11.2. Commercial SEO Analysis SoftwareCommercially-licensed SEO analysis software is unlikely to prove worth its cost unless you are in the business of performing SEO for numerous web sites and a great deal of content, or for a major enterprise. If the advertising for this kind of software claims too much, beware! Essentially, the closer a commercial SEO product comes to true enterprise web analytic capability, like that provided by Google Analytics or WebTrends, the more likely it is to provide valuebut only to larger enterprises. So it's fairly rare for software labeled specifically for SEO purposes to be worth the licensing feeyou can either do the job yourself manually, or a free tool is available. If your need for SEO analysis falls into the enterprise category, I'd suggest you start with Google Analytics, http://www.google.com/analytics/, or WebTrends, http://www.webtrends.com/, even those these products are not specifically aimed at SEO. If you do want to look into licensed SEO software, some of the better known commercial SEO analysis products are: