

recursion to process a sequence of nodes, 224
recursion to process a sequence of strings, 227
recursion, 223, 306, 633
recursive templates, writing, 224
reflection, 58
refresh() function (Family tree example), 737
regex. See <xsl analyze-string> Instruction
regex- group () function, 181, 184, 580
regular expression syntax, 179
relational database, 7
RelativePathPattern, 501
RelaxNG, 25
remove() function, 785
replace() function, 182, 184, 620, 786
required attribute (of xsl:param), 301, 393
resolve-QName() function, 786
resolve-uri () function, 787
result document, validating, 160, 259, 415
result tree fragments , 81, 249
result tree
writing to, 68
reverse() function, 787
Rich Text Format (RTF), 46
root node, 49, 673
root() function, 788
round() function, 362, 788
round-half-to-even () function, 788
round-tripping. See namespace fixup
RTF (Rich Text Format), 46
Rubik's cube, 44
rule based design pattern, 37, 645
rule based stylesheets
advantages of, 620
features of, 620
rules for HTML output, 385
rules for text output, 389
running the stylesheet, 11, 752

XSLT 2.0 Programmer's Reference
NetBeansв„ў IDE Field Guide: Developing Desktop, Web, Enterprise, and Mobile Applications (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 764569090
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 324 © 2008-2017.
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