
The Continue statement is essentially the opposite of Break. When the Break statement is encountered, PowerShell returns immediately to the beginning of a loop like For, ForEach, and While. You can also use Continue with Switch.

Here's a script that doesn't use Continue:


image from book
 #SwitchNoContinue.ps1 $var="PowerShell123","PowerShell","123","PowerShell 123" Switch -regex ($var) { "\w" {write-host $_" matches \w"} "\d" {write-host $_" matches \d"} "\s" {write-host $_" matches \s"} Default {write-host "No match found for"$_ } } 
image from book

When this script is run, all matching code blocks are run since there are multiple possible matches:

 PowerShell123 matches \w PowerShell123 matches \d PowerShell matches \w 123 matches \w 123 matches \d PowerShell 123 matches \w PowerShell 123 matches \d PowerShell 123 matches \s PS C:\> 

If we want the switch statement to only run code after the first match, then we can use Continue, which will keep processing each element in $var:


image from book
 #SwitchContinue.ps1 $var="PowerShell123","PowerShell","123","PowerShell 123" Switch -regex ($var) { "\w" {write-host $_" matches \w" ;       continue} "\d" {write-host $_" matches \d" ;       continue} "\s" {write-host $_" matches \s" ;       continue} Default {write-host "No match found for"$_ ;       } } 
image from book

This is the same script except with the addition of Continue. When run, the script produces the following output:

 PowerShell123 matches \w PowerShell matches \w 123 matches \w PowerShell 123 matches \w PS C:\ > 

Because each element of $var matches the \w regular expression, only the block of code associated with that part of the Switch statement is executed.

Windows PowerShell. TFM
Internet Forensics
ISBN: 982131445
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 289 © 2008-2017.
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