[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Z] Table button (Tables and Borders toolbar) tables selecting tables borders adding color applying borders to table cells changing styles changing thickness cells aligning text 2nd aligning text vertically changing background colors 2nd entering text erasing borders merging resizing selecting splitting columns adding adjusting width 2nd deleting custom tables creating customizing deleting layouts finding resizing rows adding adjusting height 2nd deleting selecting quantity of slide elements slides adding to 2nd 3rd text deleting Tables and Borders button (Standard toolbar) custom tables creating Tables and Borders toolbar Border Color button Borders button All Borders option closing displaying Draw Table button Eraser button erasing table cell borders Fill Color button changing table cell background colors Merge Cells button Split Cell button Table button selecting tables table columns adding table rows adding tables. [See also charts ] tabs Axes Bulleted tab (Bullets and Numbering dialog box) Colors and Lines tab (Format dialog box) changing text box background colors Data Labels Font Gallery Gradient tab (Fill Effects dialog box) One Color option Preset Colors option Gridlines Layout Legend 2nd Notes and Handouts tab (Header and Footer dialog box) Numbered tab (Bullets and Numbering dialog box) Outline tab closing Outline pane 2nd opening Outline pane Outline tab (PowerPoint Program window) Pattern tab (Fill Effects dialog box) Patterns 2nd 3rd Security tab (Tools menu) assigning passwords to presentations Slides tab opening Outline pane 2nd Texture tab (Fill Effects dialog box) Titles 2nd Toolbars tab customizing toolbars Task bar multiple files switching between Task pane opening shortcuts Task Pane Other Task panes button Task pane reopening Task pane (PowerPoint Program window) 2nd customizing displaying hiding Startup Task Pane check box) task panes Clip Art Clip Art Task pane closing Slide Transition Task pane opening task panes. [See also Custom Animation task pane]2nd [See also Revisions task pane] templates design templates 2nd 3rd adding to Slide Design Task pane listings applying 2nd applying to all slides applying to selected slides finding on Web sites removing from Slide Design Task pane listings saving customized backgrounds as 2nd selecting 2nd storing testing passwords text adding to presentations AutoContent wizard 2nd attributes changing 2nd AutoShapes adding to bullet point slide text moving bulleted lists creating 2nd customizing bullets 2nd picture bullets removing formatting removing single bullets color changing previewing changes selecting undoing changes copying 2nd Clipboard pane 2nd Edit menu keyboard shortcuts deleting deselecting font size changing fonts changing fonts (diagrams) footer text editing placement handout pages notes pages formatting copying graphics converting to 2nd 3rd header text date and time information 2nd editing placement handout pages notes pages indenting 2nd line spacing changing mistakes correcting moving 2nd Clipboard pane 2nd Edit menu keyboard shortcuts numbered lists creating customizing bullets removing formatting outlines demoting in 2nd promoting in 2nd 3rd pasting 2nd 3rd Clipboard 2nd Edit menu keyboard shortcuts placeholder text replacing 2nd selecting double-clicking triple-clicking slide text editing moving undoing moves slides adding to 2nd selecting in special characters inserting 2nd removing spell checking 2nd 3rd styles changing 2nd subordinate text adding to slides creating 2nd symbols reusing table cell text aligning 2nd aligning vertically table cells entering tables deleting from WordArt correcting in entering in formatting in WordArt styles applying 2nd words adding to Dictionary Text Box button (Drawing toolbar) text boxes background colors backgrounds changing colors 2nd 3rd 4th bulleted lists creating 2nd customizing bullets 2nd picture bullets removing formatting removing single bullets deleting 2nd formatting moving numbered lists creating customizing bullets removing formatting selecting sizing slide elements slide layouts adding to 2nd text objects background color changing 2nd 3rd deleting moving selecting sizing slide layouts adding to 2nd Texture tab (Fill Effects dialog box) textures background textures changing 2nd thickness (lines) adjusting timing presentations 2nd 3rd slides adjusting timings applying to all slides redoing timings title bar (PowerPoint Program window) titles adding to presentations AutoContent wizard charts 2nd deleting moving Titles tab 2nd toggling Reviewing toolbar toolbar buttons customizing enlarging names finding toolbar adding to 2nd removing from Toolbar Options button (PowerPoint Program window) 2nd toolbars buttons viewing 2nd 3rd commands executing customizing 2nd 3rd 4th Diagram Drawing toolbar 3D button AutoShape button Draw button 2nd 3rd 4th drawing shapes on slides Fill Color button 2nd Insert Clip Art button Insert Picture button Insert WordArt button Line Color button 2nd Line Style button 2nd Oval button Oval tool Rectangle button Shadow button 2nd Text Box button drawing toolbar (PowerPoint Program window) Formatting toolbar Align Left button 2nd Align Right button 2nd Bullets button 2nd Center button 2nd Decrease Indent button Decrease Indent toolbar Font Color button Increase Font Size button Increase Indent button Increase Indent toolbar New Slide button 2nd Numbers button 2nd Rehearse Timings button Show Formatting button viewing hiding Outlining toolbar Collapse All button Demote button 2nd 3rd displaying Expand All button Move Down button Move Up button Show Formatting button Summary Slide button Outlining toolbar (Outline pane) displaying Picture toolbar Recolor Picture button Reviewing toggling Standard toolbar Align Bottom button Align Top button Center Vertically button Close button Format Painter button Open button Save button 2nd Spell Check button Table sand Borders button Undo button 2nd 3rd 4th 5th viewing standard toolbar (PowerPoint Program window) Tables and Borders toolbar adding table rows Border Color button Borders button 2nd closing displaying Draw Table button Eraser button Fill Color button Merge Cells button Split Cell button Table button Tables and Borders toolbars adding table columns toolbar buttons adding to 2nd removing from versus menu bar WordArt toolbar viewing WordArt Gallery button Toolbars tab toolbars customizing Toolbars, Reviewing command (View menu) Tools menu Options dialog box Password to Modify option Security tab assigning passowrds to presentations Tools menu commands Compare and Merge Presentations tracking changes 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Transition button 2nd transition effects 2nd Transition Task Pane Apply to All Slides button transitions slides adding 2nd deleting viewing troubleshooting PowerPoint Viewer turning of Reviewing toolbar turning off narration slide date feature slide numbering feature sound clips turning off chart legends turning off Reviewing toolbar turning on/off animation in slide shows narration in slide shows types chart types, changing 2nd |