How to Do It


Although it's similar to the "friends and family" test described in Chapter 2, a full-on usability test takes significantly longer to plan, execute, and analyze (see Table 10.1).You should start preparing for a usability testing cycle at least three weeks before you expect to need the results.

Setting a Schedule




t - 2 weeks

Determine test audience; start recruiting immediately

t - 2 weeks

Determine feature set to be tested

t - 1 week

Write first version of script; construct test tasks; discuss with development team; check on recruiting

t - 3 days

Write second version of guide; review tasks; discuss with development team; recruiting should be completed

t - 2 days

Complete guide; schedule practice test; set up and check all equipment

t - 1 day

Do practice test in the morning; adjust guide and tasks as appropriate


Test (usually 1–2 days, depending on scheduling)

t + 1 day

Discuss with observers; collect copies of all notes

t + 2 days

Relax; take a day off and do something else

t + 3 days

Watch all tapes; take notes

t + 1 week

Combine notes; write analysis

t + 1 week

Present to development team; discuss and note directions for further research

Before the process can begin, you need to know whom to recruit and which features to have them evaluate. Both of these things should be decided several weeks before the testing begins.


Recruiting is the most crucial piece to start on early. It needs to be timed right and to be precise, especially if it's outsourced. You need to find the right people and to match their schedules to yours. That takes time and effort. The more time you can devote to the recruiting process, the better (although more than two weeks in advance is generally too early since people often don't know their schedules that far in advance).You also need to choose your screening criteria carefully. The initial impulse is to recruit people who fall into the product's ideal target audience, but that's almost always too broad. You need to home in on the representatives of the target audience who are going to give you the most useful feedback.

Say you're about to put up a site that sells upscale forks online. Your ideal audience consists of people who want to buy forks.

In recruiting for a usability test, that's a pretty broad range of people. Narrowing your focus helps preserve clarity since different groups can exhibit different behaviors based on the same fundamental usability problems. Age, experience, and motivation can create seemingly different user experiences that are caused by the same underlying problem. Choosing the "most representative" group can reduce the amount of research you have to do in the long run and focus your results.

The best people to invite are those who are going to need the service you are providing in the near future or who have used a competing service in the recent past. These people will have the highest level of interest and knowledge in the subject matter, so they can concentrate on how well the interface works rather than on the minutia of the information. People who have no interest in the content can still point out interaction flaws, but they are not nearly as good at pointing out problems with the information architecture or any kind of content-specific features since they have little motivation to concentrate and make it work.

Say your research of the fork market shows that there are two strong subgroups within that broad range: people who are replacing their old silverware and people who are buying wedding presents. The first group, according to your research, is mostly men in their 40s, whereas the second group is split evenly between men and women, mostly in their mid-20s and 30s.

You decide that the people who are buying sets of forks to replace those they already own represent the heart of your user community. They are likely to know about the subject matter and may have done some research already. They're motivated to use the service, which makes them more likely to use it as they would in a regular situation. So you decide to recruit men in their 40s who want to buy replacement forks in the near future or who have recently bought some. In addition, you want to filter out online newbies, and you want to get people with online purchasing experience. Including all these conditions, your final set of recruiting criteria looks as follows:

  • Men or women, preferably men

  • 25 years old or older, preferably 35–50

  • Have Internet access at home or work

  • Use the Web five or more hours a week

  • Have one or more years of Internet experience

  • Have bought at least three things online

  • Have bought something online in the last three months

  • Are interested in buying silverware online

Notice that there is some flexibility in the age and gender criteria. This is to make the recruiter's life a little easier. You may insist that the participants be all male and that they must be between 40 and 50 years old, but if a candidate comes up who matches the rest of the criteria and happens to be 33 and female, you probably don't want to disqualify her immediately. Purchasing experience, on the other hand, requires precise requirements since getting people who aren't going to be puzzled or surprised by the concept of ecommerce is key to making the test successful. Testing an ecommerce system with someone who's never bought anything online tests the concept of ecommerce as much as it's testing the specific product. You rarely want that level of detail, so it's best to avoid situations that inspire it in the first place.


Recruiters will try to follow your criteria to the letter, but if you can tell them which criteria are flexible (and how flexible they are) and which are immutable, it's easier for them. Ultimately, that makes it easier for you, too.

For this kind of focused task-based usability testing, you should have at least five participants in each round of testing and recruit somewhere from six to ten people for the five slots. Jakob Nielsen has shown (in Guerrilla HCI: Using Discount Usability Engineering to Penetrate the Intimidation Barrier, available from that the cost-benefit cutoff for usability testing is about five users per target audience. Larger groups still produce useful results, but the cost of recruiting and the extra effort needed to run the tests and analyze the results leads to rapidly diminishing returns. After eight or nine users, the majority of problems performing a given task will have been seen several times. To offset no-shows, however, it's a good idea to schedule a couple of extra people beyond the basic five. And to make absolutely sure you have enough people, you could double-book every time slot. This doubles your recruiting and incentive costs, but it ensures that there's minimal downtime in testing.


You should strive to conduct a different test for each major user market since—by definition—each user market is likely to use the product differently. User markets are defined in Chapter 7.

In addition, Jared Spool and Will Schroeder point out (in that when you are going to give evaluators broad goals to satisfy, rather than specific tasks to do, you need more people than just five. However, in my opinion, broad goal research is less usability testing than a kind of focused contextual inquiry (Chapter 8) and should be conducted as such.

In addition, to check your understanding of your primary audience, you can recruit one or two people from secondary target audiences—in the fork case, for example, a younger buyer or someone who's not as Web savvy—to see whether there's a hint of a radically different perspective in those groups. This won't give you conclusive results, but if you get someone who seems to be reasonable and consistently says something contrary to the main group, it's an indicator that you should probably rethink your recruiting criteria. If the secondary audience is particularly important, it should have its own set of tests, regardless.

Having decided whom to recruit, it's time to write a screener and send it to the recruiter. Screeners and recruiting are described in Chapter 6 of this book. Make sure to discuss the screener with your recruiter and to walk through it with at least two people in house to get a reality check.


If you're testing for the first time, schedule fewer people and put extra time in between. Usability testing can be exhausting, especially if you're new to the technique.

Then pick a couple of test dates and send out invitations to the people who match your criteria. Schedule interviews at times that are convenient to both you and the participant and leave at least half an hour between them. That gives the moderator enough slop time to have people come in late, for the test to run long, and for the moderator to get a glass of water and discuss the test with the observers. With 60-minute interviews, this means that you can do four or five in a single day and sometimes as many as six. With 90-minute interviews, you can do three or four evaluators and maybe five if you push it and skip lunch.

Choosing Features

The second step is to determine which features to test. These, in turn, determine the tasks you create and the order in which you present them. You should choose features with enough lead time so that the test procedure can be fine-tuned. Five features (or feature clusters) can be tested in a given 60-to 90-minute interview. Typical tests range from one to two hours. Two-hour tests are used for initial or broad-based testing, while shorter tests are most useful for in-depth research into specific features or ideas (though it's perfectly acceptable to do a 90-minute broad-based test).

Individual functions should be tested in the context of feature clusters. It's rarely useful to test elements of a set without looking at least a little at the whole set. My rule of thumb is that something is testable when it's one of the things that gets drawn on a whiteboard when making a 30-second sketch of the interface. If you would draw a blob that's labeled "nav bar" in such a situation, then think of testing the nav bar, not just the new link to the homepage.

The best way to start the process is by meeting with the development staff (at least the product manager, the interaction designers, and the information architects) and making a list of the five most important features to test. To start discussing which features to include, look at features that are

  • Used often

  • New

  • Highly publicized

  • Considered troublesome, based on feedback from earlier versions

  • Potentially dangerous or have bad side effects if used incorrectly

  • Considered important by users

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A Feature Prioritization Exercise

This exercise is a structured way of coming up with a feature prioritization list. It's useful when the group doesn't have a lot of experience prioritizing features or if it's having trouble.

  • Step 1: Have the group make a list of the most important things on the interface that are new or have been drastically changed since the last round of testing. Importance should not just be defined purely in terms of prominence; it can be relative to the corporate bottom line or managerial priority. Thus, if next quarter's profitability has been staked on the success of a new Fork of the Week section, it's important, even if it's a small part of the interface.

  • Step 2: Make a column and label it "Importance." Look at each feature and rate it on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 means it's critical to the success of the product, and 1 means it's not very important.

Next, make a second column and label it "Doubt." Look at each feature and rate how comfortable the team is with the design, labeling the most comfortable items with a 1 and the least comfortable with a 5. This may involve some debate among the group, so you may have to treat it as a focus group of the development staff.

  • Step 3: Multiply the two entries in the two columns and write the results next to them. The features with the greatest numbers next to them are the features you should test. Call these out and write a short sentence that summarizes what the group most wants to know about the functionality of the feature.





The purchasing mechanism Does it work for both single items and whole sets?




The search engine Can people use it to find specific items?




Catalog navigation Can people navigate through it when they don't know exactly what they want?




The Fork of the Week page Do people see it?




The Wish List Do people know what it's for and can they use it?




end sidebar

Once you have your list of the features that most need testing, you're ready to create the tasks that will exercise those features.

In addition, you can include competitive usability testing. Although comparing two interfaces is more time consuming than testing a single interface, it can reveal strengths and weaknesses between products. Performing the same tasks with an existing interface and a new prototype, for example, can reveal whether the new design is more functional (or—the fear of every designer—less functional). Likewise, performing the same tasks, or conducting similar interface tours with two competing products, can reveal relative strengths between the two products. In both situations, however, it's very important not to bias the evaluator toward one interface over the other. Competitive research is covered extensively in Chapter 14.

Creating Tasks

Tasks need to be representative of typical user activities and sufficiently isolated to focus attention on a single feature (or feature cluster) of the product. Good tasks should be

  • Reasonable. They should be typical of the kinds of things that people will do. Someone is unlikely to want to order 90 different kinds of individual forks, each in a different pattern, and have them shipped to 37 different addresses, so that's not a typical task. Ordering a dozen forks and shipping them to a single address, however, is.

  • Described in terms of end goals. Every product, every Web site, is a tool. It's not an end to itself. Even when people spend hours using it, they're doing something with it. So, much as actors can emote better when given their character's motivation, interface evaluators perform more realistically if they're motivated by a lifelike situation. Phrase your task as something that's related to the evaluator's life. If they're to find some information, tell them why they're trying to find it ("Your company is considering opening an office in Moscow and you'd like to get a feel for the reinsurance business climate there. You decide that the best way to do that is to check today's business headlines for information about reinsurance companies in Russia."). If they're trying to buy something, tell them why ("Aunt Millie's subcompact car sounds like a jet plane. She needs a new muffler"). If they're trying to create something, give them some context ("Here's a picture of Uncle Fred. You decide that as a practical joke you're going to digitally put a mustache on him and email it to your family").

  • Specific. For consistency between evaluators and to focus the task on the parts of the product you're interested in testing, the task should have a specific end goal. So rather than saying "Go shop for some forks," say, "You saw a great Louis XIV fork design in a shop window the other day; here's a picture of it. Find that design in this catalog and buy a dozen fish forks." However, it's important to avoid using terms that exist on the interface since that tends to tip off the participant about how to perform the task.

  • Doable. If your site has forks only, don't ask people to find knives. It's sometimes tempting to see how they use your information structure to find something impossible, but it's deceptive and frustrating and ultimately reveals little about the quality of your design.

  • In a realistic sequence. Tasks should flow like an actual session with the product. So a shopping site could have a browsing task followed by a search task that's related to a selection task that flows into a purchasing task. This makes the session feel more realistic and can point out interactions between tasks that are useful for information architects in determining the quality of the flow through the product.

  • Domain neutral. The ideal task is something that everyone who tests the interface knows something about, but no one knows a lot about. When one evaluator knows significantly more than the others about a task, their methods will probably be different than the rest of the group. They'll have a bigger technical vocabulary and a broader range of methods to accomplish the task. Conversely, it's not a good idea to create tasks that are completely alien to some evaluators since they may not know even how to begin. For example, when testing a general search engine, I have people search for pictures of Silkie chickens: everyone knows something about chickens, but unless you're a Bantam hen farmer, you probably won't know much about Silkies. For really important tasks where an obvious domain-neutral solution doesn't exist, people with specific knowledge can be excluded from the recruiting (for example, asking "Do you know what a Silkie chicken is?" in the recruiting screener can eliminate people who may know too much about chickens).

  • A reasonable length. Most features are not so complex that to use them takes more than 10 minutes. The duration of a task should be determined by three things: the total length of the interview, its structure, and the complexity of the features you're testing. In a 90-minute task-focused interview, there are 50–70 minutes of task time, so an average task should take about 12 minutes to complete. In a 60-minute interview, there are about 40 minutes of task time, so each task should take no more than 7 minutes. Aim for 5 minutes in shorter interviews and 10 in longer ones. If you find that you have something that needs more time, then it probably needs to be broken down into subfeatures and reprioritized (though be aware of exceptions: some important tasks take a much longer time and cannot be easily broken up, but they still need to be tested).

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Estimating Task Time

Carolyn Snyder recommends a method of estimating how long a task will take.

  • Ask the development team how long it takes an expert—such as one of them—to perform the task.

  • Multiply that number by 3 to 10 to get an estimate of how long it would take someone who had never used the interface to do the same thing. Use lower numbers for simpler tasks such as found on general-audience Web sites, and higher numbers for complex tasks such as found in specialized software or tasks that require data entry.

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For every feature on the list, there should be at least one task that exercises it. Usually, it's useful to have two or three alternative tasks for the most important features in case there is time to try more than one or the first task proves to be too difficult or uninformative.

People can also construct their own tasks within reason. At the beginning of a usability test, you can ask the participants to describe a recent situation they may have found themselves in that your product could address. Then, when the times comes for a task, ask them to try to use the product as if they were trying to resolve the situation they described at the beginning of the interview. Another way to make a task feel authentic is to use real money. For example, one ecommerce site gave each of its usability testing participants a $50 account and told them that whatever they bought with that account, they got to keep (in addition to the cash incentive they were paid to participate). This presented a much better incentive for them to find something they actually wanted than they would have had if they just had to find something in the abstract.

Although it's fundamentally a qualitative procedure, you can also add some basic quantitative metrics (sometimes called performance metrics) to each task in order to investigate the relative efficiency of different designs or to compare competing products. Some common Web-based quantitative measurements include

  • The speed with which someone completes a task

  • How many errors they make

  • How often they recover from their errors

  • How many people complete the task successfully

Because such data collection cannot give you results that are statistically usable or generalizable beyond the testing procedure, such metrics are useful only for order-of-magnitude ideas about how long a task should take. Thus, it's often a good idea to use a relative number scale rather than specific times.

For the fork example, you could have the following set of tasks, as matched to the features listed earlier.

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The search engine: can people use it to find specific items?

Louis XIV forks are all the rage, and you've decided that you want to buy a set. How would you get a list of all the Louis XIV fork designs in this catalog?

Catalog navigation: can people navigate through it when they don't know exactly what they want?

You also saw this great fork in a shop window the other day (show a picture). Find a design that's pretty close to it in the catalog.

The purchasing mechanism: does it work for both single items and whole sets?

Say you really like one of the designs we just looked at (pick one) and you'd like to buy a dozen dinner forks in that pattern. How would you go about doing that?

Now say it's a month later, you love your forks, but you managed to mangle one of them in the garbage disposal. Starting from the front door to the site, how would you buy a replacement?

The Fork of the Week page: do people see it?

This one is a bit more difficult. Seeing is not easily taskable, but it's possible to elicit some discussion about it by creating a situation where it may draw attention and noting if it does. It's a couple of months later, and you're looking for forks again, this time as a present. Where would be the first place you'd look to find interesting forks that are a good value?

Asking people to draw or describe an interface without looking at it reveals what people found memorable, which generally correlates closely to what they looked at.

[turn off monitor] Please draw the interface we just looked at, based on what you remember about it.

The Wish List: do people know what it's for?

While you're shopping, you'd like to be able to keep a list of designs you're interested in, maybe later you'll buy one, but for now you'd like to just remember which ones are interesting. How would you do that?

[If they don't find it on their own, point them to it and ask them whether they know what it means and how they would use it.]

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When you've compiled the list, you need to time and check the tasks. Do them yourself and get someone who isn't close to the project to try them. This can be part of the pretest dry run, but it's always a good idea to run through the tasks by themselves if you can.

In addition, you should continually evaluate the quality of the tasks as the testing goes on. Use the same guidelines as you used to create the tasks and see if the tasks actually fulfill them. Between sessions think about the tasks' effectiveness and discuss them with the moderator and observers. And although it's a bad idea to drastically change tasks in the middle, it's OK to make small tweaks that improve the tasks' accuracy in between tests, keeping track of exactly what changed in each session.


Usability testing tasks have been traditionally described in terms of small, discrete actions that can be timed (such as "Save a file"). The times for a large number of these tasks are then collected and compared to a predetermined ideal time. Although that's useful for low-level usability tasks with frequent long-term users of dedicated applications, the types of tasks that appear on the Web can be more easily analyzed through the larger-grained tasks described here, since Web sites are often used differently from dedicated software by people with less experience with the product. Moreover, the timing of performance diverts attention from issues of immediate comprehension and satisfaction, which play a more important role in Web site design than they do in application design.

Writing a Script

With tasks in hand, it's time to write the script. The script is sometimes called a "protocol," sometimes a "discussion guide," but it's really just a script for the moderator to follow so that the interviews are consistent and everything gets done.

This script is divided into three parts: the introduction and preliminary interview, the tasks, and the wrap-up. The one that follows is a sample from a typical 90-minute ecommerce Web site usability testing session for people who have never used the site under review. About a third of the script is dedicated to understanding the participants' interests and habits. Although those topics are typically part of a contextual inquiry process or a focus group series, it's often useful to include some investigation into them in usability testing. Another third is focused on task performance, where the most important features get exercised. A final third is administration.

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Introduction (5–7 minutes)

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The introduction is a way to break the ice and give the evaluators some context. This establishes a comfort level about the process and their role in it.

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[Monitor off, Video off, Computer reset]

Hi, welcome, thank you for coming. How are you? (Did you find the place OK? Any questions about the NDA? Etc.)

I'm _______________. I'm helping _______________ understand how well one of their products works for the people who are its audience. This is _______________, who will be observing what we're doing today. We've brought you here to see what you think of their product: what seems to work for you, what doesn't, and so on.

This evaluation should take about an hour.

We're going to be videotaping what happens here today, but the video is for analysis only. It's primarily so I don't have to sit here and scribble notes and I can concentrate on talking to you. It will be seen by some members of the development team, a couple of other people, and me. It's strictly for research and not for public broadcast or publicity or promotion or laughing at Christmas parties.

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When there's video equipment, it's always blatantly obvious and somewhat intimidating. Recognizing it helps relieve a lot of tension about it. Likewise, if there's a two-way mirror, recognizing it—and the fact that there are people behind it—also serves to alleviate most people's anxiety. Once mentioned, it shouldn't be brought up again. It fades quickly into the background, and discussing it again is a distraction.

Also note that the script is written in a conversational style. It's unnecessary to read it verbatim, but it reminds the moderator to keep the tone of the interview casual. In addition, every section has a duration associated with it so that the moderator has an idea of how much emphasis to put on each one.

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Like I said, we'd like you to help us with a product we're developing. It's designed for people like you, so we'd really like to know what you think about it and what works and doesn't work for you. It's currently in an early stage of development, so not everything you're going to see will work right.

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No matter what stage the product team is saying the product is in, if it's being usability tested, it's in an early stage. Telling the evaluators it's a work-in-progress helps relax them and gives them more license to make comments about the product as a whole.

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The procedure we're going to do today goes like this: we're going to start out and talk for a few minutes about how you use the Web, what you like, what kinds of problems you run into, that sort of thing. Then I'm going to show you a product that _______________ has been working on and have you try out a couple of things with it. Then we'll wrap up, I'll ask you a few more questions about it, and we're done.

Any questions about any of that?

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Explicitly laying out the whole procedure helps the evaluators predict what's going to come next and gives them some amount of context to understand the process.

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Now I'd like to read you what's called a statement of informed consent. It's a standard thing I read to everyone I interview. It sets out your rights as a person who is participating in this kind of research.

As a participant in this research

  • You may stop at any time.

  • You may ask questions at any time.

  • You may leave at any time.

  • There is no deception involved.

  • Your answers are kept confidential.

Any questions before we begin?

Let's start!

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The informed consent statement tells the evaluators that their input is valuable, that they have some control over the process, and that there is nothing fishy going on.

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Preliminary Interview (10–15 minutes)

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The preliminary interview is used to establish context for the participant's later comments. It also narrows the focus of the interview into the space of the evaluator's experience by beginning with general questions and then narrowing the conversation to the topics the product is designed for. For people who have never participated in a usability test, it increases their comfort level by asking some "easy" questions that build confidence and give them an idea of the process.

In this case, the preliminary interview also features a fairly extensive investigation into people's backgrounds and habits. It's not unusual to have half as many questions and to have the initial context-setting interview last 5 minutes, rather than 10 to 15.

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[Video on]

How much time do you normally spend on the Web in a given week?

How much of that is for work use, and how much of that is for personal use?

Other than email, is there any one thing you do the most online?

Do you ever shop online? What kinds of things have you bought? How often do you buy stuff online?

Do you ever do research online for things that you end up buying in stores? Are there any categories of items that this happens with more often than others? Why?

Is there anything you would never buy online? Why?

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When it's applicable, it's useful to ask about people's offline habits before refocusing the discussion to the online sphere. Comparing what they say they do offline and what you observe them doing online provides insight into how people perceive the interface.

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Changing gears here a bit, do you ever shop for silverware in general, not just online? How often?

Do you ever do that online? Why?

[If so] Do you have any favorite sites where you shop for silverware online?

[If so] What do you like the most about [site]? Is there anything that regularly bothers you about it?

Evaluation Instructions (3 minutes)

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It's important that evaluators don't feel belittled by the product. The goal behind any product is to have it be a subservient tool, but people have been conditioned by badly designed tools and arrogant companies to place the blame on themselves. Although it's difficult to undo a lifetime of software insecurity, the evaluation instructions help get evaluators comfortable with narrating their experience, including positive and negative commentary, in its entirety.

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In a minute, I'll ask you to turn on the monitor and we'll take a look at the product, but let me give you some instructions about how to approach it.

The most important thing to remember when you're using it is that you are testing the interface, the interface is not testing you. There is absolutely nothing that you can do wrong. Period. If anything seems broken or wrong or weird or, especially, confusing, it's not your fault. However, we'd like to know about it. So please tell us whenever anything isn't working for you.

Likewise, tell us if you like something. Even if it's a feature, a color, or the way something is laid out, we'd like to hear about it.

Be as candid as possible. If you think something's awful, please say so. Don't be shy; you won't hurt anyone's feelings. Since it's designed for people like you, we really want to know exactly what you think and what works and doesn't work for you.

Also, while you're using the product I'd like you to say your thoughts aloud. That gives us an idea of what you're thinking when you're doing something. Just narrate what you're doing, sort of as a play-by-play, telling me what you're doing and why you're doing it.

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A major component to effective usability tests is to get people to say what they're thinking as they're thinking it. The technique is introduced up front, but it should also be emphasized during the actual interview.

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Does that make sense? Any questions?

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Please turn on the monitor [or "open the top of the portable"]. While it's warming up, you can put the keyboard, monitor, and mouse where they're comfortable for you.

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First Impressions (5–10 minutes)

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First impressions of a product are incredibly important for Web sites, so testing them explicitly is always a good thing and quick to do. Asking people where they're looking and what they see points out the things in an interface that pop and provides insight into how page loading and rendering affects focus and attention.

The interview begins with the browser up, but set to a blank page. Loading order affects the order people see the elements on the page and tends to affect the emphasis they place on those elements. Knowing the focus of their attention during the loading of the page helps explain why certain elements are seen as more or less important.

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Now that it's warmed up, I'd like you to select "Forks" from the "Favorites" menu.

[Rapidly] What's the first thing your eyes are drawn to? What's the next thing? What's the first thought that comes into your mind when you see this page?

[after 1–2 minutes] What is this site about?

Are you interested in it?

If this was your first time here, what would you do next? What would you click on? What would you be interested in investigating?

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At this point, the script can go in two directions. Either it can be a task-based interview—where the user immediately begins working on tasks—or it can be a hybrid interview that's half task based and half observational interview.

The task-based interview focuses on a handful of specific tasks or features. The hybrid interview is useful for first-time tests and tests that are early in the development cycle. In hybrid interviews, the evaluator goes through an interface tour, looking at each element of the main part of the interface and quickly commenting on it, before working on tasks.

A task-based interview would look as follows.

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Tasks (20–25 minutes)

Now I'd like you to try a couple of things with this interface. Work just as you would normally, narrating your thoughts as you go along.

Here is the list of things I'd like you to do. [hand out list]

The first scenario goes as follows:


[Read the first task, hand out Task 1 description sheet]

The second thing I'd like you to do is


[Read the second task, hand out Task 2 description sheet] etc.

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When there is a way to remotely observe participants, it is sometimes useful to ask them to try a couple of the listed tasks on their own, without the moderator in the room. This can yield valuable information about how people solve problems without an available knowledge source. In addition, it's a useful time for the moderator to discuss the test with the observers. When leaving the room, the moderator should reemphasize the need for the evaluator to narrate all of his or her thoughts.

Including a specific list of issues to probe helps ensure that all the important questions are answered. The moderator should feel free to ask the probe questions whenever it is appropriate in the interview.

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Probe Questions (investigate whenever appropriate)

  • Do the names of navigation elements make sense?

  • Do the interface elements function as the evaluator had expected?

  • Are there any interface elements that don't make sense?

  • What draws the evaluator's attention?

  • What are the most important elements in any given feature?

  • Are there places where the evaluator would like additional information?

  • What are their expectations for the behavior/content of any given element/screen?

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A hybrid interview could look as follows. It begins with a quick general task to see how people experience the product before they've had a chance to examine the interface in detail.

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First Task (5 minutes)

Now I'd like you to try something with this interface.

Work just as you would normally, narrating your thoughts as you go along.

The first scenario goes as follows:


[read the first task]

Interface Tour (10 minutes)

OK, now I'd like to go through the interface, one element at a time, and talk about what you expect each thing to do.

[Go through

  • Most of front door

  • A sample catalog page

  • A shopping cart page]

[Focus on

  • Site navigation elements

  • Search elements

  • Major feature labels and behaviors

  • Ambiguous elements

  • Expectations]

Per element probes [ask for each significant element, when appropriate]:

  • In a couple of words, what do you think this does?

  • What does this [label, title] mean?

  • Where do you think this would go?

  • Without clicking on it, what kind of page would you expect to find on the other side? What would it contain? How would it look?

Per screen probes [ask on each screen, when appropriate]:

  • What's the most important thing on this screen for you?

  • Is there any information missing from here that you would need?

  • After you've filled it out, what would you do next?

  • How would you get to the front door of the site from here? What would you click on?

  • How would you get to [some other major section]?

Tasks (10 minutes)

The second thing I'd like you to do is


[read the second task]

The last thing I'd like to try is


[read the third task]

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By the time all the tasks have been completed, the heart of the information collection and the interview is over. However, it's useful for the observers and analysts to get a perspective on the high points of the discussion. In addition, a blue-sky discussion of the product can provide good closure for the evaluator and can produce some good ideas (or the time can be used to ask people to draw what they remember of the interface as the moderator leaves the room and asks the observers if they have any final questions for the participant).

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Wrap-up and Blue-Sky Brainstorm (10 minutes)

Please turn off the monitor, and we'll wrap up with a couple of questions.


How would you describe this product in a couple of sentences to someone with a level of computer and Web experience similar to yours?

Is this an interesting service? Is this something that you would use?

Is this something you would recommend? Why/why not?

Can you summarize what we've been talking about by saying three good things and three bad things about the product?

Blue-Sky Brainstorm

OK, now that we've seen some of what this can do, let's talk in blue-sky terms here for a minute. Not thinking in practical terms at all, what kinds of things would you like a system like this to do that this one doesn't? Have you ever said, "I wish that some program would do X for me"? What was it?

Do you have any final questions? Comments?

Thank you, if you have any other thoughts or ideas on your way home or tomorrow, or even next week, please feel free to send an email to _______________. [hand out a card]

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Finally, it's useful to get some feedback about the testing and scheduling process.

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And that's all the questions I have about the prototype, but I have one last question:

Do you have any suggestions about how we could run these tests better, either in terms of scheduling or the way we ran it?

Thanks. That's it, we're done.

[Turn video off]

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As with every phase of user research, the product stakeholders should have input into the testing script content. The complete script draft should still be vetted by the stakeholders to assure that the priorities and technical presentation are accurate. The first draft should be given to the development team at least a week before testing is to begin. A second version incorporating their comments should be shown to them at least a couple of days beforehand.

Conducting the Interview

There are two goals in conducting user interviews: getting the most natural responses from evaluators and getting the most complete responses. Everything that goes into the environment of a user interview—from the physical space to the way questions are asked—is focused on these two goals.

The Physical Layout

The physical layout should look as little like a lab as possible and as much like the kind of space in which the product is designed to be used. If the product is to be used at work, then it should be tested in an environment that resembles a nice office, preferably with a window. If it's for home use, then it should be tested in an environment like a home office. The illusion doesn't have to be all pervasive; it's possible to achieve the appropriate feeling with just a few carefully chosen props. For the home office, for example, soft indirect lighting and a tablecloth over an office desk instantly makes it less formal.

Often, however, the usability test must be performed in a scheduled conference room or a rented lab, where extensive alteration isn't possible. In those situations, make sure that the space is quiet, uncluttered, and as much as possible, unintimidating.

Every interview should be videotaped, if possible. Ideally, a video scan converter (a device that converts computer video output to standard video) and a video mixer should be used to create a "picture-inpicture" version of the proceedings, with one image showing a picture of the person and the other of their screen (Figure 10.3). The video camera should be positioned such that the evaluator's face and hands can be seen for the initial interview and so that the screen can be seen for the task portion of the interview. The moderator does not have to appear in the shot.

click to expand
Figure 10.3: Picture-in-picture video documentation.

Accurate, clear audio is extremely important, so the video camera should have a good built-in microphone that filters out external noise, or you should invest in a lapel microphone, which the evaluator can clip onto his or her clothing, or a small microphone that can be taped to the monitor. The downside of lapel microphones is that although they capture the evaluator's comments, they don't always catch those of the moderator. An ideal situation is to have two wireless lapel microphones and a small mixer to merge the two sound sources, or a single external microphone that is sensitive enough to capture both sides of the conversation without picking up the external noise that's the bane of built-in camera mics. But that's a lot of equipment.

If a two-way mirrored room is unavailable, closed-circuit video makes for good substitute. This is pretty easy to achieve with a long video cable and a television in an adjacent room (though the room should be sufficiently soundproof that observers can speak freely without being heard in the testing room). So the final layout of a typical round of usability testing can look like Figure 10.4.

click to expand
Figure 10.4: A typical usability testing configuration.


The moderator needs to make the user feel comfortable and elicit useful responses at appropriate times without drastically interrupting the flow of the user's own narration or altering his or her perspective. The nondirected interviewing style is described in depth in Chapter 6 and should be used in all user interviews.

Apart from the general interviewing style outlined in Chapter 6, there are several things that moderators should do in all interviews.

  • Probe expectations. Before participants click on a link, check a box, or perform any action with an interface, they have some idea of what will happen. Even though their idea of what will happen next may not be completely formed, they will always have some expectation. After the users have performed an action, their perception is forever altered about that action's effect. The only way to capture their view before it happens is to stop them as they're about to perform an action and ask them for their expectations of its effect. With a hyperlink, for example, asking the evaluators to describe what they think will happen if they click on a link can reveal a lot about their mental model of the functionality of the site. Asking "Is that what you expected?" immediately after an action is also an excellent way of finding out whether the experience matches expectations.

  • Ask "why" a lot. It's possible to learn a lot about people's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors by asking simple, direct, unbiased questions at appropriate times. Five-year-olds do this all the time: they just ask "why" over and over again, digging deeper and deeper into a question without ever telegraphing that they think there's a correct answer. For example, when someone says "I just don't do those kinds of things," asking "why" yields better information than just knowing that he or she does or doesn't do something.

  • Suggest solutions, sometimes. Don't design during an interview, but it is OK to probe if a particular idea (that doesn't exist in the current product) would solve their problem. This is useful as a check on the interviewer's understanding of the problem, and it can be a useful way to sanity-check potential solutions. For example, a number of people in a test said they kept their personal schedule using Microsoft Outlook and their Palm Pilot. They weren't interested in online schedules since they felt it would involve duplicating effort even though they liked the convenience of a Web-based calendar. When the moderator suggested that their offline schedule could be synchronized with the online, they were universally excited and said that they would be much more likely to use the entire service if that feature were available.

  • Investigate mistakes. When evaluators make mistakes, wait to see if they've realized that they've made a mistake and then immediately probe their thoughts and expectations. Why did they do something one way? What were they hoping it would do? How did they expect it to work? What happened that made them realize that it didn't work?

  • Probe nonverbal cues. Sometimes people will react physically to an experience in a way that they wouldn't normally voice. When something is surprising or unexpected or unpleasant, someone may flinch, but not say anything. Likewise, a smile or a lean forward may signify satisfaction or interest. Watch for such actions and follow up, if appropriate. For example, "You frowned when that dialog box came up. Is there anything about it that caused you to do that?"

  • Keep the interview task centered. People naturally tend to tangent off on certain ideas that come up. As someone is performing a task, they may be reminded of an idea or an experience that they want to explore. Allowing people to explore their experiences is important, but it's also important to stay focused on the product and the task. When someone leans back, takes his or her hands off the keyboard, stops looking at the monitor, and starts speaking in the abstract, it's generally time to introduce a new task or return to the task at hand.

  • Respect the evaluator's ideas. When people are off topic, let them go for a bit (maybe a minute or so) and see if they can wrap up their thoughts on their own. If they're not wrapping up, steer the conversation back to the task or topic at hand. If that doesn't seem to work, then you can be more explicit: "That's interesting and maybe we'll cover it more later, but let's take a look at the Fork of the Week page."

  • Focus on their personal experience. People have a tendency to idealize their experience and to extrapolate it to others' needs or to their far future needs. Immediate experience, however, is much more telling about people's actual attitudes, needs, and behaviors, and is usually much more useful than their extrapolations. When Peter says, "I think it may be useful to someone," ask him if it's useful to him. If Inga says that she understands it, but others may not, tell her that it's important to know about how she views it, not how it could be designed for others. If Tom says that something "may be useful someday," ask him if it's something that's useful to him now.


Throughout this chapter, I have used the words "evaluator" and "participant" to refer to the people who are evaluating the interface, rather than "subject," "tester," "guinea pig," or whatnot. This is intentional. The people who you have recruited to evaluate your interface are your colleagues in this process. They are not being examined, the product is. It's tempting to set the situation up as a psychology experiment, but it's not. It's a directed evaluation of a product, not an inquiry into human nature, and should be treated as such on all levels.

Managing Observers

Getting as many members of the development team to observe the tests is one of the fastest ways to relate the findings of the test and win them over.

Make the appropriate staff watch the usability tests in real time, if possible. There's nothing more enlightening to a developer (or even a vice president of product development) than watching their interfaces misused and their assumptions misunderstood and not being able to do anything about it.

The best way to get observers involved is through a two-way mirror or a closed-circuit video feed. Bring in plenty of food (pizza usually works). The team can then lounge in comfort and discuss the tests as they proceed (while not forgetting to watch how the participants are actually behaving). Since they know the product inside and out, they will see behaviors and attitudes that neither the moderator nor the analyst will, which is invaluable as source material for the analyst and for the team's understanding of their customers.


Some researchers claim that it's possible to have multiple observers in the same room without compromising the quality of the observations. I haven't found that to be the case, nor have I chosen to have any in-room observers most of the time. It may well be possible to have a bunch of observers in the room and still have the participant perform comfortably and naturally—stage actors do this all the time, after all. However, I try to avoid the complications that this may introduce into the interpretation of people's statements by avoiding the question entirely.

If neither a two-way mirror nor a closed-circuit feed is available, it's possible to have members of the team observe the tests directly. However, there should never be more than one observer per test. It's intimidating enough for the evaluator to be in a lab situation, but to have several people sitting behind them, sometimes scribbling, sometimes whispering, can be too creepy for even the most even-keeled. The observer, if he or she is in the room, should be introduced by name since this acknowledges his or her presence and gives the observer a role in the process other than "the guy sitting silently in the corner watching me."

Observers should be given instructions on acceptable behavior and to set their expectations of the process.

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  1. Listen. As tempting as it is to immediately discuss what you're observing, make sure to listen to what people are really saying. Feel free to discuss what you're seeing, but don't forget to listen.

  2. Usability tests are not statistically representative. If three out of four people say something, that doesn't mean that 75% of the population feels that way. It does mean that a number of people may feel that way, but it doesn't mean anything numerically.

  3. Don't take every word as gospel. These are just the views of a couple of people. If they have good ideas, great, but trust your intuition in judging their importance, unless there's significant evidence otherwise. So if someone says, "I hate the green," that doesn't mean that you change the color (though if everyone says, "I hate the green," then it's something to research further).

  4. People are contradictory. Listen to how people are thinking about the topics and what criteria they use to come to conclusions, not necessarily the specific desires they voice. A person may not realize that two desires are impossible to have simultaneously, or he or she may not care. Be prepared to be occasionally bored or confused. People's actions aren't always interesting or insightful.

  5. Don't expect revolutions. If you can get one or two good ideas out of each usability test, then it has served its purpose.

  6. Watch for what people don't do or don't notice as much as you watch what they do and notice.

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For in-room observers, add the following instructions:

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  1. Feel free to ask questions when the moderator gives you an explicit opportunity. Ask questions that do not imply a value judgment about the product one way or another. So instead of asking, "Is this the best of-breed product in its class?" ask "Are there other products that do what this one does? Do you have any opinions about any of them?"

  2. Do not mention your direct involvement with the product. It's easier for people to comment about the effectiveness of a product when they don't feel that someone with a lot vested in it is in the same room.

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If the observers are members of the development team, encourage them to wait until they've observed all the participants before generalizing and designing solutions. People naturally want to start fixing problems as soon as they're recognized, but the context, magnitude, and prevalence of a problem should be known before energy is expended to fix it. Until the landscape of all the issues is established, solution design is generally not recommended.

Tips and Tricks

  • Always do a dry run of the interview a day or two before-hand. Get everything set up as for a real test, complete with all the appropriate hardware and prototypes installed. Then get someone who is roughly the kind of person you're reconduct a full interview with him or her. Use this time to make sure that the script, the hardware, and the tasks are all working as designed. Go through the whole interview, and buy the evaluator lunch afterward.

  • Reset the computer and the lab in between every test. Make sure every user gets the same environment by clearing the browser cache, resetting the history (so all links come up as new and cookies are erased), and restarting the browser so that it's on a blank page (you can set most browsers so that they open to a blank page by default). Clear off any notes or paper-work from the previous person and turn off the monitor.

  • If possible, provide both a Macintosh and a PC for your usability test, allowing the evaluator to use whichever one he or she is more comfortable with. You can even include a question about it in the screener and know ahead of time which one the participant typically uses.

  • Don't take extensive notes during the test. This allows you to focus on what the user is doing and probe particular behaviors. Also, the participants won't associate their behavior with periods of frantic scribbling, which they often interpret as an indicator that they just did something wrong.

  • Take notes immediately after, writing down all interesting behaviors, errors, likes, and dislikes. Discuss the test with any observers for 10–20 minutes immediately after and take notes on their observations, too.

Observing the User Experience. A Practioner's Guide for User Research
Real-World .NET Applications
ISBN: 1558609237
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 144 © 2008-2017.
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