

Dainippon Ink & Chemical color . See DIC color
dashes () AppleScript comment delimiter , 737
data type description. See DTD
database, publishing, 321 322
DataViz Mac/PC connectivity, 745
DCS (Document Color Separation) file, 487, 639
Delete Anchor Point tool, 47, 566, 576
Delete Swatch dialog box, 209
anchor point, 47, 564, 566, 576
Backspace key, using, 266
bookmark, 687
color, 208 209
Cut command, using, 68, 249, 266, 576
Delete key, using, 266
dictionary, word from, 347
glyph, 801
hyperlink, 685
InDesign Defaults file, 825
index topic/entry, 239, 241
keyboard shortcut, using, 249
layer, 164, 166 167
entire library, 187
file associated with library, 188
object from library, 186, 187
master page, 173, 177
menu command, using, 249
page, 62, 142, 173
Recycle Bin, via dragging object to, 249
ruler guide, 193
style, 446
table column/row, 471 472
text, 334
Trash Can, via dragging object to, 249
XML DTD, 701
descender, 785
advertisement, 771 773
alignment, 774
circular (flier), 771 773
client approval, 768
colleague input, 769
consistency, 765 766
content, matching to, 765, 770, 783
coupon , 774
dummy , mockup using, 235, 766 767
element overview, 761 762
formula, avoiding, 769 771
headline, 774, 776, 796
idea file, documenting in, 763
imitating, 769 770
intentional, 780
magazine, 777 778
masthead, 767
newsletter, 774 776
PSA, 773 774
simplicity, 764, 774
sketching, 768 769
tag line, 773
text design considerations, 381 382, 424, 432, 771 774, 775 776
thumbnail, using to visualize, 768, 769
tool overview, 759 760
transformation design considerations, 764
white space, 389, 762, 764, 772, 781
Device Settings pane ( Windows ), 614
Diagonal Lines pane, 475 476
DiamondSoft Font Reserve software, 753, 755 756
DIC (Dainippon Ink & Chemical) color, 203, 210, 211, 597, 814
Dictionaries folder, 32
adding word to, 346 347
CRD, 643
deleting word from, 347
hyphenation dictionary, 94, 95, 347 349, 621, 789
language, specifying, 94 95, 349
pane, 94 96, 349 350
replacing, 349 350
sharing, 708, 710
spell check dictionary, 94 96, 107, 344, 345 350, 383 384
storage location, 708
digital camera, 748 749
dingbat, 417, 418, 419, 431, 776
Direct Selection tool
anchor point display, 251 252, 265
bounding box, manipulating using, 258
described, 45 46
frame, selecting using, 509 510
graphic, selecting using, 509
handle display, 252
line, selecting using, 254 255
objects, selecting multiple simultaneously using, 46, 261, 291
Selection tool compared, 253, 258
threading, using in, 46
disk, hard. See hard drive
Display Performance pane, 98 99
distance across multiple objects, determining, 50
Distiller software, 673
division (arithmetic), 58, 463
Dock (Macintosh), 860 861, 864, 871
closing, 133
object to another document, 142, 301
opening document as copy, 129
page to another document, 142
saving copy of document, 133 134, 135, 153
creating, 2 4, 33, 37, 122 127
color, 92, 195
described, 92, 305
displaying/hiding, 90, 110, 196
distance between lines, specifying, 195
positioning, 89, 92
snapping to, 72, 93, 110
subdividing, 92, 196
navigating, 148 150
opening, 122, 127 130
planning, 121 122, 763
preset, 3, 125 127
QuarkXPress difference, 841
recovering, 100, 132 133
reverting to previous version, 134, 135
saving, 99 100, 133 136
style, 126 127, 825
tiling display, 713
variant, creating using layer, 160, 162, 616
fitting to, 33, 91, 112, 114, 149
guide display, 37
Macintosh/Windows differences, 33
multiple document windows, opening, 116 117
page area, 37
page buttons , 39 40
ruler, 35
scroll bar, 36, 114 115
Show/Hide Structure button, 38
title bar, 33 36
View Percentage field, 38
zero point, 36
Zoom box, 114, 115
Document Color Separation file. See DCS file
Document Exchange Format file, importing. See DXF file, importing
Document Presets dialog box, 127
Document Setup dialog box, 105 107, 151
downsampling compression, 666
dpi (dots per inch), 640 641, 747
drag and drop, copying object using, 327 328, 362, 505, 506
drawing. See specific tool and object
drawing tablet, 547, 749
automatic, 420 422
character style, applying to, 13
creating, 11, 400 401, 420 422
depth, 400
described, 789
kerning, 421
newsletter, using in, 776
quotation mark in, 422
sizing, 11, 421
style, as nested, 451
shadow, 377, 437 438, 544 545, 688
Drop Cap & Nested Styles dialog box, 11, 401, 449 450
DTD (data type description), 695, 700 701. See also XML (Extensible Markup Language)
index mockup using, 235
layout mockup using, 766 767
duotone color, 204
Duplicate command, 300
DVD R/W drive, 743 744
DXF (Document Exchange Format) file, importing, 486

Adobe InDesign CS Bible
Adobe InDesign CS3 Bible
ISBN: 0470119381
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 344
Authors: Galen Gruman © 2008-2017.
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