Chapter 11 -- Coexistence and Migration

Chapter 11

At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

  • List and describe the IPv4 to IPv6 transition criteria.
  • List and describe the different types of nodes.
  • List and describe the use of each type of compatibility address.
  • Describe the mechanisms for IPv6/IPv4 coexistence.
  • List and describe the types of tunneling configurations.
  • Describe configured and automatic tunneling.
  • Describe 6over4 in terms of its purpose, requirements, and addresses used when encapsulating.
  • Describe 6to4 in terms of its purpose, requirements, and addresses used when encapsulating.
  • Describe the features, functionality, and configuration of 6to4 support in Windows XP and the Windows .NET Server 2003 family.
  • Describe ISATAP in terms of its purpose, requirements, and addresses used when encapsulating.
  • Describe the purpose and configuration of PortProxy in Windows XP and the Windows .NET Server 2003 family.
  • List and describe the steps in migrating from IPv4 to IPv6.

Understanding IPv6
Understanding Ipv6
ISBN: 0735612455
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 124
Authors: Joseph Davies © 2008-2017.
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