

tab-delimited text (TXT) file format, 415

Table Definition dialog box, 338, 338, 435

tables, 336, 336

applying to views, 78–79, 79

creating and formatting, 337–338, 338

deleting, 339

for links, 132–133, 132–133, 138, 143

lookup, 642–643, 642

resource, 337, 382

task, 109, 336, 382

Tables groups, 604

TabStrip controls, 699

target dates, 740

Task and Resource PivotTable map, 384

Task Dependency dialog box, 47, 47, 137, 137,

Task Details setting, 367

Task Entry form, 646

Task Entry table, 138, 143

Task Export Table map, 384

Task Form, 180, 180

for links, 134–136, 135–136, 138, 143

for resource assignments, 193–194, 193

Task Information dialog box

for constraints, 52, 52, 146, 146, 149

for details, 112–114, 113, 327

for effort-driven tasks, 186–187, 187

for entering tasks, 26, 26, 43–44, 43

for imported data, 518

for links, 133–134, 133–134, 138, 282–283,
283, 377

for milestones, 46

for notes, 45, 428

for PowerPoint objects, 436, 436

Resources tab in, 47, 49, 49

for value lists, 633

Task Information form

for assignments, 196

for links, 143

Task List with Embedded Assignment Rows map, 385

Task Mapping screen, 388, 388

Task object, 688–690, 694, 694

Task Range filter, 344

Task Relationships form, 646

Task report, 364, 366–368, 366–368

task sheets, 122, 123, 740

Task tab, 538

Task tables, 109, 336, 382

Task Usage report, 364, 364

Task Usage Tracking table, 238

Task Usage views, 77, 207, 329–331, 330–331

taskbars on Gantt charts, 137

tasks and task lists, 31–32, 32

assigning, 60–62, 61–62

resources to, 48–50, 181–185, 182–185

to workgroup members, 299–304, 299–303

attaching documents to, 114–115

automatic error correction for, 125–126, 126

constraining, 145–149, 146–147

contour interaction with, 206–207, 206

copying and moving, 116

custom fields for, 628–629

delays for, 141–144, 142–143, 223

deleting, 117

details about, 112–114, 113

duration of, 45–46, 45, 111–112, 112

embedding data in, 428


in master projects, 280–281, 280–281

in Web Access, 546–547, 546

formatting, 545, 545

in Gantt charts, 109–111, 110

assignments, 302

editing, 115–117, 116–117

entering, 43–44, 43–44, 111–114, 112–113

with external dependencies, 250, 251

outlining, 44–45, 44, 117–120, 118–119

recurring, 120–122, 121–122

with uncertain duration, 250

grouping, 643–644, 644

in master projects, 280–281, 280–281

in Web Access, 546–547, 546

identifying, 25–27, 26

importing, 405, 405

information on. See Task Information dialog box

inserting, 116

limits on, 287

links and linking in. See links and linking

milestones for, 120, 120

monitoring progress, 32–34, 33

with overallocations, 215–216, 215

overlap for, 141–144, 142–143

planning, 108

bottom-up, 109

top-down, 108–109

predecessor and successor, 128–129, 128–129,
135–136, 136

refining, 155

relationships between, 46–47, 46–47

modifying, 137–141, 137, 139–141

types of, 129–130, 129–130

reporting, 36–37

resources for. See resources

scheduling. See schedules

sorting, 367, 368

in master projects, 277–280, 278–279

in Web Access, 546–547, 546

sources for, 276–277, 276–277

spell checking of, 123–125, 123

splitting, 144–145, 144, 219–220

text in, 115, 326, 326

tracking, 307–308, 308

types of, 107


with actual data, 231–238, 234–238

in Outlook, 308–310, 309

status of, 62–63, 62–63

variances in, 34–36, 34, 36

views for, 76–77, 77, 122, 123

WBS numbering for, 119–120, 119

in Web Access, 539

accepting, 577–578, 577, 579

creating, 547–548, 547

delegating, 548–549, 548–549

filtering, 546–547, 546

rejecting, 549, 577–578, 577, 579

viewing, 544–547, 544–546

Tasks Area, 537

Tasks In Progress reports, 360

Tasks Starting Soon reports, 360–361, 361

Tasks tab, 544

Tasks Will Always Honor Their Constraint Dates option, 592

Tasks With Attachments filter, 344

Tasks With Fixed Dates filter, 344

TCPI (to complete performance index), 740

Team Leaders, 474, 502, 503

Team Members, 474, 502, 503

teams, 37, 502, 503

template-based applications, 709


creating, 602–603, 603

defined, 740

modifying, 603

opening, 599–600, 600

sample, 600–602

for security, 481–484, 482–484

Templates dialog box, 393, 393, 599–600, 600

terminating macros, 616–617


for custom forms, 650–651, 651

for tasks

editing, 115

formatting, 326, 326

Text Delimiter setting, 408

text files

exporting to, 415–416, 416

importing from, 396–398, 397, 399

Text Styles dialog box, 326, 326

Text tab, 323

TextBox controls, 699

tiers in Gantt timescales, 324, 324

time periods

overallocations by, 214–215

settings for, 492

timephased information

defined, 740

in Resource Usage view, 196

tracking, 238, 238


formats for, 99

in project management, 25–27, 26

as project parameter, 4

working, 97–99, 98–99

defined, 741

establishing, 41–42, 41–42

for resources, 165–169, 166–168

TimeScaledValues collection, 725–726

timescales and Timescale dialog box

in Calendar view, 319–320, 319–320

defined, 740

in Gantt Chart views, 324–325, 324

in printing, 56, 56

in Resource Usage view, 196

timesheets, 740

to complete performance index (TCPI), 740

To-Do List report, 363

to-do lists, 555–558, 556–558

ToggleButton controls, 699

toolbars and toolbar commands, 73–74, 73–74, 595–596

changing options on, 596–597, 596

creating, 598–599, 598

for links, 131, 131

macros on, 618–622, 620–622

for opening files, 85, 85

personalized, 597–598, 597

Toolbars groups, 605

Toolbars tab, 598–599, 598

Toolbox, 660, 660

top-down task planning, 108–109

Top Level Tasks List map, 385

Top Level Tasks reports, 360, 451, 452

total costs, 176


interim plans, 229–230, 229

progress, 231

adjustments from, 246

baseline data for, 226–228, 227–228

data collection for, 32–34, 33

performance analysis in, 241–245, 243–245

reviewing variances from baseline, 239, 239

summary reports for, 240–241, 240–241

updating tasks with actual data, 231–238,

projects, 58–59

closing projects, 67

communication in, 59–63, 59–63

resources, 66–67, 66, 152

schedule and costs, 64–65, 64–65

scope in, 63–64

tasks, 307–308, 308

in Web Access, 491–493, 491, 579–580, 580

Tracking form, 646

Tracking Gantt view, 77, 331–332, 331

for baselines, 227–228, 227, 239, 239

for interim plans, 230

for schedules, 65, 65

Tracking Settings page, 491–493, 491, 496

Tracking toolbar, 235–236, 235–236

Tracking view, 553, 553

Transfer Nonworking Time From Your Outlook Calendar
Wizard, 551


nonworking time, 551

to-do lists, 557–558, 558

Travel Information form, 651–652, 651–652

Trusted Sources tab, 625

Turtle contours, 204, 205

Tutorial, 82

12-hour time format, 99

24-hour time format, 99

24 Hours base calendar, 166

TXT files, 381, 415

Type column, 403

Type field, 159

Type tab, 566, 567

Mastering Microsoft Project 2002
Mastering Microsoft Project 2002
ISBN: 0782141471
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 241 © 2008-2017.
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