Wacker, Watts, 143
Waitt, Ted, 250
Wall décor, 188, 237–39
demographic variables, 239
industry snapshot, 237
purchase drivers, 238–39
retail overview, 238
sconces, 237, 238
Wal-Mart, 111, 122–23, 149, 178, 225, 228, 233, 263
Warnaco, 52
Watches, 122–26
Waterford Wedgwood PLC, 56
Water imagery, 32
Wesely-Clough, Marita, 86
Wexner, Leslie, 66
What Not to Wear, 115
Wherehouse Entertainment, 171
While You Were Out, 108, 156, 239
White Barn Candle Company, 66, 198
Whitehead, Ed, 175
White-Westinghouse, 228
Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping (Underhill), 69
William Arthur stationery, 222
Williams-Sonoma, 72, 196, 228, 235, 238
Willitts Design, 208
Window coverings, 187, 239–42
demographic variables, 241–42
industry overview, 240
purchase drivers, 241
retail overview, 240–41
Wolf, Chuck, 167
Wolf Camera, 167
Women, selling to, 18–21
Women's clothing/apparel, 135–40
demographic variables, 140
industry snapshot, 136
purchase drivers, 138–40
retail overview, 136–38
Women's Wear Daily, 49–50
Woodall, Trinny, 115
World Future Society, 142
World Kitchen, 227
Writing instruments, 222