

table of contents, example of creating, 661
tables, arranging data in, 298
targetNamespace attribute (XML Schema), 326
template bodies, 84
template parameters, 74, 398
template rules
built-in, 70
choosing, 189
temporary tree, 79, 260
temporary tree, validating, 163
Tennison, Jeni, 643
terminate attribute (of xsl:message), 343
test expression, 236, 309
testing availability of a Java method, example of, 568
testing for node-set() extensions, example of, 566
Text Encoding Initiative, 4
text node
in a sequence constructor, 64
whitespace-only , 64
text output method, 46, 389
text(), 75
text, formatting, 667
timezone-from-date () function, 793
timezone-from-dateTime() function, 793
timezone-from-time() function, 793
«to », 761
token output sequence, formatting, 365
token symbols (in XPath)
Char, 756
DecimalLiteral, 755
Digit, 756
DoubleLiteral, 756
IntegerLiteral, 755
QName, 756
StringLiteral, 756
Wildcard, 756
tokenize() function, 16, 182, 184, 224, 794
top-level elements, 98
top-level processing, 705
trace() function, 794
Transformation API for XML (TrAX), 815
transformation process
built-in template rules, 70
conflict resolution policy, 71
controlling which nodes to process, 68
modes, 70
push processing, 65
sequence constructors, 61
template rules, 60
transformation, invoking, 59
transformation process. See system overview of XSLT
transformation processor, 57
transformation sheet. See system overview of XSLT
transformation, invoking, 59
Transformiix, 8
translate() function, 367, 742, 795
TrAX (Transformation API for XML), 815
«treat as », 762
tree construction process, 64
tree model
nodes in tree model, 51
Saxon implementation, 856
XML as tree, 48
true() function, 795
tunnel attribute (of xsl:param), 393
tunnel parameters, 398, 490
type annotation of a node
copying, 250
description, 52
setting and using, 146, 159, 164
type attribute, 160, 161, 201, 207
type conversion, 73, 496
type of the parameter, 394
type system for XSLT
based on XML Schema, 41
typed value of a node, 52

XSLT 2.0 Programmer's Reference
NetBeansв„ў IDE Field Guide: Developing Desktop, Web, Enterprise, and Mobile Applications (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 764569090
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 324 © 2008-2017.
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