

  • SQL Server 2005 supports native XML data by using the xml data type.

  • You can store XML data into a "typed" or "untyped" xml data type.

  • "Typed" xml data types require the assignment of a Schema Collection one or more schemas that have been stored in the SQL Server XML Schema Collection repository.

  • Using a Schema Collection allows you to provide multiple versions of a schema.

  • The query method extracts parts of an XML instance.

  • The value method extracts a scalar value from an XML instance.

  • The exist method provides an existential check on an XML instance.

  • The nodes method yields instances of a special XML data type, each with its context set to a different node than the XQuery expression evaluates to.

  • The modify method permits modifying parts of an XML instance.

  • You can create a primary XML index on an xml column.

  • The secondary PATH index is used for path-based queries.

  • The secondary PROPERTY index is used for property bag scenarios.

  • The secondary VALUE index is used for value-based queries.

  • XQuery provides the FLWOR expression syntax, which is an acronym for for-let-where-order-return and is pronounced flower.

  • You can still use the FOR XML clause to produce XML data, and FOR XML PATH lets you control the combination of XML data and non-XML data.

  • The ADO.NET SqlXml class lets you work with the SQL Server xml data type.

  • The SqlDataReader class contains a GetSqlXml method to retrieve XML data.

  • When you assign a schema to the SQL Server XML Schema Collection, the schema is parsed and stored. Non-schema data and annotations are not stored.


Programming Microsoft ADO. NET 2.0 Applications. Advanced Topics
Linux Application Development (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 735621411
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 85 © 2008-2017.
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