Click the Draw button on the Drawing toolbar and click Rotate or Flip .
Click Flip Horizontal or Flip Vertical .
PowerPoint flips the object.
Another way to modify your slide illustrations is to change their position by flipping or rotating. Flipping an object simply turns it over, making it a mirror-image of the original. You can flip objects horizontally or vertically. Rotating , on the other hand, moves an object on an invisible axis, changing the direction of the object in a clockwise or counterclockwise fashion.
Use caution when flipping an image that includes text. Flipping will cause the text to read backward, as if held to a mirror.
To rotate a selected object, click the Draw button on the Drawing toolbar and click Rotate or Flip .
Click Free Rotate .
Rotation handles surround the object. Click and drag a handle to rotate the object.
Release the mouse button; the object is rotated .
Rotating by Degrees
You can use the Rotate Left or Rotate Right options on the Draw menu to rotate an object in 90-degree increments . Activating the command twice rotates the object 180 degrees.
Restricting Rotation
If you press and hold the Shift key while dragging an object's rotation handle, PowerPoint restricts the rotation to 15-degree increments.