4.4 The TuttleCursor class

4.4 The TuttleCursor class

The TuttleCursor class supplies a cursor to the Tuttle class. The cursor has to be capable of being rotated to indicate the direction of the tuttle and has to be capable of being re-colored to indicate the foreground color of the tuttle. Its class diagram is given in Figure 4.7. This class is being introduced not only to supply the Tuttle class with a suitable cursor but also to introduce the techniques by which an Image can be algorithmically processed by a Java artifact. As with the Tuttle class itself a detailed knowledge of the implementation of this class is not required for the use of the Tuttle object, although the techniques are essential for the development of any Java image processing applications.

Figure 4.7 The TuttleCursor class diagram.

The image which is to be used as the cursor is supplied to the TuttleCursor constructor from the private initialiseCursor() method of the Tuttle class whose implementation, which was omitted above, is as follows.

0078     private void initialiseCursor(){  0079      0080     MediaTracker tuttleTracker; 0081      0087        theCursor = ( itsApplet.getImage(  0088                         itsApplet.getCodeBase(), "Tuttles/tuttle.gif"));            0089        tuttleTracker = new MediaTracker( this); 0090        tuttleTracker.addImage( theCursor, 0); 0091        try {  0092            tuttleTracker.waitForID( 0); 0093        } catch ( InterruptedException exception) {        0094          // Do nothing! 0095        } // End try/ catch.   0096   0097        if ( (theCursor == null)               ||  0098             (theCursor.getWidth(  this) < 1)  || 0099             (theCursor.getHeight( this) < 1)  ){ 0100           System.out.println( "Empty cursor image ... abending"); 0101           System.exit( -1);          0102        } // End if. 0103        rotatingCursor = new TuttleCursor( theCursor, this); 0104        rotatingCursor.setCursorColor( currentForeground);  0105        theCursor = rotatingCursor.rotate( direction);       0106     } // End initialiseCursor.

The tuttle cursor is stored as a GIF format image in a file called "tuttle.gif", which is assumed to be located in a sub-directory, called Tuttles, of the directory containing the Tuttles package. This image has to be retrieved from the file and imported into the applet as a Java Image instance.

In order to accomplish this the Applet getImage() method is called on lines 0087 and 0088. The arguments to this method are the codeBase of the Applet, which is the Internet location where the applet was downloaded from; and the name of the file at this location. The second argument indicates that the file which contains the image ("tuttle.gif") is contained in the Tuttles sub-directory of the Tuttles package directory. This method executes asynchronously in a separate thread of control and lines 0089 to 0095 involve the use of a MediaTracker instance to suspend the current thread until the image has completely loaded.

MediaTrackers allow monitoring and synchronization of the separate threads which are loading multimedia files, as mentioned above. In this example, on line 0090, the tuttleTracker is asked to monitor the loading of the theCursor Image. The second argument to the addImage() method indicating the degree of priority to be used and allowing one of a number of activities which a MediaTrackers instance might be monitoring to be identified. Lines 0091 to 0095 then effectively suspend the main thread until the image in the "tuttle.gif" file has been fully loaded.

It is possible that the image will not load, possibly because the file containing it could not be found or does not contain a valid image. Accordingly, lines 0097 to 0102 contain a guard which abends the program if the cursor image cannot be obtained. Once it is certain that the cursor image has loaded, and thus that theCursor Image is complete, on line 0103, the TuttleCursor constructor is called passing theCursor image and identity of the Tuttle component being constructed as arguments. Finally on lines 0104 and 0105 the setCursorColor() and rotate() methods of the newly constructed TuttleCursor instance, rotatingCursor, are called to ensure that theCursor is ready for use.

The declaration of the TuttleCursor class, as far as the start of its constructor, is as follows.

0001  // Filename TuttleCursor.java. 0002  // Provides a rotating cursor capability for the  0003  // Tuttle class. 0004  // 0005  // Written for the Java Interface Book Chapter 4. 0006  // Fintan Culwin, v 0.2, August 1997. 0007   0009  package Tuttles; 0011   0012  import java.awt.*; 0013  import java.awt.image.*; 0014  import java.lang.Math; 0016   0017  class TuttleCursor extends Object {  0018   0019  private int       imageWidth;   0020  private int       imageHeight;   0021  private int       pixels[]; 0022  private int       rotatedPixels[];   0023  private Component component;    0024  private Image     rotatedImage;       

The TuttleCursor class encapsulates two arrays of integers. One, called pixels, contains a copy of the cursor Image. The second, called rotatedPixels, is used to contain a rotated copy of the first, which will be transferred as an Image into the rotatedImage attribute when rotation is required. The imageWidth and imageHeight attributes store the size of the cursor image.

This provides a common pattern for image processing operations which can be adapted for use when other operations are required. The pattern of operations is illustrated in Figure 4.8. It shows that the Image has first to be converted into a one dimensional array of int, which can then be processed, in this example being rotated, before it is converted back into an Image.

Figure 4.8 Algorithmic processing of an Image.

The implementation of the TuttleCursor constructor is as follows.

0028     protected TuttleCursor( Image         toRotate, 0029                             ImageObserver observer) {  0030      0031     PixelGrabber grabber; 0032     boolean      status; 0033      0034        component     =  observer; 0035        imageWidth    =  toRotate.getWidth( observer); 0036        imageHeight   =  toRotate.getHeight( observer); 0037        pixels        =  new int[ imageWidth * imageHeight]; 0038        rotatedPixels =  new int[ imageWidth * imageHeight]; 0039   0040        grabber       =  new PixelGrabber( toRotate, 0, 0, 0041                                           imageWidth,imageHeight,   0042                                           pixels, 0, imageWidth); 0043        try {      0044           status = grabber.grabPixels();  0045           if ( !status) {  0046              throw new InterruptedException(); 0047           } // End if.             0048        } catch ( InterruptedException exception) { 0049           System.err.println("Exception grabbing pixels ... abending"); 0050           System.exit( -1);             0051        } // End try/catch. 0052     } // End TuttleCursor constructor.

The TuttleCursor constructor requires the Image to be used for the cursor and also an ImageObserver, for reasons as discussed above and as will be elaborated below. The first part of the constructor, on line 0034, stores the identity of the ImageObserver in the observer instance attribute. The width and height of the cursor image are then obtained, using the toRotate getWidth() and getHeight() methods which both require an ImageObserver argument. Having established the size of the cursor image, on lines 0037 and 0038, the sizes of the int pixels array, which will contain the raw image and the int rotatedPixels array, which will contain the processed image, can be established.

On lines 0040 to 0042 an instance of the PixelGrabber class is constructed whose arguments ensure that it will be capable of extracting all the pixels from the toRotate Image into the pixels array. This will comprise the first part of the image processing pattern shown in Figure 4.8. The grabbing is accomplished within the try/ catch structure guarding the call of the grabPixels() method on lines 0044 whose catch part abends the program should it fail.

The outcome of the constructor is that the pixels array contains a representation of the toRotate Image containing the cursor. This representation will be processed into the rotatedPixels array, implementing the second stage from Figure 48. The implementation of the rotate() method, is as follows.

0059     protected Image rotate( int angle) {  0060      0061     int    x, y; 0062     int    fromX, fromY; 0063     int    toX,   toY; 0064     int    transparent = 0x00000000; 0065     double radians  = (((double) (-(angle -180) ) %360) / 180.0) * Math.PI; 0066     double cosAngle = Math.cos( radians); 0067     double sinAngle = Math.sin( radians);  0068   0069   0070        for ( y = 0; y < imageHeight; y++) {  0071           for ( x = 0; x < imageWidth; x++) { 0072              // Rotate around the center of the image. 0073              toX   = ( imageWidth  /2) - x; 0074              toY   = ( imageHeight /2) - y; 0075              fromX = (int)( ( toX * cosAngle) - ( toY * sinAngle)); 0076              fromY = (int)( ( toX * sinAngle) + ( toY * cosAngle));  0077              fromX += imageWidth  /2; 0078              fromY += imageHeight /2;           0079                                 0080              if ( (fromX < 0) || (fromX >= imageWidth)  || 0081                   (fromY < 0) || (fromY >= imageHeight) ){ 0082                 // Rotated point is outside the image 0083                 rotatedPixels[ (y * imageWidth) + x] = transparent; 0084              } else {                             0085                 rotatedPixels[ (y * imageWidth) + x] = 0086                        pixels[ (fromY * imageWidth) + fromX]; 0087              } // End if.           0088           } // End x loop. 0089        } // End y loop.          0090         0093        rotatedImage =  component.createImage(  0094                             new MemoryImageSource( imageWidth, imageHeight,   0095                                                   rotatedPixels, 0, imageWidth)); 0096        return rotatedImage;          0097     } // End rotate.

Before considering the details of this method the 32 bit RGB pixel value as shown in Figure 4.4 needs to be reconsidered. The upper eight bits in locations 24 to 31, shown as AA, control the transparency of the pixel. A pixel value which has all of these bits set (the hexadecimal value 0xFF) is completely opaque and the RGB color in the remaining 24 bits will be rendered exactly as specified onto the image. A pixel value which has all of these bits clear (the hexadecimal value 0x00) is completely transparent and the RGB color in the remaining 24 bits is irrelevant as it will not be rendered. Intermediate values produce a varying degree of transparency. This information is known as the alpha channel and a full 32 bit pixel value in this format is known as an ARGB value.

The image which is used as the cursor has been prepared so that it contains only two colors and all the pixels in the image which do not form a part of the cursor have their alpha values set so as to be transparent. When the cursor is rendered the transparent parts will have no effect upon the existing background of the Tuttle area. This consideration is also required when the image is rotated; any parts of the rotated image which would have come from outside the cursor are set to the value of the transparent mask as declared on line 0064 of the listing. This consideration is illustrated in Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.9 Rotating an image, the gray areas indicate the parts of the
rotated image which originated outside the original image.

Design Advice

When rotating an image, calculate the location where each pixel of the rotated area comes from not the location where each pixel on the original image will be rotated to. This will avoid gaps appearing in the image.

The rotating of the cursor takes place within the double loop between lines 0070 and 0089. Each pixel on the rotated image is considered in turn and the location on the original image where it might have originated from is determined using the appropriate trigonometric transformation. If the if decision on lines 0080 and 0081 indicates that the original location is outside the bounds of the original image, the rotated pixel is set to the transparent mask. Otherwise the location is known to be within the bounds and the pixel value is copied from the original image to the rotated image on lines 0085 and 0086.

This implementation is further complicated by two other factors. Firstly the image is rotated around its center point, so the locations where the pixel is to be moved to ( toX and toY) and where it is moved from ( fromX and fromY) have to be expressed as displacements from the center as the rotation is performed in lines 0083 to 0086. However the y and x indices of the loops are expressed in the normal top left bottom right scan line sequence and the fromX and fromY are converted to this convention in lines 0077 and 0078.

The second complication is that the pixel and rotatedPixel arrays are single dimensional, as required by the PixelGrabber class, and the two coordinate values have to be combined when the array is accessed between lines 0083 to 0086.

Once the original image in the pixels array has been rotated into the rotatedPixels array, the rotatedPixels array is used to construct an Image instance on lines 0093 to 0095, implementing the third part of Figure 4.8. This step employs an instance of the MemoryImageSource class to accomplish the conversion and the Image produced from it is returned from the method, and used by the Tuttle class to indicate the direction of the tuttle.

The implementation of the setCursorColor() method is simpler. Its requirement is to consider each pixel in the pixel array and, if it is not a transparent pixel, replace its value with a non-transparent newColorMask obtained from the newColor argument. Its implementation is as follows.

0100     protected void setCursorColor( Color newColor) {  0101      0102     int x, y; 0103     int newColorMask    = 0; 0104     int transparentMask = 0xFF000000; 0105         0106        newColorMask = transparentMask             | 0107                       (newColor.getRed()   << 16) | 0108                       (newColor.getGreen() << 8)  | 0109                        newColor.getBlue(); 0110        0111        for ( y = 0; y < imageHeight; y++) {  0112           for ( x = 0; x < imageWidth; x++) {             0113                if ( (pixels[ (y * imageWidth) + x] & transparentMask)  0114                                                   == transparentMask ) {  0115                   pixels[ (y * imageWidth) + x] = newColorMask;               0116                } // End if.                      0117           } // End x loop. 0118        } // End y loop.                     0119     } // End setCursorColor.

The newColorMask is constructed from the transparentMask and the RGB components of the newColor, obtained using the getRed(), getGreen() and getBlue() methods on lines 0106 to 0109. This is accomplished using the bitwise left shift operator ( << ) and bitwise oring ( | )of the resulting values so as to produce a 32 bit ARGB value as illustrated in Figure 4.4. The pixels array is then processed by having every value considered and if it is not transparent is replaced with the newColorMask on line 0015. This will ensure that the next time a cursor is requested by using the rotate() method, the color of the cursor will have changed.

The techniques used in the TuttleCursor class are also used in the Tuttle setBackground() method, which was omitted above. Its implementation is as follows.

0228     public void setBackground( Color newColor) {  0229      0230     int    x, y; 0231     int    pixels[]; 0232     Image  newImage; 0233     int    newColorMask; 0234     int    oldColorMask; 0235     Color  oldColor;   0236   0237     PixelGrabber grabber; 0238     boolean      status;    0239      0240        pixels            =  new int[ screenWidth * screenHeight]; 0241        newColorMask      =  0xFF000000                  | 0242                             (newColor.getRed()   << 16) | 0243                             (newColor.getGreen() << 8)  |       0244                             newColor.getBlue(); 0245        oldColorMask      =  0xFF000000                           | 0246                             (currentBackground.getRed()   << 16) | 0247                             (currentBackground.getGreen() << 8)  |       0248                             currentBackground.getBlue();  0249                              0250        newImage = createImage( tuttleImage.getSource());                     0251        grabber =  new PixelGrabber( newImage,  0252                                     0, 0, 0253                                     screenWidth, screenHeight,   0254                                     pixels, 0, screenWidth);                           0255   0256        try {     0257           status = grabber.grabPixels();            0258           if ( !status) {  0259              throw new InterruptedException(); 0260           } // End if.             0261        } catch ( InterruptedException exception) { 0262           System.err.println("Exception grabbing pixels ... abending"); 0263           System.exit( -1);             0264        } // End try/catch. 0265         0266        for ( y = 0; y < screenHeight; y++) {  0267           for ( x = 0; x < screenWidth; x++) {             0268                if ( pixels[ (y * screenWidth) + x] == oldColorMask) {  0269                   pixels[ (y * screenWidth) + x]   =  newColorMask;               0270                } // End if. 0271           } // End x loop. 0272        } // End y loop.                                                                        0273   0274        newImage = this.createImage( new MemoryImageSource(  0275                                               screenWidth, screenHeight, 0276                                               pixels, 0, screenWidth)); 0277        tuttleGraphics.drawImage( newImage, -(screenWidth /2),  0278                                  -(screenHeight /2), this);                                                         0279   0280        currentBackground = newColor;                                                         0281        repaint();    0282     } // End setBackground.

This method operates by obtaining a copy of the Image as an array of pixels, between lines 0250 and 0264, which is the first part of Figure 4.8. The method then iterates through the array replacing any pixel which has the oldColorMask value with the newColorMask value, which is the second part of Figure 4.8. It then recreates an Image in newImage from the pixel array, on lines 0274 to 0276, which is the third part of Figure 4.8. It concludes by copying the processed newImage it into the tuttleImage attribute on lines 0277 and 0278, causing it to be displayed when the repaint() method is called on line 0281, after it has noted the newColor in its currentBackground attribute. The effect is for any pixels of the old background color to be replaced with pixels of the new background color and leaving the rest of the image unchanged.

The pattern for the processing of an Image, shown in Figure 4.8, has been demonstrated twice in this section. It was used in the rotate() method of the TuttleCursor class and also in the setBackground() method of the Tuttle class. This pattern of actions, and the Java techniques to implement them, can be adapted for other image processing operations, some possible operations are suggested in the end of chapter exercises.



tuttle gif file

4.5 The TuttleTest demonstration class

4.3 The construction of the Tuttle class

A Java GUI programmer's primer
Java GUI Programmers Primer, A
ISBN: 0139088490
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1998
Pages: 85
Authors: Fintan Culwin

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