

D (test date) operation extender, 193

data areas, 59, 60, 467–471, 467

data structures vs., 467–468

DEFINE and, 469, 471

DTAARA keyword for, 467, 469–470

*DTAARA and, 469

host variables and, 469

IN and, 285, 467, 469–471

*LOCK and, 469, 470

OUT and, 467, 469–471

output to, using OUT, 322

procedures and subprocedures, 467–471, 467

special device file, 328

UNLOCK and, 378–379, 467, 469

data definition specification (DDS), 498–503, 505–507

data manipulation language (DML), 22

data structures, 9

CLEAR and, 236–238

data area vs., 467–468

Definition specification and, 52

free-format syntax in, 534–535

passed as parameters, 459–460

POST device information to, 329–330

prototyped calls in, 460–464

prototyped procedures and, 464–466

QUALIFIED keyword in, 535

retrieve occurrence with OCCUR in, 314–316

data types, 13

converting, compiler option for, 551

database files, 497, 498–503

date and time in (See also dates; time), 568–576

decimal data errors and, 561

decimal data errors and, on input, 566–567, 566

flat file systems, 561

input buffer in, 566

key fields in, 500–503

logical files as subset of, 504

models for, 561

partial key lists in, 501

product structure file in, 502–503

record locks, Output specifications and, 79

relational database management systems, 561

date data type, 13

DATE fields, 219, 571–572

%DATE, 119, 139, 537, 538

*DATE, 29, 98, 366

DATEDIT Control specification keyword, 39

dates, 568–576


base date, 211

conversion of, format codes for, 307

DATE fields for, 219, 571–572

DATESEP keyword for, 573

DATFMT control specification keyword, 40,47, 59, 481, 572, 576

DATSEP in, 576

Day of Week Ordinal source code, 583

Day of Week Text source code, 584

display file support for variables using, 576–577

duration codes for, 191–192, 211

edit code control in, 97–98


free-format syntax in, 535–537

internal vs. external format for, 573

*LOVAL and *HIVAL in, 575–576

Map Date/Time Value (MAPVAL) in, 576–577

MOVE and, 297–299

MOVEL and, 297–299, 306–308

PARM and, format codes for, 189–191

separators for, 572–573

special values in, 575–576

SUBDUR and, 365–366

Super Julian, 571

TEST and, 370–371

zero suppression in, 98

DATESEP keyword, 573, 576

DATFMT, 40, 47, 59, 481, 572, 576

Day of Week Ordinal source code, 583

Day of Week Text source code, 584

*DAY, 29

%DAYS, 119

*DAYS, 191, 211, 276

DBGVIEW (Debug View Level), compiler option and, 549–550

DEALLOC, 185, 242

free-format syntax for, 201

syntax diagram for, 195

DEBUG keyword, 40, 260

debugging, compiler options for, 549–550

%DEC, 120, 141

DECEDIT Control specification keyword, 40

DECFMT keyword, 23

%DECH, 120, 141

decimal data errors, 557–567

blank transparency and, 560

CLEAR and, 564

conditions for, 566–567

database file models in, 561

FIXNBR (Fix Decimal Data Errors) in, 554–555, 559–561, 563–564, 567

input buffers and, 566

input operations to database file, 566–567

INZ keyword and, 564

packed decimal data and, 559, 564–566

signed values and 562–566

system licensed internal code (SLIC) and FIXNBR in, 560

zoned decimal data in, 559, 562–564

decimal notation, 23

decimal position, 183

declaration expressions, 103

declarative statements, expressions in, 109–110

%DECPOS, 117, 120, 142

DECPREC Control specification keyword, 40

DEFINE, 29, 30, 34, 185, 189, 243–245

data areas and, 469, 471

syntax diagram for, 195

definition specifications, 4, 8, 9, 37, 52–67

built-in functions and, 118

extended name definition and, 55, 55, 55

input/output feedback data structure (INFDS) and, 52, 56–58

keywords for, 59–67

program status data structure (PSDS) and, 52, 56

types of, 37–38

DELETE, 86, 154, 185, 246–248, 496, 511

CHAIN and, 230–231

cursor positioning after successful operation of, 509

free-format syntax for, 201

KLIST and, 288

READ and, 332–333

READE and, 336

READP and, 338

READPE and, 341

DESCEND keyword, 60, 361

desk coding, 6

*DETC, 31, 264

*DETL, 31, 264

device file processing (See also workstations), 17, 517–518

DEVID keyword and, 47, 209, 312–313, 319

forced next input and NEXT in, 312–313

release using REL, 344

WRITE and, 384–385

device types, abbreviations for, 205

DEVID keyword, 47, 209, 312–313, 319

DFTACTGRP (Default Activation Group), 41, 545–546

DFTNAME control specification keyword, 41

%DIFF, 120, 140, 191, 537

DIM keyword, 60, 314, 535

directives, 31–34, 33

disk files, 82, 205, 498

display files, date variable support in, 576–577

DIV, 185, 249–250, 410, 422

E (error) operation extender and, 202

free-format syntax in, 532–533

MVR and, 249, 311

syntax diagram for, 195

%DIV, 120, 143

division (/) operator, 104

*DMY, 190, 298, 307, 572

DO, xxi, 22, 117, 185, 251–253, 410, 411, 413, 413, 414–417, 433, 434, 445

ENDxx and, 263

ITER in, 286

LEAVE and, 289

level-break processing and, 415–416

nesting, 206–207, 253

syntax diagram for, 196

WHENxx and, 382–383

DO UNTIL (DOU, DOUxx), 22, 103, 109, 117, 126, 185, 186, 253–255, 320, 409, 410, 411, 416, 417, 433, 434, 436, 445, 463

ANDxx and, 213

ENDxx and, 263

fixed format conditional syntax in, 200

free-format syntax for, 201

ITER in, 286

LEAVE and, 289

natural expression support in, 200

nesting, 206–207

ORxx and, 320

syntax diagram for, 196

DO WHILE (DOW, DOWxx), 22, 103, 117, 126, 186, 213, 255–257, 332, 334, 409–411, 416–417, 433, 434, 436, 445, 463, 503

ANDxx and, 213

fixed format conditional syntax in, 200

free-format syntax for, 201

ITER in, 286

LEAVE and, 289

natural expression support in, 200

nesting, 206–207, 206

ORxx and, 320

syntax diagram for, 196

double slash (//) free-format comments, 534

DOWNTO keyword, 278–279, 435

DSPLY, 186, 258–259

free-format syntax for, 201

syntax diagram for, 196

DTAARA keyword, 60, 467, 469–470

*DTAARA, 30, 285, 322, 469

DEFINE and, 243

UNLOCK and, 378–379

dumb terminals, 517–518

DUMP, 186, 260

free-format syntax for, 201

syntax diagram for, 196

duplicator programming, xix

duration built-in functions, 144

duration codes, date/time, 211, 365–366

The Modern RPG IV Language
The Modern RPG IV Language
ISBN: 1583470646
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 156
Authors: Robert Cozzi © 2008-2017.
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