-coordinate, the pan stays locked at the same height. As a result, the pan can move left and right but not up and down.

Next, I use the object's get_left() method to check if the left edge of the pan is less than 0, meaning that it's beyond the left edge of the graphics window. If so, I set the left edge to 0 with the object's set_left() method. This way, the pan will never be drawn beyond the left edge of the graphics window.

Then, I use the object's get_right() method to check if the right edge of the pan is greater than SCREEN_WIDTH, meaning that it is beyond the right edge of the graphics window. If so, I set the right edge to SCREEN_WIDTH with the object's set_right() method. This way, the pan will never be drawn beyond the right edge of the graphics window.

Finally, I invoke the object's check_for_catch() method.

The check_for_catch() Method

This method checks if the player has caught one of the falling pizzas:

     def check_for_catch(self):         """ Check if pan catches a pizza. """         for pizza in self.overlapping_objects():             self.handle_caught()             pizza.handle_caught() 

The method goes through the list of objects that overlap the player's pan. For each object that overlaps the Pan object, the method invokes the Pan object's own handle_caught() method and then invokes the overlapping object's handle_caught() method.

The handle_caught() Method

This method is called whenever the player's pan and a falling pizza collide:

     def handle_caught(self):         """ Increase and display score. """         self.score_value += 10         self.score_text.set_text("Score: "+ str(self.score_value)) 

This method increases the Pan object's score_value attribute score by 10 each time a pizza is caught. In order to reflect the change in the player's score on the graphics screen, the Text object for the score must be updated. So next, this method invokes the set_text() method of the score_text attribute of the Pan object. set_text() assigns a new string to the object's text attribute to reflect the player's new score.

The Pizza Class

This class is for the falling pizzas that the player must catch:

 class Pizza(games.Sprite):     """     A pizza which falls to the ground.     """     image = games.load_image("pizza.bmp")     START_Y = 90               # start any pizza at chef's chest-level     speed = 1 

I define three class variables: image for the pizza image, START_Y, a constant for all pizzas' starting y-coordinate, and speed, a class variable for all pizzas' falling speed. START_Y is set to 90 so that any newly created pizza will appear at the chef's chest level on the graphics screen. I set speed to 1 so that the pizzas fall at a fairly slow speed. I use all three class variables in the Pizza constructor method, as you'll soon see.

I didn't make speed a constant because I thought I might want to change the speed at which the pizzas fall as the game progresses in a future version of the program (or you might want to, if you accept the chapter challenges).

The __init__() Method

This method initializes a new Pizza object:

     def __init__(self, screen, x):         """ Initialize a pizza object. """         self.init_sprite(screen = screen, x = x, y = Pizza.START_Y,                            dx = 0, dy = Pizza.speed, image = Pizza.image) 

When the constructor method of a newly created Pizza object is invoked, the object's init_sprite() method is invoked to initialize the sprite.

The moved() Method

This method handles screen boundary checking:

     def moved(self):         """ Check if a pizza's bottom edge has reached screen bottom. """         if self.get_bottom() > SCREEN_HEIGHT:             self.game_over() 

All this method does is check if a pizza has reached the bottom of the screen. If it has, the method invokes the object's game_over() method.

The handle_caught() Method

Remember, this method is invoked by the player's Pan object when the Pizza object collides with it:

     def handle_caught(self):         """ Destroy self if caught. """         self.destroy() 

When a pizza collides with a pan, the pizza is considered "caught" and simply ceases to exist. So, the Pizza object invokes its own destroy() method and the pizza literally disappears.

The game_over() Method

This method is invoked by moved() when a pizza reaches the bottom of the screen. The method ends the game.

     def game_over(self):         """ End the game. """         # destroy all game objects except the Text object (player's score)         for game_object in self.screen.all_objects():             if not isinstance(game_object, games.Text):                 game_object.destroy()         # show 'Game Over' for 250 mainloop() cycles (at 50 fps that's 5 seconds)         games.Message(screen = self.screen,                        x = SCREEN_WIDTH/2, y = SCREEN_HEIGHT/2,                        text = "Game Over", size = 90, color =,                        lifetime = 250, after_death = self.screen.quit) 

When this method is invoked, the player's pan, the crazy chef, and all of the pizzas disappear from the screen. Then, the message "Game Over" is displayed in big, red letters. About five seconds later, the program ends.

The for loop moves through all of the objects on the screen and destroys each one, except the Text object, which represents the player's score. The method checks if each object is a Text object with the isinstance() Python function, which takes an object and a class as arguments. isinstance() is True if the object is an instance of the class, and is False otherwise.

Next, the game_over() method creates a Message object that declares that the game is over. Since the lifetime attribute is 250 and mainloop() is running at 50 cycles per second, the message stays on the screen for about five seconds. At that point, the method specified in the after_death attribute of the Message object is invoked. The specified method is the Screen object's quit() method, so the graphics window disappears and the program ends.

The Chef Class

The Chef class is used to create the crazy chef who throws the pizzas off the restaurant rooftop. The class has a constructor method, a moved() method, and a drop_pizza() method, which, you guessed it, allows the chef to drop a new pizza.

 class Chef(games.Sprite):     """     A chef which moves left and right, dropping pizzas.     """     image = games.load_image("chef.bmp")     Y = 55                      # put the chef right on the top of the brick wall 

I define two class variables. image is for the chef image and Y is for the starting y-coordinate of the Chef object. I set Y to 55, which will put the image of the chef right at the rooftop.

The __init__() Method

This method creates a new chef:

     def __init__ (self, screen, x, speed, odds_change):         """ Initialize the Chef object. """         self.init_sprite(screen = screen, x = x, y = Chef.Y,                            dx = speed, dy = 0, image = Chef.image)         self.odds_change = odds_change         self.time_til_drop = 0 

First, I invoke the newly created Chef object's init_sprite() method to initialize the sprite. I pass the class constant Y for the y-coordinate. dx is passed speed, which determines the chef's horizontal velocity as he moves along the rooftop.

The method also creates two attributes, odds_change and time_til_drop. odds_change is an integer that represents the odds that the chef will change his direction. For example, if odds_change is 250, then there's a 1 in 250 chance that every time the chef moves, he'll reverse direction. You'll see how this works in the moved() method of the class.

time_til_drop is an integer that represents the amount of time, in mainloop() cycles, until the next time the chef drops his next pizza. I set it to 0 initially, meaning that when a Chef object springs to life, it should immediately drop a pizza. You'll see how time_til_drop works in the drop_pizza() method.

Lastly, since I've used OOP to build Pizza Panic, it becomes a trivial task to have multiple chefs in the same game. With one additional line of code to instantiate another Chef object, I can have two crazy, hat-wearing men tossing pizzas down at the player's pan. Though I'll be using only one chef in this version of the game, this knowledge might come in handy (say, for a chapter challenge).

The moved() Method

This method defines the rules for how the chef decides to slide back and forth along the rooftop:

     def moved(self):         """ Determine if direction needs to be reversed. """         if self.get_left() < 0 or self.get_right() > SCREEN_WIDTH:             self.reverse()         else:             same_direction = random.randrange(self.odds_change)             if not same_direction:                 self.reverse()         self.drop_pizza() 

A chef slides along the rooftop in one direction until he either reaches the edge of the screen or "decides," at random, to switch directions. The beginning of this method checks to see if the chef has moved beyond the left or right edge of the graphics window. If he has, then the reverse() method is invoked. Otherwise, the chef has a 1 in odds_change chance of changing direction.

Regardless of whether or not the chef changes direction, the last thing the method does is invoke the Chef object's drop_pizza() method.

The reverse() Method

This method is invoked by moved() and reverses the chef's direction:

     def reverse(self):         """ Reverse direction. """         dx, dy = self.get_velocity()         self.set_velocity((-dx, dy)) 

This method is quite simple. It reverses the horizontal velocity of the chef, changing his direction.

The drop_pizza() Method

This method is invoked every time moved() is invoked, but that doesn't mean a new pizza is dropped each time:

     def drop_pizza(self):         """ Decrease countdown or drop pizza and reset countdown. """         if self.time_til_drop:             self.time_til_drop -= 1         else:             # set so buffer will be 15 pixels, regardless of pizza speed             self.time_til_drop = int(65 / Pizza.speed)             Pizza(self.screen, self.get_xpos()) 

time_til_drop represents a countdown for our chef. If time_til_drop is not 0, then 1 is subtracted from it. Otherwise, time_til_drop is reset and a new Pizza object is created. The value of time_til_drop is determined by the height of the pizza sprite image and the speed at which the pizzas are falling. Since the pizza image is 50 pixels high, the formula provides a nice 15 pixel-sized gap between each pie, independent of the falling speed.

The main() Function

The main() function creates a graphics screen, creates graphics objects and then kicks off the Screen object's mainloop() to run the show:

 def main():     my_screen = THE_SCREEN     my_screen.mouse_visible(False)     wall_image = games.load_image("wall.jpg", transparent = False)     my_screen.set_background(wall_image)     Chef(screen = my_screen, x = SCREEN_WIDTH/2, speed = 1, odds_change = 250)     Pan(screen = my_screen, x = SCREEN_WIDTH/2, y = 435)     my_screen.mainloop() # start program main() 

First, I assign the graphics screen to my_screen and set the mouse pointer to invisible. Then, I set the brick wall as the background.

Next, I create a chef with a speed of 1 and a 1 in 250 chance of changing directions each move. Then, I create the player's pan with a y-coordinate of 435, putting it at the bottom of the screen.

Finally, I invoke my_screen's mainloop() and the game begins.

Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 1435455002
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 194 © 2008-2017.
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