( ) . , IDL. , . , , , IDL. IDL (aliasing techniques), , , IDL.

, , IEnum. , IDL, . , IEnum IDL. Next IDL1. IDL- Next:

 HRESULT Next([in] ULONG cElems,              [out, size_is(cElems), length_is(*pcFetched)] double *prg,              [out] ULONG *pcFetched); 

, " -IDL- " Next , , , , . :

 double dblElem; hr = p->Next(1, &dblElem, 0); 

IDL- , [out]- ( , ). Next [call_as] (callable form) (remotable form).

[call_as] . [local] . , . [call_as] . IDL , . [call_as] Next, IDL- :

 interface IEnumDoubIe : IUnknown {   // this method is what the caller and object see   //    ,                  [local] HRESULT Next([in] ULONG cElems,                          [out] double *prgElems, [out] ULONG *pcFetched);   // this method is how it goes out on the wire   //    ,              [call_as(Next)] HRESULT RemoteNext([in] ULONG cElems,                         [out, size_is(cElems), length_is(*pcFetched)] double *prg,                        [out] ULONG *pcFetched);     HRESULT Skip([in] ULONG cElems);     HRESULT Reset(void);     HRESULT Clone([out] IEnumDouble **ppe); } 

C/C++ , Next, RemoteNext. , RemoteNext. , . Next RemoteNext , . , , .

[local]/[call_as] , , - . , . [local] [call_as]. B IDL , :

 HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IEnumDouble_Next_Proxy(IEnumDouble *This,                                                   ULONG cElems,                                                  double *prg,                                                   ULONG *pcFetched); 

[call_as] [local]. IDL :

 HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IEnumDouble_Next_Stub(IEnumDouble *This, ULONG cElems,                                                 double *prg, ULONG *pcFetched); 


. 7.10, [local]-to-[call_as] vtbl . , IDL. Next , :

 . 7.10.

 HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IEnumDouble_Next_Proxy(           IEnumDouble *This, ULONG cElems,            double *prg, ULONG *pcFetched) {     // enforce semantics on client-side     //              if (pcFetched == 0 && cElems != 1)         return E_INVALIDARG;     // provide a location for last [out] param     //         [out]-     ULONG cFetched;     if (pcFetched == 0) pcFetched = &cFetched;     // call remote method with non-null pointer as last param     //                //            return IEnumDouble_RemoteNext_Proxy(This, cElems, prg, pcFetched); } 

, .

[local]-to-[call_as] . . , S_OK, :

 HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IEnumDouble_Next_Stub(                             IEnumDouble *This, ULONG cElems,                             double *prg, ULONG *pcFetched) {     // call method on actual object     //            HRESULT hr = This->Next(cElems, prg, pcFetched);     // enforce semantics on object-side     //                if (hr == S_OK)     // S_OK implies all elements sent     // S_OK  ,              *pcFetched = cElems;     // [length_is] must be explicit     //   [length_is]        return hr; } 


[call_as] " - - ". [transmit_as] [wire_marshal]. ; . , IDL, cpp_quote. cpp_quote IDL- C/C++, IDL. cpp_quote IDL :

 // surfboard.idl cpp_quote("static void Exit(void) { ExitProcess(1); }") 

IDL- , C/C++ :

 // surfboard.h static void Exit(void) { ExitProcess(1); } 

cpp_quote IDL. REFIID. IDL

 typedef IID *REFIID; 


 typedef const IID& REFIID; 

C++ IDL. IDL- :

 // from wtypes.idl (approx.) //     wtypes.idl ( ) cpp_quote("#if 0") typedef IID "REFIID; // this is the pure IDL definition //     IDL- cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#ifdef _cplusplus") cpp_quote("#define REFIID const IID&") // C++ definition //   C++ cpp_quote("#else") cpp_quote("#define REFIID const IID * const") //   definition //    cpp_quote("#endif") 

C++ :

 // from wtypes.h (approx.) //     wtypes.h ( ) #if 0   typedef IID *REFIID; #endif #ifdef _cplusplus   #define REFIID const IID& #else   #define REFIID const IID * const #endif 

, IDL.

1 , , IDL . , 1992 , IDL, . , IDL, .

Suschnost' tehnologii SOM
Essential COM
ISBN: 0201634465
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 103
Authors: Don Box © 2008-2017.
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