Rational Unified Process (RUP), 148
<READONLY /> field rule, 283
recovery, disaster
built-in Windows tools, 123
ease of use, 123
importance, 121–122
plan, 122
SQL Server 2005 Backup and Restore, 123–124
third-party tools, 123
recovery modes, transaction log, 124
/recursive option, Permissions command, 113
red x, Reports node, 437
refactoring, Team Edition for Database Professionals testing, 210–212
SQL Server, 37
TFCS service, 229, 231
relational database
data warehouse, 422
fact tables, 424–425
release candidate, 444
release management
completing software projects, MSF, 443–446
tasks in Team System, 446–447
Release Manager role, MSF Agile Process Model, 197
release notes, creating, 444
release plan, 444
remaining work, 362
Remaining Work field, 363–364
remaining work report, 164–165
/remove option, Permissions command, 113
Report Builder, 432–433
Report Designer, creating with, 431–432
report server
configure and stop, 139–140
connection strings, re-creating, 142–143
Reporting Services, 42
Reporting Services, SQL Server
architecture, 420–421
Conchango Scrum Process Template, 175
custom Team System reports
described, 429
project data, mining with Excel pivot table report, 429–431
Report Builder, 432–433
Report Designer, creating with, 431–432
custom VSTS reports, 428
customization and extensibility, advanced, 433–434
data warehouse
administering and refreshing, 438
common problem, 437
core components, 422–423
operational stores and adapters, 423
relational database (fact tables), 424–425
Warehouse Setup Tool (SetupWarehouse), 438–439
deploying reports in Team System, 434–436
described, 26, 419–420
details, 427
dimensions, 426–427
managing reports, 436–437
measures, 425–426
MSF documentation, 427–428
OLAP, 421–422
security permissions, setting on reports, 439–441
ProcessTemplate.xml, 171
redirecting, 436
security permissions, setting on, 439–441
Team Foundation Server, 26
Windows SharePoint Team Portal, 13
ReportServer database, 125
ReportServerTempDB database, 125
repository, TFVC, 304–306
<REQUIRED /> field rule, 283
requirement, 277
Requirements Authoring Starter Kit, 350
Requirements folder, 267
reseller sources of Team System, 28
Resolved Bugs query, 290
restoring Team Foundation Server
application tier
connecting to data tier, 141–142
stopping services, 141
configure and stop
IIS, 140
report server, 139–140
data warehouse, recreating, 141
databases, 135–136
to different server, 138–143
encryption key, 133
recreating the Data Warehouse, 137
report server connection strings, re-creating, 142–143
to same server, 134–138
Windows SharePoint portal sites, configuring, 143
work item cache on client machines, 137–138
results roll-ups, 361–363
results, VSSConverter with Visual SourceSafe, 329–330
retail sources of Team System, 28
reverse delta technology, 305
review, 277
CMMI process improvement, 168–169
postmortem identification, 449
project level, 277
software development, handling, 148
roles, security settings and, 14
rollout and deployment plan, 445
RSKEYMGMT command-line tool, 133
Rudder, Eric (Microsoft senior vice president for techni- cal strategy), 202
rules, field, 282–283
RUP (Rational Unified Process), 148