

W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Web site, obtaining protocol information from, 119120
weather data memory cache client sample code, 181182
Web application requests , accessing remote Web services with, 216217
Web applications.
See also application entries;
ATL Server applications
debugging, 19
deploying, 88
Web farms, using session state with, 99
Web Jukebox 1.0, creating, 3843
Web request class flow, diagram of, 61
Web requests
parsing, 332
from performance perspective, 348350
processing, 5759
Web servers, accessing information provided by, 398
Web service attributes
soap_handler, 130131
soap_header, 132133
soap_method, 132
Web service class flow, diagram of, 64
Web-service client classes
CProjectNameServiceT, 62
CSoapRootHandler, 62
GenerateResponse, 63
InitializeSOAP, 63
SendRequest, 63
Web service proxy class, generating, 127128
Web-service server classes
CSoapHandler, 63
CSoapRootHandler, 63
Web services
adding COM support to, 291
adding to ISAPI applications dynamically, 219220
advantages of native solutions for, 5
allocating data for, 305
architecture of, 129
arrays used with, 135137
BLOB types used with, 141142
clients of, 150155
consuming, 127128
creating, 123128
enums used with, 140141, 294295, 338340
and error handling, 155157
functionality of, 313314
functioning as scriptable objects, 298305
handling SOAP faults with, 146149
implementing, 314315
introducing, 119123
and memory management, 149150
overview of, 45, 119
processing of SOAP requests by, 314
protocols in, 119
restricted types used with, 142143
SOAP headers used with, 144145
stopping and restarting, 87
structs used with, 137139, 340343
support for, 16
Web stress tools, benefits of, 203204
webdbg.exe, launching, 236
WebJukebox.h file, contents of, 40
while statements
using for flow control, 2526
using with Web jukebox example, 39
{{while}}...{{endwhile}} block, advisory about, 174
Win32 performance counters, determining network usage with, 354355
WinHTTP, benefits of, 465
WinINet, using in SOAP clients, 471472
worker template parameter, using with thread pools, 163
World tag in SRFs, purpose of, 2122
WriteClient and ReadClient streams, overview of, 397
WSDL 1.1 Web site, 381
WSDL document, example of, 121123
WSDL generation, overview of, 345
WSDL (Web Services Description Language) protocol
associating namespaces with document locations in, 387
explanation of, 119
GUID data type used with, 412413
interoperability of, 382
overview of, 121123
problems with, 386389
sample interoperability problem with, 389390
versus SOAP, 385386
WSDLRequest.txt, contents of, 401

ATL Server. High Performance C++ on. NET
Observing the User Experience: A Practitioners Guide to User Research
ISBN: B006Z372QQ
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 181 © 2008-2017.
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