

ACE (action, color, exaggeration), in visual aids, 33

Acoustics, business lunch, 70–71


for brief the boss, 121, 122

calendar action, selling your ideas, 80, 88–89

and meeting purpose, 140–141

moving group to, 101–114

in on-the-spot format, 96, 98–99

in viewpoint presentation format, 35, 36–37

in visual aids, 33

Action, presentation to move group to, 101–114

exceed audience expectations, 104–105

important people to include, 105–107

key dos and don’ts, 113–114

rehearse and set-up, 107–109

team assignments and scheduling, 102–104

tell them what they want to do, 112–113

top person has role in presentation, 109–110

unite audience with symbol, 107, 109

Adrenaline, 16


for brief the boss, 121–122

establishing, in speech, 55

Alcohol consumption at business lunch, 76

Amplification of voice with lavaliere mike, 31–32

Analogies as PAJES evidence, 22, 23–24, 86


business lunch speaking, 42–47

details in, 202–204

inspirational speaking, 198–205

memorability of, 47

message in, 200, 204–205

in speaker introduction, 179, 180, 182–184

Answering questions (See Q&A [questions and answers])

Appearance and speaker impact, 16–19

Aristotle, 34

Audience issues, 51–69

action, moving audience to, 104–107

agenda, establishing in speech, 55

bad news and hostility, 51–53, 64–68

benefits and summary in selling your ideas, 80, 85–86, 88–89

composition, 29, 33–34

demonstration/presentation steps, 110–112

emotional connection, 54–55

exceed expectations and move to action, 104–105

favorable presentation of results, 56–57

greeting and shaking hands, 53

impact on speaker, 14–16

important people to include for action, 105–107

key dos and don’ts, 69

knowledge of, 12–13

Q&A preparation, 57–63

speaker impact, 16–21

tell them what they want to do, 112–113

top person has role in presentation, 109–110

unite with symbol, 107, 109

Award presentation, 186–188

Talk Your Way to the Top(c) How to Address Any Audience Like Your Career Depends on It
Talk Your Way to the Top: How to Address Any Audience Like Your Career Depends On It
ISBN: 007140564X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 95 © 2008-2017.
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