

Database for recruiting

building, 87–88, 90–94

data entry for, 90–91

friends and family, 88

maintaining, 94

prescreening, 94–95

of professional recruiters, 87

techniques for expanding, 91–93

tips, 93–94

Definition step in iterative development

overview, 31

scheduling service example, 38, 39, 40, 41

Deliverables in research plan, 81–82

Deming, Edward, 468


as audience attributes, 136–137

focus groups and, 210, 212

information architecture development and, 46

key questions, 136–137

profiles, 85

published information, 441–443

survey questions, 308, 533–534

typical characteristics, 46

See also audiences

Descriptive goals, 307

Design, usability and, 20

Design of Everyday Things, The, 18

Designers, presentations to, 498–499

Desirability, as success criterion, 20


of audience for presentations, 503

focus groups for discovering, 203

needs vs., 141

survey question category, 308

of target audience, 141–142

Development teams

defined, 34

identity designers, 51–52

information architects, 45–47

information needs of, 46–47, 49, 51–52

interaction designers, 48–49

iterative process and, 34

user-centered corporate culture and, 512

user experience researchers, 52–53

user profile use by, 153–154

user profiling team, 132

Diary studies, 369–385

after release, 67

ambiguous entries, 383

analyzing results, 382–385

clickstream log analysis vs., 370

coding diaries, 383

defined, 369

duration of, 370

focus groups combined with, 469–471

as geographically distributed qualitative research method, 370

incentives, 381

for information architecture development, 47

making hypotheses, 384

managing responses, 381–382

overview, 369–371

problem report diaries, 379–381

reminders for participants, 382

sampling rate for, 370

self-reporting issues, 385

structured, 371, 375–381

survey-structured diaries, 376–377

trend extraction, 382–384

unstructured, 371–375

usability test diaries, 377–379

virtual usability testing vs., 370


in friction groups, 463

importance for promotion, 24–25

Director of User Experience, 515

Discussion guide for focus groups, 214–223

discussion questions, 215–216, 220–223, 252–256

examples, 216–223, 251–257

introduction and warm-up, 216–219, 251–252

opportunism and, 229–230

overview, 214

testing, 223

wrap-up, 223, 257

Documenting user profiles, 151–152

Domain neutral tasks, 271–272

Dominance in focus groups, 235

Dong, Jianming, 198

Donoghue, Karen, 506

Drinks for focus groups, 224


of diary studies, 370

estimating task time for usability tests, 272

expiration times for cookies, 407–408

of sessions, 411

survey bias from, 334

user experience changes over time, 368–369

Observing the User Experience. A Practioner's Guide for User Research
Real-World .NET Applications
ISBN: 1558609237
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 144 © 2008-2017.
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