

Macro procedure, 148
macros, 3-45
for analysis of complex tables, 31-32
for analysis of survey data, 43-44
assigned to menu items and tools, 463
associating keyboard shortcuts with, 80
associating with event routines, 80
for automated data presentation with graphs, 42
for balance sheet, 43
for billing form, 41-42
for calendar and holidays, 40
for computing interest in savings account, 24-30
cell protection, 28
model for table of interest, 24-27
overview, 24
printing options, 28
table layout, 28
templates, 29-30
validation control, 28-29
controlling external programs with Excel, 44-45
for converting to Euros, 41
for data analysis with Excel, 44
defined, 4
definition of terms related to, 4-6
for designing forms, 41
for euro conversion, 343-47
in Excel 4, 143
executing, 80-82
interrupting, 81
linking custom styles with tools, 9-15
advanced concepts, 15
defining new tools, 12-13
deleting new toolbars , 14
modifying tools, 14
overview, 9-10
recording macros, 11-12
"Result" custom style, 10
for literature database, 17-23
adding buttons , 19-23
advanced concepts, 23
equipping database with filters, 19
overview, 17
preparing database and arranging windows , 18-19
programming languages for, 4
purpose of, 4
recording, 11-12, 82-83, 368, 513, 524-25
security of, 9
for simplifying input, 15-17
templates for, 335-37
and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), 6-8, 365
for vocabulary tutor, 32-39
additional code, 39
constructing forms, 34-35
overview, 32-33
program code for forms, 35-39
MacroXy procedure, 142
Magazine class, 172-73
Mailer object, 834
mail-order business, billing form example, 41-42
MailSystem property, 737-38
MajorGridlines property, 539
MAPI-compatible e-mail, 737
MarkSelectionForEuroConversion procedure, 353
Match Case option, 583
matchcase parameter, 589
Mathematica lists, exporting for, 296-301
data selection with SelectFilename, 296-97
formatting of numbers , 300-301
overview, 296
processing worksheets group , 298-99
saving data in SaveRangeAsMmaFile, 298
saving data in text format, 299-300
testing the macro, 296
matrices, 102-3
matrix functions, 311-12
maximum calculational function, 635
maxTries method, 37
MDIForm_Load procedure, 769
Me keyword, 128, 173
Me property, 128
Medium Security level, 9, 181
Member Options form, 308
memory, 572-73, 720
MemoryUsed property, 720
menu bars, independent, 459
menu items
adding and deleting via program code, 473
checks next to, 475-76
editing, 460-61
groups, 463
images, 461-62
labels, 461
macros assigned to, 463
MenuEvents module, 548
and automatic data reporting, 556-58
compatibility problems with, 64
creating new, 460
custom, 478
deactivating with program code, 478
defining extensive , 463-64
differences compared to Excel 5/7, 482-83
editing manually, 458-59, 482
in Excel 97, 58
extending for freestanding applications, 486-89
hiding and unhiding, 458
inserting Custom Menu Item entry to, 81
of Office 2000, 9
pop-up, 476-77
submenus, 471
MenuViewMonthReport_OnClick procedure, 616
methods , 7, 124
distinguishing from properties, 125-27
enumeration methods, 124
Excel-specific, 283-86, 303
in Excel 2000, 52
in Excel 97, 57
for processing workbooks, 216
for working with sheets, 220 m/f field, 594
Microsoft applications, launching from within VBA, 788
Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE), 652
Microsoft Internet Controls library, 766
Microsoft Office 2000, 9, 229, 646
Microsoft Office 2002, 646
Microsoft Office Developer, 318, 736
Microsoft Office documents, 59
Microsoft Office library, 49, 59, 801
Microsoft Office registry, 333-34
Microsoft Outlook mail client, 737-38
Microsoft Scripting Runtime library, 166, 267-69
Microsoft Word
activating Object Library, 779
clipboards of, 229
form letter in (example), 591-94
Mid function, 236, 615, 616
midnight, time differences spanning, 257
minimum calculational function, 635
MinorGridlines property, 539
Minute function, 250, 266
MINUTE worksheet function, 253, 266
MkDir command, 304
Mod operator, 175, 177
mode parameter, 276
Mode property, 651, 666
modifying. See changing
module sheets, 55, 219
moduleMenu event procedure, 614
modules, 76-80. See also class modules
modulo operator, 234
Month function, 250, 265
MONTH worksheet function, 253, 266
monthly reports , 547, 553-56
and automatic data reporting, 553-56
in balance sheet example, 610-11, 615-16
MonthlyProtocol method, 557
MonthlyProtocol. MonthlyProtocol procedure, 553
MonthlyReport worksheet, 547, 553
MonthName function, 252, 266
adding to dates, 254
date of last day of, 255
number of days in current, 255
setting with spin button, 454-55
time difference in, 256
mouse click, 147
mouse events, 146, 158
Move method, 274, 302
Move n method, 659, 667
MoveFile method, 301
MoveFirst method, 659, 667
MoveLast method, 659, 667
MoveNext method, 647, 659, 667
MovePrevious method, 659, 667
cells , 201, 202
files, 274
folders, 274
MS Forms, 64
MS Forms controls, 220
MS Forms Library, 54, 131, 132, 396
controls in
check boxes, 419-20
command buttons, 421-22
common features, 407
frames , 422-23
images, 431-32
labels, 408-9
listboxes, 411
MultiPage, 424-29
option buttons, 419-20
scroll bars, 429-30
spin buttons, 429-30
text boxes, 409-11
toggle buttons, 421-22
hierarchy, 800
upgrading to, 397
MS OLAP Services, 707
MS Query, 627-39
tables and relations, 705-6
executing calculations of columns , 635
listing of all orders, 631-33
loading and saving queries, 639
options for inserting external data, 638-39
overview, 627
and pivot tables, 692
product list example, 628-30
queries executed on request, 637
sales by employee example, 634-35
selecting data source, 627-28
sort and filter criteria, 636
SQL code, 636-37
updating data, 630-31
Msado15.dll object library, 131
Msado21.tlb object library, 132
MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine), 652
MSDN Library, 367
MS-forms dialogs, 60
MsgBox command, 107, 240, 376, 386, 392-93
Mso9.dll object library, 131
Mso.dll object library, 132
MS-Office object library, 131, 132
MSQuery\Xlquery.xla file, 132
MS-Query.xls file, 639
MS-Scripting runtime library, 131, 132
multidimensional fields, 92-93, 100
MultiPage control
example, 425-28
inserting, 424
properties of, 429
TabOrientation property, 425
MultiPage object, 834
Multiple Consolidation Ranges command, 703
MultiUserEditing property, 56
mydoc object, 170
MyEvent event procedure, 163

Definitive Guide to Excel VBA
Linux Application Development For The Enterprise (Charles River Media Programming)
ISBN: 1584502533
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 134 © 2008-2017.
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