R1C1 reference style, 51, 119–120
syntax, 120
random number function. see Rnd function
Range method, 126
Range object
Intersect property, 109
Offset property, 109–111
properties of, 107
properties, referencing, 109
Resize property, 109, 111
Rows property, 108–109
SpecialCells method, 132
Range property, 94–97
arguments for, 95
borders, adding, 127–130
cells in, referencing by attribute, 132
as collections of cells. see Cells
as collections of rows and columns. see Columns property; Rows
constant values for, 121
counting cells in, 97
filling with formulas, 123–127
names of, 96
naming, 285, 293
offset, selecting. see Offset property
referencing, 108–109
referring to, with addresses, 94–97
relative, referencing, 109–113
resizing when selecting. see Resize
selecting, 96–97
Value property. see Value property
variables as, 115
read-only properties, 78, 83
read-write properties, 83
Record Macro button, 6
recording macros, 6
deleting extra lines after, 17–18, 43
relative references vs. absolute
references, 58–60
Rectangle class, 185, 187
regions, referencing. see CurrentRegion property
Relative References option, 58–60
reports, printing, 329–331
Resize property, 109, 111
customizing with VBA, 281
Developer tab. see Developer tab (Ribbon)
Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, xiii
Rnd function, 238, 241
Rows property, 101–103
rows, worksheet
height, specifying, 176–177
hiding, 318
referencing by number, 102
referencing by range, 103
run mode, 267–268
Run Sub/UserForm button, 305
run-time errors, 246
ignoring, 249–251
trapping, 256–259
running macros, 8, 19
multiple times. see loops
from Quick Access Toolbar, 22–23
with shortcut keys, 8–9
step by step, 20, 42–45
step by step, editing statements
during, 44
by using macros, 63–64
running to the cursor, 232