
Color serializable

System.Drawing (system.drawing.dll) struct

The Color structure is a value type that represents a point in the RGB color space, with optional support for a transparency alpha channel.

You can obtain the value of a particular Color by using one of the static properties that return a well-known web color. Alternatively, FromArgb() allows you to define a specific color from its red, green, blue, and alpha components . FromKnownColor() allows you to create a Color from an entry in KnownColor enumeration, and FromName() takes a string containing the name of well-known color.

There is also a special field, Empty , which represents a null color. This is necessary because Color is a value type, and therefore nullness cannot be represented by a null reference. It is usually used when a class can optionally inherit its color from an ambient property (e.g., the ForeColor of a Control is inherited from its Parent if set to Empty ). The IsEmpty property allows you to check for nullness.

There are properties that allow you to retrieve the A , R , G , and B values of the color, and the color's Name (either the well-known name or a string description of the ARGB values as appropriate). In addition, there are methods GetHue() , GetSaturation() , and GetBrightness() to transform the values to the HSB color space.

If you need to know whether a color is well-known, you can use the IsKnownColor , IsNamedColor , and IsSystemColor properties.

The Color structure is used pervasively throughout the framework wherever color is needed.

 public struct  Color  {  // Public Static Fields  public static readonly Color  Empty  ;  // = Color [Empty]   // Public Static Properties  public static Color  AliceBlue  {get; }    public static Color  AntiqueWhite  {get; }    public static Color  Aqua  {get; }    public static Color  Aquamarine  {get; }    public static Color  Azure  {get; }    public static Color  Beige  {get; }    public static Color  Bisque  {get; }    public static Color  Black  {get; }    public static Color  BlanchedAlmond  {get; }    public static Color  Blue  {get; }    public static Color  BlueViolet  {get; }    public static Color  Brown  {get; }    public static Color  BurlyWood  {get; }    public static Color  CadetBlue  {get; }    public static Color  Chartreuse  {get; }    public static Color  Chocolate  {get; }    public static Color  Coral  {get; }    public static Color  CornflowerBlue  {get; }    public static Color  Cornsilk  {get; }    public static Color  Crimson  {get; }    public static Color  Cyan  {get; }    public static Color  DarkBlue  {get; }    public static Color  DarkCyan  {get; }    public static Color  DarkGoldenrod  {get; }    public static Color  DarkGray  {get; }    public static Color  DarkGreen  {get; }    public static Color  DarkKhaki  {get; }    public static Color  DarkMagenta  {get; }    public static Color  DarkOliveGreen  {get; }    public static Color  DarkOrange  {get; }    public static Color  DarkOrchid  {get; }    public static Color  DarkRed  {get; }    public static Color  DarkSalmon  {get; }    public static Color  DarkSeaGreen  {get; }    public static Color  DarkSlateBlue  {get; }    public static Color  DarkSlateGray  {get; }    public static Color  DarkTurquoise  {get; }    public static Color  DarkViolet  {get; }    public static Color  DeepPink  {get; }    public static Color  DeepSkyBlue  {get; }    public static Color  DimGray  {get; }    public static Color  DodgerBlue  {get; }    public static Color  Firebrick  {get; }    public static Color  FloralWhite  {get; }    public static Color  ForestGreen  {get; }    public static Color  Fuchsia  {get; }    public static Color  Gainsboro  {get; }    public static Color  GhostWhite  {get; }    public static Color  Gold  {get; }    public static Color  Goldenrod  {get; }    public static Color  Gray  {get; }    public static Color  Green  {get; }    public static Color  GreenYellow  {get; }    public static Color  Honeydew  {get; }    public static Color  HotPink  {get; }    public static Color  IndianRed  {get; }    public static Color  Indigo  {get; }    public static Color  Ivory  {get; }    public static Color  Khaki  {get; }    public static Color  Lavender  {get; }    public static Color  LavenderBlush  {get; }    public static Color  LawnGreen  {get; }    public static Color  LemonChiffon  {get; }    public static Color  LightBlue  {get; }    public static Color  LightCoral  {get; }    public static Color  LightCyan  {get; }    public static Color  LightGoldenrodYellow  {get; }    public static Color  LightGray  {get; }    public static Color  LightGreen  {get; }    public static Color  LightPink  {get; }    public static Color  LightSalmon  {get; }    public static Color  LightSeaGreen  {get; }    public static Color  LightSkyBlue  {get; }    public static Color  LightSlateGray  {get; }    public static Color  LightSteelBlue  {get; }    public static Color  LightYellow  {get; }    public static Color  Lime  {get; }    public static Color  LimeGreen  {get; }    public static Color  Linen  {get; }    public static Color  Magenta  {get; }    public static Color  Maroon  {get; }    public static Color  MediumAquamarine  {get; }    public static Color  MediumBlue  {get; }    public static Color  MediumOrchid  {get; }    public static Color  MediumPurple  {get; }    public static Color  MediumSeaGreen  {get; }    public static Color  MediumSlateBlue  {get; }    public static Color  MediumSpringGreen  {get; }    public static Color  MediumTurquoise  {get; }    public static Color  MediumVioletRed  {get; }    public static Color  MidnightBlue  {get; }    public static Color  MintCream  {get; }    public static Color  MistyRose  {get; }    public static Color  Moccasin  {get; }    public static Color  NavajoWhite  {get; }    public static Color  Navy  {get; }    public static Color  OldLace  {get; }    public static Color  Olive  {get; }    public static Color  OliveDrab  {get; }    public static Color  Orange  {get; }    public static Color  OrangeRed  {get; }    public static Color  Orchid  {get; }    public static Color  PaleGoldenrod  {get; }    public static Color  PaleGreen  {get; }    public static Color  PaleTurquoise  {get; }    public static Color  PaleVioletRed  {get; }    public static Color  PapayaWhip  {get; }    public static Color  PeachPuff  {get; }    public static Color  Peru  {get; }    public static Color  Pink  {get; }    public static Color  Plum  {get; }    public static Color  PowderBlue  {get; }    public static Color  Purple  {get; }    public static Color  Red  {get; }    public static Color  RosyBrown  {get; }    public static Color  RoyalBlue  {get; }    public static Color  SaddleBrown  {get; }    public static Color  Salmon  {get; }    public static Color  SandyBrown  {get; }    public static Color  SeaGreen  {get; }    public static Color  SeaShell  {get; }    public static Color  Sienna  {get; }    public static Color  Silver  {get; }    public static Color  SkyBlue  {get; }    public static Color  SlateBlue  {get; }    public static Color  SlateGray  {get; }    public static Color  Snow  {get; }    public static Color  SpringGreen  {get; }    public static Color  SteelBlue  {get; }    public static Color  Tan  {get; }    public static Color  Teal  {get; }    public static Color  Thistle  {get; }    public static Color  Tomato  {get; }    public static Color  Transparent  {get; }    public static Color  Turquoise  {get; }    public static Color  Violet  {get; }    public static Color  Wheat  {get; }    public static Color  White  {get; }    public static Color  WhiteSmoke  {get; }    public static Color  Yellow  {get; }    public static Color  YellowGreen  {get; }  // Public Instance Properties  public byte  A  {get; }    public byte  B  {get; }    public byte  G  {get; }    public bool  IsEmpty  {get; }    public bool  IsKnownColor  {get; }    public bool  IsNamedColor  {get; }    public bool  IsSystemColor  {get; }    public string  Name  {get; }    public byte  R  {get; }  // Public Static Methods  public static Color  FromArgb  (int  argb  );    public static Color  FromArgb  (int  alpha  , Color  baseColor  );    public static Color  FromArgb  (int  red  , int  green  ,  int  blue  );    public static Color  FromArgb  (int  alpha  , int  red  , int  green  , int  blue  );    public static Color  FromKnownColor  (KnownColor  color  );    public static Color  FromName  (string  name  );    public static bool operator  !=  (Color  left  ,  Color  right  );    public static bool operator  ==  (Color  left  ,  Color  right  );  // Public Instance Methods  public override bool  Equals  (object  obj  );  // overrides ValueType  public float  GetBrightness  ();    public override int  GetHashCode  ();  // overrides ValueType  public float  GetHue  ();    public float  GetSaturation  ();    public int  ToArgb  ();    public KnownColor  ToKnownColor  ();    public override string  ToString  ();  // overrides ValueType  } 


System.Object System.ValueType Color

Returned By

Multiple types

Passed To

Multiple types

. Net Windows Forms in a Nutshell
.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003382
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 794 © 2008-2017.
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