

sample templates, 600–602

Save As dialog box, 406

for exporting data, 410, 416, 418, 420

for global templates, 509

for projects, 86

Save As Template dialog box, 602–603, 603

Save Baseline dialog box, 59, 59, 227–228, 227

Save Group dialog box, 644

Save tab, 86–87, 87, 594–595, 594

Save to Microsoft Server dialog box, 520

Save to the Microsoft Project Server dialog box, 514–515, 515

Save Workspace As dialog box, 268


AutoFilters, 346

baselines, 58–59, 227, 227

files, 86–87, 87

interim plans, 229–230, 229


enterprise-wide, 514–515, 515

options for, 594–595, 594

views, 340–341, 341

workspaces, 268–269

Saving to Microsoft Project 98 format dialog box, 410, 410

Schedule E-mail Reminder Service setting, 497

Schedule Performance Index (SPI) ratio

defined, 739

in earned value analysis, 243

Schedule tab, 139

for constraints, 149

project options in, 590–592, 591

for summary reports, 450

for task types, 191, 191

Schedule table, 336

Schedule Tracking form, 646

schedule variance (SV)

defined, 739

in earned value analysis, 243

in variance analysis, 34

schedules, 93, 93

creating, 127–128

defined, 739

managing, 34–35, 34, 64–65, 64–65

optimizing, 54–55, 54

options for, 590–592, 591

predecessor and successor tasks in,
135–136, 136

in project management, 27–28, 28

relationships in, 129–130, 129–130

sending notes for, 310–311, 310–311

task links in. See links and linking


defined, 739

managing, 36, 63–64

as project parameter, 4

for variables, 673–674

scope creep, 5

avoiding, 224–226

defined, 739

scroll bars, 72, 109–111, 110

ScrollBar controls, 700

SDI (Single Document Interface), 72–73, 267

searching for projects, 553


categories for, 476, 477

adding, 480–481, 481

deleting, 481

managing, 477, 478

modifying, 478–480, 478–480

in project management, 30

settings for, 624–625, 624

templates for, 481–484, 482–484

Security dialog box, 624–625, 624

Security Level tab, 624, 624

Security Templates page, 481–483, 482

Select Case statements, 678

Select Data Source dialog box, 402–403, 402–403

Select Date(s) dialog box, 99, 99

Select Resources dialog box, 192


calendars, 94

controls, 698–700, 698

dates, 98–99, 99, 167–168

Selection object, 695–697

Selection tools, 698

Send Schedule Note dialog box, 310, 310

Send to Exchange Folder dialog box, 313, 313


files to printers, 90

schedule notes, 310–311, 310–311

status reports, 306–307, 306–307, 574–575, 575

updates, 303–304, 303, 550, 550

sensitivity setting for resource leveling, 217

sequential structures, 676

series activities, 27

Server version, 11, 459–460

for communication, 29

configuring and administering, 469, 469

databases, 498, 498

enterprise features, 488–490, 489–490

licenses, 497, 497

organization, 486–488, 487–488

security, 476–484, 477–484

SharePoint Team Services, 488

users, 469–476, 470–473

Web Access, 491–497, 491–496

defined, 736

for enterprise-wide projects. See enterprise-wide projects

installing, 460–466, 464–467

logging on to, 467–468, 468

resource assignments in, 194

Set E-mail Reminders for my resources page, 542, 542

Set Hyperlink Screen Tip dialog box, 439

Set My E-mail Notifications and Reminders page, 541, 541

Set PERT Weights dialog box, 262, 263

Set Rules Wizard, 578

Set statements, 693

setup program for Server, 464–466, 464–467

SetXlsBudgetPath function, 721–722

SF (start-to-finish) task relationships, 130, 130

shadowing keywords, 668

Share Lookup table dialog box, 511

Share Resources dialog box, 288, 288, 291

SharePoint Team Services, 466

managing, 488

for Server, 463

sharer files, 288, 291, 291, 521


in multiple projects, 267

arranging, 269–270, 269

master projects in. See master projects

opening and viewing, 267–268, 268

workspaces for, 268–269

resource pools, 156

resources, 292

to-do lists, 555–556, 556

shortcut data entry, 126

Should Have Started Tasks report, 360

Show Drawings option, 340

Show Full Menus After A Short Delay option, 596

Show Links Between Projects Dialog On Open option, 284, 286

Show Screen Tips On Toolbars option, 597

Show Shortcut Keys in Screen Tips option, 597

Show Standard and Formatting Toolbars on Two Rows option, 596

Show That Tasks Have Estimated Durations option, 592

Show Totals option, 367

ShowTravelCostSettings procedure, 709, 714

sign-off, 223–224

baseline data for, 226–228, 227–228

interim plans in, 229–230, 229

scope creep in, 224–226

Single data type, 670

Single Document Interface (SDI), 72–73, 267


of columns, 116

of master projects, 287

Size & Position tab, 373–374, 373

skill and attribute definitions, 501

slides, 435–436, 436

slippage, 739

Slipping Tasks report, 360

Smart Tags

defined, 739

for options, 184–185, 184

SMTP Mail Server settings, 496

snippets, 662

Software Development template, 602

software for Server, 461

Software Localization template, 602

Sort Order settings, 367

Sort tab, 367, 368

sorting and Sort dialog box

by outline codes, 645, 645

for tasks, 367, 368

in master projects, 277–280, 278–279

in Web Access, 546–547, 546

views, 342–343, 343

sound files, 438

space-delimited text (TXT) file format, 415

Specify Views page

for managing views, 484, 485

for Portfolio Analyzer, 564

spell checking

project options for, 593, 593

tasks, 123–125, 123

Spelling and Grammar tab, 125

Spelling dialog box, 123–124, 123

Spelling tab, 593, 593

SPI (Schedule Performance Index) ratio

defined, 739

in earned value analysis, 243

SpinButton controls, 700

Split In-Progress Tasks option, 592

splitting tasks, 144–145, 144, 219–220

Spreadsheet Solutions tab, 393, 393

SQL Server 2000, 462

SS (start-to-start) task relationships, 129, 130


defined, 739

reports for, 37

standard calendars, 95–96, 96, 166

Standard edition, 9

standard rates, 739

Standard version, 11

Start cost-accrual option, 170

Start No Earlier Than constraint, 146

Start No Later Than constraint, 146

start-to-finish (SF) task relationships, 130, 130

start-to-start (SS) task relationships, 129, 130

statements, 656, 660, 662, 668


for budgets, 64, 64, 67

for projects, 94–95, 95, 102

Statistics tab, 102

status dates

defined, 739

setting, 93–94, 94

status reports, 304

requesting, 304–305, 305–306, 573–574, 573–574

responding to requests, 305–306, 305–306

sending, 306–307, 306–307, 574–575, 575

in Web Access, 538–539, 571–576, 571–576

Status Reports Overview page, 571–572, 571, 574–575

Status Reports tab, 538, 571, 573

Std. Rate field, 159

storage tools, 11

storing macros, 612

String data type, 671, 676

strong typing, 711

structures in VBA, 676–680

stubs, 662

Submit a Status Report page, 574–575, 574

subprojects. See master projects

subroutines, 663

Substitute Resources screen, 531

subtasks, 107, 109

creating, 117–118, 118

linking, 140, 141

successful projects, 446

successor tasks, 128–129, 128–129

creating, 136, 136

defined, 740

summarization, calculations for, 636–637, 636

Summary form, 646

summary reports, 240–241, 240–241

Summary tab, 40, 40, 102, 102

Summary Task Information dialog box

for contingencies, 255, 255

editing in, 587

summary tasks, 107–109

assigning resources to, 194

linking, 140–141, 140–141

Summary view, 553

SV (schedule variance)

defined, 739

in earned value analysis, 243

in variance analysis, 34

syntax in VBA, 655

Mastering Microsoft Project 2002
Mastering Microsoft Project 2002
ISBN: 0782141471
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 241 © 2008-2017.
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