

paradigm shifts, 35, 41
passion, 117 , 120, 155, 243
patents, 202, 203, 2045
peer recognition, 74
Penguin Mints, 2301
people management, 143
perceptions, 25, 47, 232
performance building, 1679
personal communication, 139
personal responsibility, 45
Pizza Hut, 197
planning for strategic innovation, 1719   see also strategic planning
play, 689
political environment, 9, 10
portfolio risk, 214
positive change, 125
˜Post-it Notes, 1023
price competition, 101, 1023
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 81
privatisation, 4
problem solving, 194
process innovation, 204
process optimisation , 137, 146
product belief, 229, 2425
product development, 179, 227, 2301 , 236, 242 see also new products/ services
product differentiation, 202, 203, 2045
product innovation, 162
product life cycle/span, 10, 190, 196
product viability, 2356
profit sharing, 143
profit sources, 2026
profitability, 161 , 180, 188, 189, 191, 197, 204, 205, 215, 230
project management, 147
project risk, 214
protectionism, 190
protest groups, 10
psychographic niche, 225
purpose, 162, 163

Innovation and Imagination at Work 2004
Innovation and Imagination at Work 2004
Year: 2005
Pages: 116 © 2008-2017.
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